

“This is a national emergency. Everyone in the world today is at risk. The experience of Nigeria opens the eyes of the world,” Minister of Health Onyebuchi Chukwu told the country’s House of Representatives. Nigerian authorities moved quickly late Wednesday, gathering isolation tents as five more cases of the Ebola Virus were confirmed in Lagos, a city bursting with 21 million people.

All five people are believed to be health workers who had direct contact with one man traveling from Ebola-ridden Liberia to Nigeria − making this country the fourth now infiltrated by the deadly disease.

ナイジェリア保健相Onyebuchi Chukwuはナイジェリア下院で「これは国家的危機である。今日の世界の誰もに感染のリスクがある。ナイジェリアの経験は世界の眼を開いた」と述べた。2100慢人がひしめく都市でラゴスで、さらに5人のエボラ感染者が確認されると、水曜(2014/08/06)遅くに、ナイジェリア当局は迅速に動き、隔離テントを集めた。

A nurse who treated him reportedly died Wednesday. “Yesterday the first known Nigerian to die of Ebola was recorded,” Chukwu told reporters in Abuja on Wednesday. “This was one of the nurses that attended to the Liberian. The other five [newly confirmed] cases are being treated at an isolation ward.”


[Lindsey Bever: "Ebola spreads to Nigeria. Goverment declares emergency." (2014/08/07) on WashingtonPost]
既に報道されているように、2週間前にリベリアからナイジェリアに到着したPatrick Sawyer(47)が空港で倒れたところから、ナイジェリアへのエボラ感染が始まっている。このとき、ナイジェリア当局の反応がゆるかったことも既に明らかになっている。
Lagos sate health commissioner Jide Idris said this week that doctors didn’t initially realize Sawyer was infected with Ebola, a virus with symptoms similar to other tropical diseases.
“It is possible in the first day, probably the second day, in the course of doing this, a lot of those health workers got infected,” Idris told reporters in Lagos. The doctors isolated him “immediately when they realized that ‘Oh this man came from Liberia.’ … That’s when they alerted us.” All of the people infected in Lagos had direct contact with Sawyer.

今週、ラゴス州保健監督官(State Health Commissioner)Jide Idrisは「医師たちは最初はSawyer(リベリアからの感染者)が、ほかの熱帯病と症状が似ているエボラに感染しているとは認識しなかった。初日か翌日には、この過程で、多くの医療関係者が感染していた。感染者がリベリアから来たことに気づいて直ちに医師たちは感染者を隔離した。その時点で我々に報告が来た。」ラゴスの感染者はすべてSawyerと直接に接触した人々だけである。

[Maram Mazen: "A bustling city tries to avoid becoming the next Ebola hotspot" (2014/08/07) on Time]

According to local news reports, Nigerian authorities first downplayed the risk of exposure. Then on Tuesday, Idris disclosed that the infected man had come into some sort of contact with at least 70 people – airline passengers, airport workers and healthcare professionals − all of whom have been placed under surveillance. Seven have been quarantined, he said.


[Lindsey Bever: "Ebola spreads to Nigeria. Goverment declares emergency." (2014/08/07) on WashingtonPost]

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