Elsewhere, the outbreak is expected to continue for some time. WHO’s operational response plan extends over the next several months. Staff at the outbreak sites see evidence that the numbers of reported cases and deaths vastly underestimate the magnitude of the outbreak.シエラレオネとリベリアの感染者数はほぼ同じだが、明らかにリベリアが急増に見える。このような状況を、国境なき医師団PresidentのJoanne Liuは「常に動き続ける最前線」と評している。
[WHO Ebola News 2014/08/14]
MSF President Joanne Liu, speaking after a 10-day trip to West Africa, compared the current Ebola outbreak to a "wartime" situation. "It's like a front line, it's moving, it's advancing, but we have no clue as to how it is going to go around."
MSF's Liu said the "emergency within the emergency" of the current outbreak was the heavy toll inflicted on health workers. ... What we face today ... is that people don't have access to basic health care. So more today are dying of malaria than are dying of Ebola," Liu said.
[STEPHANIE NEBEHAY AND UMARU FOFANA: "Ebola-hit states plead for more help, WHO rebuked for slow response" (2014/08/15) by Reuters]
- ギニアの状況は春から変わらず、だらだらと新たな感染者を出している。
- シェラレオネでは7月まで新規神瀬者数が増大していたが、7月中旬以降は、週間100名程度で推移。
- リベリアは7月下旬から急激に悪化。
それはそれとして、感染拡大が止まらず、"Cordon sanitaire"(感染地域の検疫封鎖)をギニア・リベリア・シエラレオネは最初の感染地帯である国境地帯に対して行っている。
Plans for the new cordon were announced on Aug. 1 at an emergency meeting in Conakry, Guinea, of the Mano River Union, a regional association of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, the three countries hardest hit by Ebola, according to Agence France-Presse. The plan was to isolate a triangular area where the three countries meet, separated only by porous borders, and where 70 percent of the cases known at that time had been found.Cordon sanitaireは、封鎖地域内には飢餓が起きて、さらなる犠牲者を出すこともありうる。それでも、感染を制圧できるだろうが。
[Dobald G. McNeil Jr.; "Using a Tactic Unseen in a Century, Countries Cordon Off Ebola-Racked Areas" (2014/08/12) on NY Times]