Local witnesses told Agence France Presse that there were armed men among the group that attacked the clinic. As many as 29 potentially Ebola-infected patients fled, the news agency reported.また、BBCなどの報道によれば、警官隊は威嚇射撃を行ったが、群集を解散させられなかった。さらに、「Officials said blood-stained bedding looted from the centre posed a serious infection risk (当局者によれば、センターから略奪された血まみれのベッドは深刻な感染リスクである)」
目撃者がAgence France Presseに語ったところによれば、武装した集団が診療施設を襲った。エボラに感染している可能性のある患者が最大29名逃走したと地元報道機関が報道している。
"They broke down the doors and looted the place. The patients all fled," said Rebecca Wesseh, who witnessed the attack and whose report was confirmed by residents and the head of Health Workers Association of Liberian, George Williams.
「男たちはドアを壊して、略奪しました。患者はみんな逃げました」と襲撃を目撃したRebecca Wessehは述べた。これは周辺住民及び、Health Workers Association of Liberian代表George Williamsによって確認された。
The attack comes just one day after a report of a crowd of several hundred local residents, chanting, 'No Ebola in West Point,' drove away a burial team and their police escort that had come to collect the bodies of suspected Ebola victims in a slum in the capital, Reuters reports. The mob then forced open an Ebola isolation ward and took several patients out, many saying that the Ebola epidemic is a hoax.
この襲撃は「『エボラはWest Point(Monroviaの地区名)にはエボラは存在しない』と叫ぶ数百名の地元の群集が、首都のスラムでエボラ感染が疑われる死体を収集しに来た埋葬チーム及び護衛警官隊を追い出した」というReutersの報道があった翌日に起きた。群集はエボラ隔離施設に押入り、患者を連れ出した。多くがエボラ流行はホラだと言っていた。
[Report: Armed men attack Liberia Ebola clinic, freeing patients (2014/08/17) on CBS News]
A crowd of people angry about an Ebola outbreak that has killed 86 people across Guinea attacked a centre where people were being held in isolation, prompting an international aid group to evacuate its team, officials said Saturday.また、2014年7月時点で、ギニアには保安上の理由で立ち入れない村落が20あり、12は感染者が居住していると推定されている。
The violence took place in the southern town of Macenta, where at least 14 people have died since the outbreak emerged last month. The mob of people who descended upon the clinic accused Doctors Without Borders health workers of bringing Ebola to Guinea, where there had never previously been any cases.
[Ebola clinic in Guinea evacuated after attack (2014/08/05) by The Associated Press]
This month, Doctors Without Borders classified 12 villages in Guinea as “red,” meaning they might harbor Ebola but were inaccessible for safety reasons.赤十字や人類学者などが現地にアプローチしているものの、なかなか強固に敵対している人々には対処できていないようである。
[NY Times 2014/07/28 via CBS News]
There are 20 villages in southern Guinea where Doctors Without Borders, the main humanitarian agency fighting the crisis, can no longer go because of deep hostility toward healthcare workers.
[LA Times 2014/07/03 via CBS News]