


Mr Nyenswah said after the attack that 29 patients at the centre were being relocated and readmitted to an Ebola treatment centre located in the facility of the country's John F Kennedy Memorial Medical Center.

However, Jina Moore, a journalist for Buzzfeed who is in Monrovia, told the BBC that 10 people had been freed by their relatives on Friday night and 17 had escaped during the looting the next day.

Rebecca Wesseh, who witnessed the attack, told the AFP news agency: "They broke down the door and looted the place. The patients have all gone.

保健省副大臣Tolbert Nyenswahは、「襲撃後29名は、国内のJohn F Kennedy Memorial Medical Centerに設置されたエボラ治療センターに移され、再入院した」と述べた。

しかし、モンロヴィア滞在中のBuzzfeedのジャーナリストJina MooreはBBCに「10人が家族によって金曜夜に連れ出され、17名が翌日の襲撃で逃走した」と述べた。

襲撃を目撃したrebecca WessehはAFPに「彼らは扉を壊して押し入った。患者は全員逃走した」と述べた。

["Ebola crisis: Confusion as patients vanish in Liberia" (2014/08/17 updated) on BBC]
During the raid, as many as 30 suspected Ebola patients fled, but some have now been brought to another hospital, Assistant Health Minister Tolbert Nyenswah said late Sunday. It wasn't clear how many of those who fled had been tracked down or how authorities were identifying them.

None of those who fled had been confirmed with Ebola and the process of screening them is continuing, Mr. Nyenswah said.

[Ebola Virus: Liberian Authorities Start Re-Hospitalizing Patients Who Fled Clinic (2014/08/18) by The Associated Press]

Assistant Health Minister Tolbert Nyenswah said protesters had been unhappy that patients were being brought in from other parts of the capital.

Other reports suggested the protesters had believed Ebola was a hoax and wanted to force the quarantine centre to close

保健省副大臣Tolbert Nyenswahは「抵抗者たちは、患者が首都の他地区から、ここ(West Point)に運ばれてきたことが不満だった」と述べた。


["Ebola crisis: Confusion as patients vanish in Liberia" (2014/08/17 updated) on BBC]
“They said, ‘The president says you have Ebola, but you don’t have Ebola; you have malaria. Get up and go out!’” Jemimah Kargbo, who works at the clinic next door, told Buzzfeed.

診療所の隣で働いているJemimah KargboはBuzzfeedに「彼らは言っていた。『大統領は君らはエボラに感染していると言っている。しかし、君らはエボラに感染していない。マラリアだ。目を覚ませ! ここを出ろ!』」と語った。

[Terrence McCoy: "Why the escape of numerous Ebola patients in Liberia’s worst slum is so terrifying" (2014/08/18) on WashingtonPost]

West point, Monrovia

ところで、問題のWest pointはこのあたりにある:

Washington Postによれば、ウェストポイントはリベリア内戦のときに難民が流れ込んで、人口過剰のスラムとなった。
The slum of West Point, which health officials have considered quarantining, is populated by some of the poorest people in West Africa, most of whom have few resources or training to adequately treat or quarantine sick residents. Dominated by rusted shanties of corrugated iron, crime and drug abuse, analysts contend the overcrowded and densely populated peninsula could become another hot zone in the worst Ebola outbreak in history.

“It’s an informal community, a ‘slum,’ with no running water or toilets,” wrote Moore. “People can live seven or more to a single dwelling, and the density is dangerous: A positive Ebola patient disappearing into the maze of metal shacks can be a public health horror story.”

Residents agreed. “As I speak, the police station is deserted,” one resident named Moses Teah claimed in an interview with FrontPageAfrica. “There is no security now in West Point. I said to myself, ‘What a place.’ West Point people really shocked me yesterday.”

West Point’s population surged during Liberia’s civil war between 1989 and 2003, which killed a quarter-million people and displaced 1.3 million. Thousands fled fighting in the countryside and pushed into West Point, populating the community with refugees and child soldiers who grew into adulthood in the slum. It became one of the least hospitable places in the country.

“West point is the worst slum in Liberia,” commented Vice Media journalist Shane Smith in a documentary he did on Liberia. “Which makes it one of the worst slums in Africa, which makes it one of the worst slums in the world.”


Getty ImageのJohn Mooreは「そこは非公式コミュニティ、すなわちスラムであり、流水もトイレもない。人々は一軒の家に7人以上住んでいる。危険なほどの人口密度だ。エボラ陽性患者が、この迷路のような町にまぎれこんだら、公衆衛生上のホラーストーリになりうる」と述べた。

住人たちも同意する。FrontPageAfricaとのインタビューで、住人の一人Moses Teahは「言ったように、警察署には人がほとんどいない。ウェストポイントに安全はない。『なんて場所だ』と。ウェストポイントの人々には昨日、本当に衝撃を受けた」と述べた。


リベリアで撮ったドキュメンタリーで、Vice MediaのジャーナリストShane Smithは「ウェストポイントはリベリア最悪のスラムだ。アフリカ最悪のスラムのひとつであり、世界最悪のスラムのひとつだ」と述べている。

[Terrence McCoy: "Why the escape of numerous Ebola patients in Liberia’s worst slum is so terrifying" (2014/08/18) on WashingtonPost]
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