

Back in early December, a little boy in southern Guinea caught a mysterious disease. He had a fever, was vomiting and had blood in his stool.

The boy died a few days later. Before he did, he passed the disease to his 3-year-old sister, his mother, his grandmother and a midwife. The latter was eventually hospitalized in Gueckedou, a nearby city of 200,000 people.

By March, the disease spread to four cities. And international health officials realized they had an Ebola outbreak on their hands.


[MICHAELEEN DOUCLEFF: "Could A 2-Year-Old Boy Be 'Patient Zero' For The Ebola Outbreak?" (2014/08/25) on NPR]
2014年3月23日にはWHOのリリースが出て、4月16日付で、ここまでの追跡結果が論文発表されている。しかし、この2歳の少年は発端患者ではなく、それより前の感染者は不明だという。現地から米国に戻ったばかりのCDCの感染症専門医のPierre Rollinによれば...
Rollin thinks these two kids were likely early cases of the outbreak but not the first cases. "Lots of people are talking about patient zero," Rollin says. "It's not patient zero. It's [that] the chain stopped there [at the boy] because we cannot find anybody else or nobody can remember anything."


To find the origin of the outbreak, a team with Doctors Without Borders went to Gueckedou and interviewed people whose relatives had died of what looked like Ebola. "So it was a virtual chain," Rollin says. None of the cases were confirmed in the lab. And by the time researchers reached people, many had a hard time remembering what had happened months ago.


[MICHAELEEN DOUCLEFF: "Could A 2-Year-Old Boy Be 'Patient Zero' For The Ebola Outbreak?" (2014/08/25) on NPR]

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