
メモ「リベリアのスラムWest pointの足りない埋葬地」

CBS Atlantaなども「リベリアで路上放置したいを犬が食べていて、エボラ感染拡大の懸念がある」という報道をしている。ただし、NewDawnの記事引用の形で、そのNewDawnは"were reportedly seen"という表現を使っていて、直接の確認はできていないようである。
The residents of the Mount Barclay Community within the Johnsonville Township, outside of Monrovia woke up on last Friday morning in total dismay when the remains of dead Ebola victims were reportedly seen, eaten by dogs, something reminiscent of the brutal civil war here, when dogs ate dead bodies on the streets.
The burial was done in a hurry at night following a standoff in the day between residence and the Ministry of Health burial team. The former had refused to grant the authority a piece of land to carry out the burial. The dogs, in their numbers, were seen pulling the bodies out of the shadowed grave and hastily eating them.

[E. J. Nathaniel Daygbor: "Dogs feed on Ebola victims" (2014/08/26) on NewDawn]

Dr Stephen Korsman from the UCT medical virology division told News24 that dogs and pigs are so far the only domestic animals identified as species that can be infected with the Ebola virus.

According to Korsman infections appear to be asymptomatic, "this means that dogs won't get sick but they still could carry a potential risk through licking or biting".

[Liberia: Dogs eat remains of Ebola victims (2014/08/26) on news24]

なお、半月ほど封鎖隔離されていたスラムWest Point(首都モンロヴィアの小さな半島状地形)では、そもそも埋葬地が足りていないとの問題があった。
Liberia−Those living in this country's capital are jammed so tightly together there's not much room for a grave. So at night, fishermen row some of the dead to sea and bury them on a nearby island.

Ebola is ravaging Liberia, and yet nobody knows how many people the disease has killed. That epidemiological blind spot makes it especially difficult to estimate how many body bags, doctors and hospital beds West Africa will need in months to come.

The World Health Organization says roughly half of the 3,069 people who have fallen ill with Ebola have died, 694 of them in Liberia. But the numbers are vastly undercounted, it says, because the true toll is buried in places like the island off this city's shore.


リベリアはエボラの猛威にさらされ、誰も何人がエボラで死んだかわからない。疫学的盲点であるWest pointでは、どれだけ死体バッグ・医師・病床が必要なのか推定するのが困難である。


[Drew Hinshaw: "In Liberia, Burial Practices Hinder Battle Against Ebola"(2014/09/01) pn WSJ]
WSJの報道によれば、West Pointとコンテナヤードの間あたりの名もなき島に、漁師たちが死体を埋めている。そのような死体の一部はエボラ感染者かもしれないが、もはや確かめようもない。したがって、感染の全容が見えないという問題ともなっている。

posted by Kumicit at 2014/09/03 07:34 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Disease | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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