

A Texas hospital patient has tested positive for Ebola, making the patient the first case diagnosed in the United States. The test was conducted at the state public health laboratory in Austin. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed the positive result.

The patient is an adult with a recent history of travel to West Africa. The patient developed symptoms days after returning to Texas from West Africa and was admitted into isolation on Sunday at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas.

テキサスの病院の患者がエボラ検査で陽性となり、米国で最初の症例となった。検査はAustinの州公衆保健ラボで行われた。CDCは陽性の結果を確認した。患者は成人で、西アフリカへの最近の渡航歴がある。患者が西アフリカからテキサスに到着して数日後に症状が現れ、DallasにあるTexas Health Presbyterian Hospitalに2014/09/28に隔離された。
[Texas Confirms Ebola Case -- News Release -- September 30, 2014 on Health Department, Texas]
同日のCDCのThomas Friedenセンター長の記者会見でも...
"An individual traveling from Liberia has been diagnosed with Ebola in the United States," Thomas Frieden, director of the CDC, said in a conference call Tuesday afternoon.

This person who is infected left Liberia on Sept. 19 and arrived in the U.S. the following day with no symptoms. They began showing symptoms four days after arriving in the U.S.
"The bottom line here is that I have no doubt that we will control this importation, or this case of Ebola, so that it does not spread widely in this country," he said. "It is certainly possible that someone who had contact with this individual could develop Ebola in the coming weeks. But there is no doubt in my mind that we will stop it here."

「リベリアに渡航した人物が米国でエボラと診断された」と2014/09/30午後のCDCのThomas Friedenセンター長の記者会見で述べた。


[Elahe Izadi, Mark Berman and J. Freedom du Lac: "CDC confirms first case of Ebola in the U.S." (2014/09/30) on Washington Post]
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas officials said in a statement on Monday that an unnamed patient was being tested for Ebola and had been placed in "strict isolation" due to the patient's symptoms and recent travel history.

2014/09/29にDallasのTexas Health Presbyterian Hospitalは、匿名の患者のエボラ検査を行っている途中で、冠者の症状と最近の渡航歴から、「厳格な隔離」を行っていると述べた。

[MARICE RICHTER:"CDC experts to deploy to Texas if patient has Ebola: official" (2014/09/30) by Reuters]

The United States is discussing the possible use of experimental drugs or blood plasma from a recovered Ebola patient as a potential treatment for a patient in Texas diagnosed with Ebola, a top health official said on Tuesday.

Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said it was the first confirmed case to be diagnosed in the United States.

米国は実験医薬品あるいは回復したエボラ患者の血清を、エボラ治療の可能性として、テキサスでエボラと診断された患者に対して処方することを検討していると、2014/09/30にCDCセンター長が述べた。CDCセンター長Dr. Thomas Friedenは米国で最初のエボラ診断症例であると述べた。

[Julie Steenhuysen: "U.S. considering experimental drugs for Texas Ebola patient -CDC" (2014/09/30) by Reuters]


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