On Sunday, police and sheriff’s deputies located a missing homeless man who may have been exposed to the Ebola virus through contact with the first patient to be diagnosed with the virus in the U.S. The man, who hasn’t been named, had gone missing on Saturday.また、感染者Duncan氏と同じ救急車で搬送された人物が...
U.S. Judge Clay Jenkins, Dallas County’s top official, said the homeless man was at low risk of contracting the disease, meaning he didn’t have close contact with Thomas Eric Duncan, who became ill after arriving in the U.S. and was sick for four days here before being hospitalized.
ダラス郡の最上位の合衆国判事Clay Jenkinsによれば、米国で発症し、4日後に隔離されたThomas Eric Duncanと、このホームレスの男は緊密な接触をしておらず、感染のリスクは小さい。
[ANA CAMPOY and BETSY MCKAY CONNECT: "Ebola Case in Dallas Points Out Flaws" (2014/10/05) on WSJ]
The man, who had shared an ambulance with Mr. Duncan, was put under monitoring again Sunday, according to county officials. He didn’t have a fever when he was checked on Saturday, according to authorities.
[ANA CAMPOY and BETSY MCKAY CONNECT: "Ebola Case in Dallas Points Out Flaws" (2014/10/05) on WSJ]
The vast majority of those being monitored aren’t under quarantine orders, meaning they are free to move about as long as they submit to health checkups daily for 21 days, the maximum incubation period for Ebola. Only four of the 48− Louise Troh, the woman Mr. Duncan was staying with, and three others at her apartment−are under quarantine after they failed to comply with a request to stay put.今のところ、感染者eric Duncan氏以外への感染は見られず、事態は平穏に推移している。しかし、感染防止活動から漏れた例があることは今後の感染者入国に際しての課題と見られている。
モニタリング対象者の大半は隔離されておらず、エボラ潜伏期間最長である21日間にわたり日次ヘルスチェックを報告すれば、自由に歩き回れる。自宅での隔離がなされているのは、感染者Ericを泊めた女性Louise Trohと同じ集合住宅の3名である。この4名は、自宅待機要請に反して外出していた。
[ANA CAMPOY and BETSY MCKAY CONNECT: "Ebola Case in Dallas Points Out Flaws" (2014/10/05) on WSJ]