For a few days now, Monrovia and its environs seem to be experiencing a reduction in the movement and sirens of ambulance vehicles unlike previous days. There are even reports of empty beds at some of the Ebola Treatment Units, especially the ELWA center operated by the medical charity-Medicins Sans Frontieres. Even if the foregoing assertions are something to confirm, the conclusion may not even be that the war against the deadly Ebola disease is subsiding in Liberia.とはいえ、シエラレオネと国境を接する地域は危機迫っている。この報道の翌週(2014/10/16)には、西部国境地域に感染拡大が及んでいる。
Liberian health workers must only be hailed for continuously being at the forefront of the battle against Ebola until it is completely eradicated from the country. Even, through their efforts and professional diligence, if Liberia was making progress against the disease, very little is heard about other parts of the country, especially Western Liberia that borders neighboring Sierra Leone.
With news of the alarming rate of the Ebola virus in rural Sierra Leone again, the spread of the disease across the borders is something to seriously worry about. It is no secret that the movement of people along the porous border line is still constant on a daily basis, and the possibility of an outbreak in Western Liberia may just be very broad. Even though there may be an Ebola Treatment Unit at the Tubmanburg Government Hospital in Bomi County, the attention of the Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, must now be drawn to the country’s western border region in the wake of news of the increase or rapid spread of the virus in neighboring Sierra Leone.
シエラレオネ辺境ではエボラが再急増しており、国境を越えるエボラ感染が広まってくることは憂慮すべき事態である。簡単に越えられる国境線を越える移動は日々続いており、西リベリアでのアウトブレイクの可能性は大きいだろう。Bomi郡のTubmanburg Government Hospitalにはエボラ治療ユニットがあるが、隣国シエラレオネでのエボラの急速な感染拡大にニュースが始まっており、リベリア政府は保健省を通じて、これら西部国境地域(Gbarpolu郡・Grand Caoe Mount郡・Lofa郡Vaunt Belt)に、注意喚起を行わなければならない。
[Editorial Team: "Ebola: Attention to western Liberia" (2014/10/10) on NewDawn Liberia]
A report from Gbarpolu County speaks of the spread of the Ebola Virus Disease in Gounwulala District. An Executive of the Gbarpolu Citizens Association-Bong Chapter told our Bong County correspondent on Wednesday that the virus has seriously hit the region thereby threatening the lives of ordinary people in the absence of medication.シエラレオネ・ギニア・リベリアの国境線は、事実上、行き来自由な状態にあり、感染拡大を止めようがない。これら三国を同時に制しない限り、感染拡大が国境線を往復して終わりが来ない。
Mr. Milton Gertee is urging the Gbarpolu County Legislative Caucus and local leaders of the County to draw the attention of the National Ebola Taskforce in combating the disease in the District. The Bong County Gbarpolu Citizens Association Executive member said the District was sharing borders with Bong County and as such, there was an urgent need for authorities of Gbarpolu to work alongside their Bong County counterparts in fighting the epidemic.
Gounwulala地区へのエボラ感染拡大の報がGbarpolu郡からあった。2014/10/15にGbarpolu市民協会のBong Chapterの代表が我々のBong郡駐在員に語ったところによれば、エボラが医療を受けられない普通の人々の生命を脅かしている。
Mr. Milton GerteeはGbarpolu郡委員会と郡の指導者たちに、この地域での全国エボラタスクフォースのエボラ対応の関心を引くようにも求めた。Bong郡Gbarpolu市民協会の代表は、この地域はBong郡と接しており、感染拡大と戦うために、Gbarpolu地区の責任者たちはBong郡と強調する必要があると述べた。
[Papa Morris: "Ebola Spreads to District in Gbaporlu" (2014/10/16, 2014/10/20) on NewDawn Liberia]