- Dr. Edouard Broussalian
Mission Ebola (2014/10/12)は削除された(pepijnvanerpによるスクショ)。 - Medha Durge
Facebookには関連する記述はなく、DailyMailの記事がコメントなくシェアされているのみ。 - Richard Hiltner
Facebookに関連する記述なし。 - Ortrud Lindemann
Karen AllenがOrtrun Lindemannからのメールを転載していた(pepijnvanerpによるコピー)が、現在は削除されている。
Our team returned from the mission healthy and well, but with different results than we had intended. Having arrive on 17 October, the four volunteers had received six days of introduction to national health authorities and instruction in Ebola safety protocol before proceeding to the Hospital in which they were supposed to work. But, somewhat surprisingly and due to a few diplomatic problems, they were not allowed to administer homeopathic remedies to the EVD patients as an adjunct to the WHO protocols.リベリア保健当局はホメオパスたちの活動を阻止したもよう。これはまた、4人のホメオパスたちがエボラに感染するリスクをほぼ無に等しくしたという点でも、彼らの祖国にとっても、良い結果だった。
Existing EVD patients, already treated under WHO protocols, had to be managed under that therapy without homeopathic intervention because our volunteers were not allowed to enter the ETU’s (Ebola Treatment Units).Thus, we were unable to apply homeopathy on Ebola patients during this mission.
Since the incidence of Ebola Virus Disease was already declining in that district, and Liberia in general, no new patients with Ebola were admitted to that hospital during the volunteers’ stay, which lasted until 7 November 2014.
While awaiting decisions from the Health Ministry, the team treated very severe non-EVD patients who did arrive, regardless of their disease. Both hospital and clinic out-patients were seen and treated, with impressive results. The results were so promising that the LMHI were requested on departure to establish a program of homeopathic teaching and treatment in the Hospital The mission’s broader goal of bringing homeopathy to Liberia is therefore underway, thanks to the four volunteers and their work.
We wish to thank the volunteers, the donors, our hosts in Liberia who supported us, and everyone who participated in the effort to get this team to Liberia, and to bring them home again safely.
[Mission to West Africa (2014/11/11) on LMHI]
When Mail Online went to the hospital to find the doctors, assistant administrator Patrick Mantor said they had left. 'There were four of them. One left earlier and three of them left last Friday.4人のホメオパスたちは、ホメオパシーは使わないと当局に告げたが、LMHIの記述によれば、実際には使ったもよう。
'They came first to do some homeopathic treatment but the paper arrangement was not made with the ministry of health. They said another group might come.
'They were seeing people with pains and weakness. I wasn't present when they were doing this so I don't know how they treated them. I don't know anything about homeopathy.
'The process is going on in their absence so that they can come back with the proper paperwork.'
デイリーメイルが病院で医師たちに会おうとしたが、副責任者Patrick Mantorによれば、既に出立していた。「4人がここにいた。1人は先に、3人は先週金曜日(2014/11/07)に出立した。彼らは、もともと何らかのホメオパシー治療をしに来たが、保健省の許可は下りなかった。彼らは別のチームが来るかもしれないと言っていた。彼らは痛みのある人々や衰弱した人々を診ていた。彼らが診ていたとき、私はいなかったので、どう治療していたかはわからない。私はホメオパシーについて何も知らない。彼らがいない間に手続きが進んでいるので、適切な書類処理すれば戻ってこれるだろう」
Dr Moses Massaquoi, head of Ebola case management for the Liberian health ministry, confirmed that the homeopaths had gone to Ganta but he said he was unaware that they were homeopaths when they first arrived.
'I didn't know that they were going to do homeopathy,' he said.
He said that the homeopaths had been told that they were not to try to practice homeopathy on Ebola patients, but they were allowed to go to the hospital to help out as physicians.
'They said they wouldn't use any homeopathy,' he said.
リベリア保健省のエボラ感染者管理責任者のDr. Moses Massaquoiは、4人のホメオパスたちがGanta病院を離れたことを確認したが、彼らが最初に来た時はホメオパスだとは知らなかったと述べた。「彼らがほめおパシーをやるとは知らなかった」
[Gethin Chamberlain (Ganta, Liberia) And Simon Tomlinson (London): "EXCLUSIVE: Homeopaths sent to deadly Ebola hotspot to treat victims with ARSENIC and SNAKE VENOM" (2014/11/14) on DailyMail]