Giant Bacteria over half a millimeter long (visible to the naked eye) living in the gut of surgeonfish is found to have over 300 times more DNA (1 trillion base pairs) than humans (3 billion base pairs). I believe this is now the largest known amount of DNA in a single cell having knocked aside the previous record holder amoeba dubia at ~200 times more DNA than humans.これに対して、まず次のようなコメントがついた(Uncommon Descentのコメント欄はモデレートされているので、敵対コメントは掲載されない)。
ニザダイの腸に生息する肉眼でも見える巨大バクテリアのDNA(1兆塩基対)がヒト(300万塩基対)の300倍も多いことがわかった。単細胞のなかにあるDNA量では、amoeba dubiaの200倍の記録を超える最大のものだと思う。
[DaveScot: Gigantic Bacteria has 300 Times More DNA than Human Cells (2007/05/04) on Uncommon Descent]
1: SCheesman 05/04/2007 4:03 pm情報量保存なインテリジェントデザインとしては、普通に出てくる考えである。フロントローディングにしてしまえば、鞭毛の配備とかのデザインの自然界への持ち込み方法を最初の1回に押し付けられる。これは不明としておいても、それ以降の進化について、すべてデザインと宣言してしまえる。
An interesting ID-based research project on such an organism: suppose that evolution has been the result of a front-loaded program that has been working itself out to produce us after a few billion years, beginning with far more DNA than is needed just by it, and this is one of those proto-cells from which everything descended.
How about searching the DNA for the coding to proteins etc. needed for eyes, flagella etc.?
If you found it, it would be slam-dunk victory for ID.
そんな生物についての面白いインテリジェントデザイン研究プロジェクト: 進化が、必要量より遥かに膨大なDNAから始まって、数十億年後に我々を自発的に作り出すようなフロントローディングされたプログラムの結果である。これは、すべての生物の系統のもとたるプロトセルのひとつである。
4: skwayred 05/05/2007 4:49 am
Isn’t a discovery such as this an evidence for evolution? I mean, since some bacteria actually have larger numbers of DNA, then perhaps, all the DNA (genetic information) needed to form the diversity we now have is indeed already present from the get-go (like this kind of bacteria).
Just a thought.
このような発見は進化の証拠ではないか? バクテリアの幾つかは実際に大量のDNAを持っているから、我々が現在見ている生物の多様性を実現するための、すべてのDNA(遺伝情報)がこのようなバクテリアのように最初からあった。
Bresler et al.:"Gigantism in a Bacterium, Epulopiscium fishelsoni, Correlates with Complex Patterns in Arrangement, Quantity, and Segregation of DNA", J Bacteriol. 1998 November; 180(21): 5601-5611polyploidy(倍数性)とは「生物あるいはその生活環の一時期において、生存に必要な最小限の染色体の1組(ゲノム)を何セット持つかを示す概念」であり、polyteny(多糸性)とは「染色体が分離することなくDNAが増殖を繰り返しそのまま束になって巨大な形態を示すもの」である。
Content and distribution of basic proteins, histones, acidic proteins and DNA, as well as the interaction of basic proteins with DNA, were studied microfluorometrically within nucleoid bodies of the gigantic eubacterium Epulopiscium fishelsoni living in the guts of the algivorous surgeonfish Acanthurus nigrofuscus. The fine structure of the bacterial nucleoid was studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The mean content of basic proteins, histones and acidic proteins per nucleoid was directly proportional both to cell volume and DNA amount, proving that these proteins are integral components of bacterial chromatin. The maximal DNA quantity of ~10 12 base pairs nucleoid -1 was found in the largest specimens of 354,000 µm 3 volume (150-fold more then in human lymphocyte). Binding of proteins to DNA was strongest in cup-like nucleoids at the end of the bacterial life cycle, and weakest in enlarged and elongated nucleoids in mid-cycle. Contact fluorescent microscopy and TEM revealed a non-homogenous distribution of these proteins within the nucleoids, as well as the presence of giant polytene chromosome(s). We assume that the unusual genetic and morphological peculiarities, particularly increased polyploidy and polyteny, as revealed in E. fishelsoni, are the results of specific adaptations to the chemical conditions in the host's gut.
なお、これをちゃんと読んだBob O'Hは次のようにコメントしている。
5: Bob O'H 05/05/2007 8:35 amしかし、アホはどこにでもいるもの。
According to the abstract, the large amount of DNA is due to polyploidy and polyteny, in other words one chromosome being replicated several times. I can’t see that this helps the front-loading hypothesis: the evidence isn’t that the bacterium has more genes, only more copies.
7: shaner74: 05/05/2007 12:02 pmこれは、"若い地球の創造論"の基本パターンなんだけどね。たとえば...
One thing to note is that despite the amount of DNA, the bacteria is still bacteria. Hasn’t turned into a mushroom or pelican yet.
==>Carl Wieland: New eyes for blind cave fish? on Answers in Genesis
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