... But the one that really caught my ear was the brief discussion of evolution.
John McCain was asked directly, “Do you believe in evolution?”
John McCain上院議員が「進化論を信じているか?」と直接質問された。
The answer, after a brief pause, was a simple, if somewhat uncomfortable, Yes.
At this point Chris Matthews asked the ten candidates as a group to raise their hand if they did not believe in evolution. Kansas senator Sam Brownback raised his hand very quickly, closely followed by former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee. A moment later, after hesitating to see how many other people would raise their hands, came Tom Tancredo. No one else raised his hand.
ここで、司会者Chris Matthewsが10人の候補者たちに、進化論を信じないなら手を挙げるように求めた。カンザス州の上院議員Sam Brownbackはただちに挙手した。すぐに続いて、前アーカンソー州知事Mike Huckabeeも挙手した。ひといきおいて、他に何人が挙手したかを見てから、Tom Tancredoが挙手した。他は挙手しなかった。
At this point, McCain decided that he'd better embellish his answer a bit. So he said, “I believe in evolution, but I also believe that when I hike the Grand Canyon and see a sunset that the hand of God is there also.”
Translation: Whoops! I might have offended religious voters. Better throw in some canned, cliched, insincere remark about God.
I was a bit surprised that former Virginia governor Jim Gilmore and California representative Duncan Hunter didn't raise their hands. They're pretty right-wing. But I'm sure people like Rudy Giuliani and former Wisconsin governor Tommy Thompson have no problem with evolution, and were probably just happy the question went away as quickly as it did.
前ヴァージニア州知事Jim Gilmoreとカリフォルニア州の下院議員Duncan Huterが挙手しなかったのはちょっと驚き。彼らはまったくのRight-Wingだからだ。しかし、Rudy Giulianiと前ウィスコンシン州知事Tommy Thompsonは進化論については何の問題もないと思う。そして、進化論についての質問がすぐに終わって、たぶん喜んでいたと思う。
[Jason Rosenhouse: "The Republicans on Evolution"(2007/05/04) on EvolutionBlog]
討論番組はストリーミングでも見れる。進化について質疑はほんのわずかだったが、Jason Roeshouse助教授の記述どおりの光景を確認できた。確かに、McCain上院議員は割り込みな発言をしていた。
==>MSNBC: Republican Debate
Two odd moments - the first on the subject of evolution.
Three of the candidates indicated that they did not believe in it.
None is a front-runner but even so there will be American scientists who will feel deeply depressed that serious politicians in 2007 can be disputing the entire thrust of modern knowledge about how the world was formed and how it, well, evolved.
[War and evolution as Republicans debate(2007/05/04) on BBC]
一応、挙手したSam BrownbackとMike HuckabeeとTom Tancredoの支持率がどの程度か見ておく。こういうときは、世論調査よりも予測市場の方があたっていたりする。なので、メジャーな予測市場の動向を見ると、Intradeだけが泡沫候補まで予測証券を扱っていて、確かに3名とも泡沫状態。
[2008大統領選予測市場速報(Intrade, Iowa Electronic, News Future) on Slate.Com]世論調査でも同様だった。
[2008大統領選世論調査集 on Polling Report.Com]ちなみに、大統領選共和党候補選びの本来の注目点は、Rudy Giuliani前NY市長に引き離されていたJohn McCain上院議員が巻き返し中なところ。
Quinnipiac University Poll. April 25-May 1, 2007. N=469 Republican voters nationwide. MoE - 4.5.
"If the 2008 Republican primary for president were being held today, and the candidates were [see below], for whom would you vote?"
4/25 - 5/1/07 2/13-19/07
% %
Rudy Giuliani 27 40
John McCain 19 18
Fred Thompson 14 n/a
Newt Gingrich 8 10
Mitt Romney 8 7
Mike Huckabee 2 2
Sam Brownback 1 1
Duncan Hunter 1 2
George Pataki 1 1
Tommy Thompson 1 1
Jim Gilmore - -
Chuck Hagel - -
Ron Paul - 1
Tom Tancredo - 1
Other 2 1
Wouldn't vote 1 -
Unsure 16 15
Cook Political Report/RT Strategies Poll. April 27-29, 2007. N=258 registered voters nationwide who are Republicans or lean Republican. MoE - 6.1.
"I am going to read a list of people who might seek the Republican nomination for president in 2008, and I will read the list twice. I would like you to tell me who would be your FIRST CHOICE for the nomination. . . ." Names rotated
4/27-29/ 3/29-4/1 2/15-18 11/9-12 8/25-27 6/1-4
2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006
% % % % % %
Rudy Giuliani 28 34 32 27 32 24
John McCain 21 17 23 25 20 29
Mitt Romney 12 6 10 9 5 8
Fred Thompson 10 10 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Newt Gingrich 6 9 13 10 10 6
Mike Huckabee 2 2 1 2 2 -
Tom Tancredo 2 - 2 1 3 3
Tommy Thompson 2 3 1 n/a n/a n/a
Sam Brownback 1 1 2 1 1 1
Chuck Hagel 1 - 1 - - 1
Duncan Hunter 1 - 1 - n/a n/a
Ron Paul 1 - n/a n/a n/a n/a
Jim Gilmore - 1 1 n/a n/a n/a
George Pataki 2 4 2 1 4
Other (vol.) 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Unsure 13 13 8 19 14 15
Bill Frist n/a n/a 4 8 5
George Allen n/a n/a n/a 4 3