In a 1988 survey by Goldstein and colleagues, the researchers surveyed two physician provider groups: the American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA) -- a group of alternative medicine clinicians limited to physicians and medical students -- and three groups of family medicine (FM) physicians from California[14]. Their findings were quite telling. Where 45 percent of the AHMA sample felt spiritual healing had "much value for medical practice", only 9 percent of the FM sample had a similar view. In addition, 54 percent of the AHMA felt that spiritual healing had "some or much value and utilized it in [their] practice." In contrast, one in five, or 20 percent, of FM physicians had same view.どこまで回答が誠実かわからないが、スピリチュアル経験あるいは宗教経験により、通常医師が代替医療へと方向を変えることが、かなりあるようだ。
The researchers also surveyed he physicians' view concerning "laying on the hands." While 20 percent of AHMA physicians felt it was "much value for medical practice", only 3.5 percent of FM physicians held that view. Concerning whether they felt it to be of "some or much value" and utilized in [their] practice", 30 percent of the AHMA sample agreed, as opposed to about 6 percent of the FM group.
The researchers looked more closely at how religious or spiritual experiences had shaped the views of the two physician samples. Mean spirituality socres for the AHMA group were twice those of the FM group. Almost half of the AHMA physicians viewed spiritual factors to be "very important" in shaping their views of health, versus one-seventh of the FM group. Interestingly, physicians from the AHMA were more likely than those from the FM to have had spiritual or religious experiences (76 percent versus 40 percent) or in the last two years (32 percent versus 12 percent), or to have had "peak or transcent" experiences (72 percent versus 36 percent), While 60 percent of the AHMA physicians viewed religion or spirituality as "very important", only 18 percent of te California FM physicians felt similarly.
研究者は、宗教的あるいはスピリチュアルな経験が、2種の医師たちの見方の形成にどう影響したか、詳しく見た。 AHMAの回答者の平均のスピリチュアルスコアは、FMの2倍だった。AHMAのほぼ半数が、健康についての見方の形成に、スピリチュアルな要因が「非常に重要」だったと回答したが、FMでは1/7だった。AHMAの医師たちは、FMの医師たちに比べて、スピリチュアルあるいは宗教的経験が多く(76% vs 40%)、過去2年間でのスピリチュアルあるいは宗教的経験が多く(32% vs 12%)、絶頂あるいは超越経験をしたころが多かった(72% vs 36%)。60%のAHMA医師が宗教あるいはスピリチュアリティを「非常に重要:だと回答したが、カリフォルニアのFMでは18%だった。
[14] Michael S. Goldstein, Carol Sutherland, Dennis T. Jaffe, Josie Wilson: "Holistic physicians and family practitioners: Similarities, differences and implications for health policy",Social Science & Medicine, Volume 26, Issue 8, 1988, Pages 853–861
[ [David B. Larson and Susan S, Larson: "Spirituality in Clinical Care: A Brief Revice of Patient Desire, Physian Response, and Research Opportunities" in The Role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Accommodating Pluralism (edited by Daniel Callahan)]
By far the greatest reason given (51.7%) was "spiritual or religious experiences." [8]
[8] Goldstein MS, Jaffe DT, Sutherland C. Physicians at a holistic medical conference: Who and why? Health Values 10:3-13, Sept/Oct 1986.
[William T. Jarvis, Ph.D.: "Why Health Professionals Become Quacks"]