記事は、Stephen Josslerという、それらしい著者名とそれらしい顔写真つきで、「三畳紀以外は進化論、そこだけ神様の介入があった」と主張したもの。これはもちろん、"古い地球の創造論"や"若い地球の創造論"や進歩的創造論はもとより、インテリジェントデザインを含むあらゆる創造論が主張する
- 生命の起源は神様(デザイナー)だ
- 現生人類(ホモ・サピエンス・サピエンス)は特別に創造(デザイン)された
For a half-dozen million years, life advanced from prokaryotes to primitive fish to mammal-like reptiles via natural selection, and we're supposed to believe that that just continued happening? I don't think so. Isn't it much more likely that a formless, invisible deity intervened, temporarily stopped the course of evolution, and shaped each and every trilobite over a period of six days? Of course it is, at least to any objective observer.
幾百万年もかけて、生命は自然選択により、原核生物から原始的な魚類へと、そして哺乳類のような爬虫類に発展した。そして、我々はこれがそのまま続いて進行したと思っている。しかし、私はそうは考えない。無定形で不可視の神が、一時的に進化を止めて、6日間ですべての三葉虫の形をつくった? もちろんそうだ。少なくとも客観的な観測者にとっては。
So, if you follow my reasoning to its logical end, the only sound conclusion is that, at some point, God paused evolution and stepped in, made a few modifications, and boom! Pterosaurs. There is simply no way evolution alone could be responsible for the giant leap between archosaurs and other, different archosaurs with better developed hip joints and slightly differently shaped teeth.
Everything about the Triassic period points to divine involvement. Let me ask you this: Could some kind of random genetic chance make the population of shelled cephalopods grow significantly? No, of course not. So the only logical explanation is that there was an infinite and all-knowing cephalopod creator who modified their mollusk foot into a muscular hydrostat that eventually, on the sixth day, became tentacles.
In the beginning, there were a few billion years of speciation and gene drift. And then nothing. And then, God made the lungfish and the trilobites, the ichthyosaurs and ammonoids with more complex suture patterns. He also made a couple new ferns.
And the Lord saw that these slight modifications were good, and allowed evolution to resume as normal in the Jurassic period and on up to the present day.