

Sasha Rudenstine and Sandro Galea (2011)は、災害における人々の行動をモデル化するにあたり、「脆弱性」と「対処能力」という言葉を定義した。
Several disciplines have come to agree that the initial hazard, whether it be natural, technological, or human-made, is not an isolated predictor of the events or outcomes to follow. Rather, preexisting characteristics of the affected region intersect with the hazard to shape the magnitude of the consequences of the hazard. These preexisting characteristics can produce adverse consequences but can also mitigate the consequences of hazards. We use here the term “vulnerabilities” for the former, and “capacities” for the latter.

[Sasha Rudenstine and Sandro Galea:"The Causes and Behavioral Consequences of Disasters: Models informed by the the global experience 1950-2005 (2011), p.17]





[Sasha Rudenstine and Sandro Galea:"The Causes and Behavioral Consequences of Disasters: Models informed by the the global experience 1950-2005 (2011), pp.61-62]
Capacities and vulnerabilities determined during internalizing (stage three) become the basis for targeted action, or externalizing, in this stage. The externalizing process has two substages (1) seeking redress and (2) addressing vulnerabilities and building capacities. Post-disaster actions in this stage may vary by perceptions regarding who and what was responsible for the disaster. These in turn depend in large part on the nature of the hazard and its consequences. For example, attempts at seeking redress may be more diffuse after a natural hazard compared with a technological disaster or an act of mass violence where a central “perpetrator” is readily identified. Formal investigations and trials may be used by populations to identify and formalize redress, as well as penalize the agents of the disaster on a domestic and international scale. In disasters brought on by infectious disease outbreak, quarantine against the agent of the hazard (the visibly sick) may well be the central defense mechanism adopted by the population.

Seeking redress and assignation of blame emerge from the vulnerabilities identified during internalizing in general, and more specifically, from the culpability of individuals or structures that are identified during stage three. Identified “perpetrators” can be individuals, groups, or even structural features, as in the case of natural disasters. Retributive actions may be geared toward either the proximal or fundamental cause of the disaster, or both. When structural features become the primary agent considered culpable for a disaster, blame is often attributed to those charged with minimizing vulnerability, such as the engineers of a burst dam. In other cases blame may be assigned to those charged with preventing or alleviating damage, such as those responsible for controlling disease during an infections disease outbreak.

内在化(第3段階)で特定された「対処能力」と「脆弱性」は、この段階での、対処となる行動あるいは外部化の基礎となる。外部化プロセスは2つの段階 (1) 救済を求める (2) 脆弱性への対応と対処能力の構築から構成される。この段階での災害後の行動は、災害が誰あるいは何のせいなのかの認識によって違ってくる。これらはおおよそ、災害の性質とその影響に依存する。たとえば、技術的な災害や大規模暴力のような「加害者」を容易に特定できる場合に比べ、自然災害では、救済を求める行動が広がる。救済方法の策定とともに、災害の責任者に対する国内規模あるいは世界規模の懲罰のために、正式な捜査と裁判が、住民によって使われるだろう。感染症のアウトブレイクによる災害では、災害の関与者(見た目に病気)の隔離が、住民によって採用される中心的防御手段となるだろう。


[[Sasha Rudenstine and Sandro Galea:"The Causes and Behavioral Consequences of Disasters: Models informed by the the global experience 1950-2005 (2011), p.107]


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