

Dr. Michael Beheの久し振りの新刊2Edge of Evolution"にツッコミを入れるPanda's Thumbの執筆者たちに、ゲストでAbbie Smithが加わった。

Abbie Smithが対象としたのは、BeheがHIVは突然変異しまくっても機能を変えていないことを挙げて、進化はないと主張した部分。
Like malaria, HIV is a microbe that occurs in astronomical numbers. What’s more, its mutation rate is 10,000 times greater than that of most other organisms. So in just the past few decades HIV has actually undergone more of certain kinds of mutations than all cells have endured since the beginning of the world. Yet all those mutations, while medically important, have changed the functioning virus very little. It still has the same number of genes that work in the same way. There is no new molecular machinery. If we see that Darwin’s mechanism can only do so little even when given its best opportunities, we can decisively conclude that random mutation did not build the machinery of life.

[Michael Behe: "Edge of Evolution"]
これについて、Abbie Smithは次のように誤りを指摘する。
Vpu is, in fact, a new gene[1]. Of the five major phylogenetic groups of SIV, Vpu is only found in one group– Chimpanzee SIV (SIVcpz) and its descendants – including HIV-1. It is absent in all of the other major lineages (Sooty Mangabey, African Green Monkey, Sykes Monkey, and L’Hoest Monkey). This means that Vpu is in HIV-1 but not HIV-2[2].


SIVcpz Vpu and HIV-1 Vpu act in different ways, biochemically, which is predictable enough when you do something as simple as comparing amino acid sequences. For instance, if you compare a laboratory strain gag to SIVcpz gag, you get a similarity of ~75%.[3] Not too shabby. On the other hand, if you compare the subunit portion of env (the gene I use to create phylogenetic trees because it’s the most variable between viruses) you get an AA similarity of only ~59.5%.

SIVcpz VPUとHIV-1 Vpuは生化学的に違った働きをする。これはアミノ酸シーケンスを比較するのと同じくらいのことをすれば十分に予測可能なことである。たとえば、研究室の系統のgagとSIVcpzのgagを比べれば、類似度は75%程度である。それほど違っていない。一方、系統樹を作るのに私が使った遺伝子であるenv部分のサブユニットを比べれば、アミノ酸類似度は59.5%程度となる。この部分はウィルスの間で最も変異が大きいところである。

The amino acid similarity between HIV-1 Subtype B Vpu and SIVcpz Vpu is ~37%. Ah but that study was published in 1990. Perhaps things are different now? I found the AA sequence of NL4-3 (lab standard Subtype B) and several recently entered SIV cpz sequences at the Los Alamos National Laboratory HIV Sequence Database[4] – I got the same numbers. Highest was ~39% AA sequence similarity.

HIV-1 Subtype B VpuとSIVcpz Vpuのアミノ酸類似度は37%程度である。あらら、これの研究は1990年に発表されている。おそらく今では違っているかも?研究室の標準Subtype BであるNL4-3のアミノ酸シーケンスと、最近LANLのHIVシーケンスデータベースに格納されたSIVcpzのシーケンスを比べても、類似度は違っていない。最大で39%程度である。

Turns out a LOT of evolution has been going on in HIV-1 since it was transferred to humans 50-60 years ago. What are the biochemical implications of these differences?


1. A novel gene of HIV-1, vpu, and its 16-kilodalton product
2. Diversity and Evolution of Primate Lentiviruses
3. Genetic organization of a chimpanzee lentivirus related to HIV-1
4. LANL HIV Sequence Database

[Abbie Smith: ERV & HIV versus Behe. Behe loses. (2007/08/02) on Panda's Thumb]



Beheの場合は高らかに「we can decisively conclude that random mutation did not build the machinery of life.」とやったところに、ケチがついたので、けっこうカッコ悪いことになっている。

posted by Kumicit at 2007/08/07 02:14 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Skeptic | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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