Over on Best Syndication, there is an article by Herman Cummings. For those of us in evolution/creation issues, Cummings crops up from time to time, invariably to say the following things:とっても変なやつっぽいのだが、religious rightなニュースサイトConservative VoiceやAssociated Contentに時々記事を載せている。
"Best Sydication"にHerman Cummingsの記事がある。進化・創造論争について、Cummingsが繰り返し言っている内容で、いつも次のように言う。
- Genesis has been misinterpreted by everyone.
誰もが創世記を誤解してきた。- Only one person has figured out what Genesis actually says, and his name is “Herman Cummings”.
創世記が本当に言っていることを説明できるのは唯ひとりであり、それはHerman Cummingsである。- Only one person is qualified and willing to tell others the truth about Genesis, for a fee.
[Wesley R. Elsberry: "Everything You Know About Genesis is Wrong" (2006/06/26) on Austringer]
たとえば、最近だと、Conservative Voiceに、創造論の新商品"Biblical Reality"あるいは"Observations of Moses"があるという宣伝記事を書いている。
Biblical Reality teaches that there are no “creation accounts” in Genesis, and that “Moses Didn’t Write About Creation!”. What is actually being said is “Moses wrote about Restoration”. Before the advent of “Biblical Reality”, no faction of creationism could explain both the “first day” of Moses and the “Fourth Day”, all being 24-hr days, without either denying literal interpretation or “redefining” the scriptures.
"Biblical Reality"では、創世記に創造についての説明はなく、モーゼは創造について記述していないと教える。モーゼは復活について書いたのだと言う。"Biblical Reality"の登場前は、いかなる創造論も、文字通りの字義どおりの解釈を否定するにせよ、聖書を再定義するにせよ、モーゼの第1日と第4日を24時間だとは説明できなかった。
The “six days of Moses” in Genesis chapter one are actually six consecutive (12 hour) days in 1598 BC that God revealed to Moses (on Mt. Sinai) from the ancient past. Each day was from the first week of each of seven different geological eras in “biblical order”. The only day of Creation Week which Moses saw was the “Fourth Day”. Creation Week was 168 hours, in 4.6 Billion BC, according to the geologist.
[Herman Cummings: "
Setting Creationism and Science Straight" (2007/08/18) on The Conservative Voice]
ただし、進化論と敵対するreligious rightなニュースサイトConservative Voiceのノリからすると、ちょっと違うかんじ。
でも、何故か同様の記事をAssociated ContentとConservative Voiceに載せている。
Setting Creationism and Science Straight! (2007/08/18)
Moses Didn't Write About Creation!! (2007/05/30)
The Pending Marriage of Science and Genesis (2007/05/25)
The Divorce of Science from Humanism (2007/05/09)
Evolution Vs. The "Observations of Moses" (2006/10/29)
National Certification of Science Teachers (2008/10/25)
The Historical Red Sea Crossing (2006/10/24)
Creationists Also Tells Tale Tales!! (2006/10/01)
Does Anyone Understand Genesis? (2006/09/22)
Science Teachers Need More Training! (2006/09/18)
Where Does God Live? (2006/09/06)
Why Do Science Teachers Have a License to Lie? (2006/09/02)
"聖書と科学は一致する"という死屍累々 (1) コンコーディズム以前 (2006/05/01)
"聖書と科学は一致する"という死屍累々 (2) コンコーディズム概観 (2006/05/18)
"聖書と科学は一致する"という死屍累々 (3) アクロバチックな20世紀後半のコンコーディズム (2006/05/30)