From Letter 3154 — Darwin, C. R. to Herschel, J. F. W., 23 May [1861]もちろん、scordovaもわかってやっている冗談。ちなみに教科書ステッカーとは、たとえば、Selman v. Cobb County School Districtなどで違憲判決を受けた、生物の教科書に貼る反進化論な注意書きステッカーのこと。One cannot look at this Universe with all living productions & man without believing that all has been intelligently designedI think that would make a perfect textbook sticker.
Charles Darwin, 1861
[scordova: [quote mine] Charles Darwin: “all has been intelligently designed” (2007/08/20) on Uncommon Descent]
You must permit me to have the pleasure to thank you for your kind present of your Physical Geography. I feel honoured by your gift, & shall prize this Book with your autograph. I am pleased with your note on my book on species, though apparently you go but a little way with me. The point which you raise on intelligent Design has perplexed me beyond measure; & has been ably discussed by Prof. Asa Gray, with whom I have had much correspondence on the subject. I am in a complete jumble on the point. One cannot look at this Universe with all living productions & man without believing that all has been intelligently designed; yet when I look to each individual organism, I can see no evidence of this. For, I am not prepared to admit that God designed the feathers in the tail of the rock-pigeon to vary in a highly peculiar manner in order that man might select such variations & make a Fan-tail; & if this be not admitted (I know it would be admitted by many persons), then I cannot see design in the variations of structure in animals in a state of nature,—those variations which were useful to the animal being preserved & those useless or injurious being destroyed. But I ought to apologise for thus troubling you.—となっていて、典型的な[Quote mining]になっていて、なのでscordovaもカテゴリ[Humor]でポスト。
君の"Physical Geography"という本をプレゼントしてくれて、とってもうれしいよ。光栄に思うし、サイン入りだから大事にするよ。君とは、意見がぜんぜん違っているけど、僕の"種の起源"についての君の注釈には満足してる。君がインテリジェントデザインについて言ってることには、とっても僕は困ったよ。で、この話をAsa Gray教授と、よく議論したよ。そいでもって、次の点で混乱するね。宇宙や生物や人間を見れば、インテリジェントにデザインしたとしか思えないってやつ。僕はその証拠をまったく見つけれないんだよね。人間が変異を選択して扇形の尾羽を作るれるように、神様がカワラバトの尾羽をいろんな形に設計したなんて、僕はとても考えられないんだよ。みんなはそう思うかも知れなけど、神様が設計したないとすると、自然の中にいる動物たちの形の変異は、デザインだとは考えられないことになるんだ。その動物に役に立つ変異は残り、役に立たないか害になる変異は消し飛ぶ。ま、でも、君を悩ましたことは謝っておくよ。
[Letter 3154 — Darwin, C. R. to Herschel, J. F. W., 23 May [1861]]