Analysis of Darwin's Theory ダーウィン理論の分析宗教学校向けの理科の教科書で、「Teach the Controversy」をやると、こんな記述が出てくる。
Today scientists know that the inheritance of acquired characteristics by pangenes is false. When introduced, however, Darwin's pangenes sounded interesting and scientific. The abundant examples of natural selection he gave in his works were accepted as adequate proof of pangenes. Examples of natural selection, however, have little to do with proving the inheritance of acquired characteristics through pangenes.
[William S. Pinkston et al.: "Biology for Christian Schools [TEACHER'S EDITION] (Spiral-bound)"]
UC Berkeley Newsによると、こんな記述も:
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God designed our upper extremities for both strength and dexterity; the large bones and muscles of the shoulders and arms provide great strength, while the intricate structures of the wrists and hands allow for precision movements. Each upper limb is composed of a total of 30 bones, only three of which form the arm itself; the remaining 27 bones from the wrist...
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