

University of Texasの数学科Granville Sewell教授のエッセイが、インテリジェントデザイン理論家Dr. William Dembskiと仲間たちのブログUncommon Descentに転載された。

==>My Failed Simulation (2007/09/22) on Uncommon Descent [オリジナル]

このSewell教授は、数式1本も書かずに、進化は熱力学第2法則に反すると主張した人である。これについて、James Madison University数学科のJason Rosenhouse助教授が、CSIでバッサリ斬っている。

==>Jason Rosenhouse: "Does Evolution Have a Thermodynamics Problem?" on CSI[和訳 by Kumicit]

In my 2000 Mathematical Intelligencer article , I speculated on what would happen if we constructed a gigantic computer model which starts with the initial conditions on Earth 4 billion years ago and tries to simulate the effects that the four known forces of physics (the gravitational and electromagnetic forces and the strong and weak nuclear forces) would have on every atom and every subatomic particle on our planet. If we ran such a simulation out to the present day, I asked, would it predict that the basic forces of Nature would reorganize the basic particles of Nature into libraries full of encyclopedias, science texts and novels, nuclear power plants, aircraft carriers with supersonic jets parked on deck, and computers connected to laser printers, CRTs and keyboards?

私は、2000年のMathematical Intelligencer論文で、40億年前の地球を初期条件として、4つの既知の物理的力(重力と電磁力と強い相互作用と弱い相互作用)が地球上のすべての原子と原子以下の粒子に働くのを計算をする超巨大コンピュータを創ったとしたらどうなるかを予想した。もしシミュレーションを現在まで走らせるなら、自然界の基本的な力が原子以下の粒子を再構成して、百科事典や科学の教科書や小説を満載した図書館や原子力発電所や超音速ジェット機を搭載した空母や、CRTとキーボードとレーザプリンタと接続されたコンピュータを創りだすと予測できるだろうか。

  • 山と谷と火山ができた。
  • 地球は閉鎖系ではないので、太陽エネルギーの流入を計算に加えたが、図書館やコンピュータは出現しなかった。
  • 決定論的な方程式だったので、量子力学効果を入れて確率過程も加えたが、結果は同様だった。
My friend looked at the new graphs and tried to mask his disappointment. Well, he said, of course the problem is you haven't taken into account the one force in the universe which CAN violate the second law of thermodynamics and create order out of disorder--natural selection. You mean there is a fifth force--why didn't you say so? Just give me the equations for this force and I will add it to my model. He said, I can't give you the equations, because it isn't actually a physical force, it doesn't actually move particles.


So what does it do, I asked? Well, you see, there are certain complex collections of atoms, called living things, which--unlike other collections, called nonliving things--have incredibly complex structures, and are able to do remarkable things. It almost seems as if the second law doesn't apply to them (until of course they "die"): they are able to duplicate themselves, and pass this complex structure on to their descendents perfectly for many generations, even correcting genetic errors. He went on to talk about genetic accidents, and survival of the fittest, and something called "intelligence", which allowed some of these complex collections of atoms to design computers and laser printers and the Internet. But when he finished, I still didn't know how to incorporate this marvelous force into my model, so I never did get the simulation to work. Maybe I just needed to use a different random number generator.




Jason Rosenhouseの「進化には、熱力学問題があるか?」 (2006/09/13)
創造論者の予言 (2007/07/30)
posted by Kumicit at 2007/09/23 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | ID: General | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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