Compile a list of modern beliefs, practices, or activities that reflect the philosophy of evolution rather than a biblical philosophy.The answer is found in the Teacher's Edition:
(1) Communism denies the existence of God. (2) Advances in technology will solve all of man's physical and social problems. (3) The ecumenical movement endorses humanism as the world religion. (4) Environmental control is overemphasized, and man's God-given command to exercise dominion is deemphasized.無神論(atheism)はギリシャからある。だいたい英語の無神論(atheism)の語源はギリシャ語atheos (ἄθεος)である。他も進化論とは関係ないのだが。
(1) 共産主義は神の存在を否定する
(2) 技術が発展すれば、人間の物理的および社会的問題はすべて解決される
(3) 世界教会運動は、世界宗教としてヒューマニズムを保証する。
(4) 環境制御が強調されすぎ、人間に神が与えた自然を支配するという命令が軽視される。
["Thought Question" 3, p.201]
で、この記述を受ける形で、Mike Dunfordは次のように斬る:
Moving from the indoctrination in extremist religious beliefs to the political wingnuttery, we find this on page 615:生物の教科書だが、地球温暖化否定論に入り込んでいるという指摘。
この急進宗教信仰の教義から、政治的発言へのつながりが615ページにあった。The level of carbon dioxide (CO2) is normally kept in check by green plants, which utilize it for photosynthesis. The combustion of fossil fuels like coal and petroleum also releases large amounts of CO2, which is known to be increasing in the atmosphere. The earth's temperature is kept warm enough to encourage abundant life as a result of the insulating effect of a layer of CO2 and other gasses. These gases allow sunlight to pass through but also trap the radiation that bounces off the earth, keeping it from returning to space. This is known as the greenhouse effect. Some scientists have analyzed long-term climate data and have noted a slight increase in the earth's temperature over the past century. While the data is far from conclusive, some blame CO2 and other "greenhouse gasses" for the increase. They blame this perceived global warming on car engines, electric power plants, and other major sources of CO2 emissions.On the same page of the Teacher's Edition, the authors note:
教師版では:An increase in CO2 has been positively linked to great increases in plant productivity (since it is one of the possible limiting factors for photosynthesis). We may be limiting our ability to produce higher levels of food by limiting the artificial creation of CO2.To be clear, then, the authors point out that the levels of carbon dioxide are increasing, and claim that limiting the increase might be bad because carbon dioxide is a potential limiting resource for plants. Anyone with the critical thinking skills of a turnip can spot the small issue with that (if it's an actual limiting factor, the levels wouldn't be increasing). Unfortunately, "turnip" seems to be the best description of the level of critical thinking encouraged in the Christian madrassas that use these books.
[Mike Dunford: More Bob Jones "Biology for Christian Schools" Howlers (2007/09/29) on The Questionable Authority]
創世記 9章8-11節彼らにとって、海面上昇なんてないのである。
神はノアと彼の息子たちに言われた。「わたしは、あなたたちと、そして後に続く子孫と、契約を立てる。あなたたちと共にいるすべての生き物、またあなたたちと共にいる鳥や家畜や地のすべての獣など、箱舟から出たすべてのもののみならず、地のすべての獣と契約を立てる。わたしがあなたたちと契約を立てたならば、二度と洪水によって肉なるものがことごとく滅ぼされることはなく、洪水が起こって地を滅ぼすことも決してない。」 (日本聖書協会新共同訳)
キリスト教系学校向け生物の教科書はこんなもの (1) (2007/09/21)
公立学校から子どもを取り出す福音主義者たち (2006/09/17)
米国の温暖化否定を概観する (3) 聖書に基づく温暖化否定論
米国の温暖化否定を概観する (8) まとめ