
Harun YahyaのAtlas of Creationをながめてみた (2/6)「中間化石がない+生きた化石がある」


だからこそ、創造論者が使ってはいけない「自然選択はトートロジー」を、保守の論客たるAnn Coulterは堂々と掲げた。創造論オタを相手にしていても、創造論オタ産業にしかならない。

その観点でHarun Yahyaの"Atlas of Creation"を見ると、反進化論の古典的な主張たる「中間形態の化石がない+生きた化石」を主軸としていて、創造論オタではなく、天地創造を信じる人々を対象としていると言える。Answers in Genesisが「創造論者が使ってはいけない論」に分類する「“If we evolved from apes, apes shouldn’t exist today.”(我々がサルから進化したなら、何故今もサルはサルのままなのか)」に相当する「生きた化石は進化論を否定する」をHarun Yahyaは平然と掲げる。

Claim CB930.1:
The coelacanth, thought to have been extinct for seventy million years and used as an example of a fish-tetrapod transition, is found still alive, unchanged in form, today.

Morris, Henry M., 1974. Scientific Creationism, Green Forest, AR: Master Books, pp. 82-83,89.

  1. The modern coelacanth is Latimeria chalumnae, in the family Latimeriidae. Fossil coelacanths are in other families, mostly Coelacanthidae, and are significantly different in that they are smaller and lack certain internal structures. Latimeria has no fossil record, so it cannot be a "living fossil."
    現在のシーラカンスはシーラカンス目ラティメリア科ラティメリア属のLatimeria chalumnaeである。化石のシーラカンスは主に肉鰭綱シーラカンス亜綱シーラカンス目という別の分類群に属している。彼らは現生種よりも小さく、ある内部構造を欠いている。Latimeriaの化石は見つかっておらず、したがって「生きた化石」ではありえない。

  2. Even if the modern coelacanth and fossil coelacanths were the same, it would not be a serious problem for evolution. The theory of evolution does not say that all organisms must evolve. In an unchanging environment, natural selection would tend to keep things largely unchanged morphologically.

  3. Coelacanths have primitive features relative to most other fish, so at one time they were one of the closest known specimens to the fish-tetrapod transition. We now know several other fossils that show the fish-tetrapod transition quite well.

Lindsay, Don, 2000, Living fossils like the coelacanth. http://www.don-lindsay-archive.org/creation/coelacanth.html

Further Reading:
Forey, Peter L., 1998. History of the Coelacanth Fishes. London: Chapman & Hall.
Harun Yahyaの"Atlas of Creation"のVol.1とVol.2には結論めいた記述がある。そのうち、Vol.2の結論には、まさに「シーラカンスは進化論の反証だ」と記されている。Vol.1の結論にはシーラカンスへの言及はないが、主張は同じ。


The theory of evolution, an outdated 19th century concept, has completely collapsed in the face of today's scientific facts. Darwinists have no scientific reply to offer in the face of the fossil record, which deals the most severe blow to the theory of evolution.


Darwinists cannot point to a single fossil suggesting that evolution ever took place, and resort to various means that they hope will camouflage this defeat they have suffered: Sometimes they attempt to portray fossils from various extinct species as intermediate forms, even though there is no truth to this whatsoever. Sometimes they seek to prove evolution -- in their own eyes, at least -- by pointing to counterfeit fossils. At other times, they try to deceive the public by way of completely imaginary illustrations. In doing all this, they also employ misleading headlines such as "Missing Link Found!" or "Our Ancestors Were Microbes" or "New Discovery Proves Evolution" in an effort to give the impression that the theory of evolution is unquestionable fact.


These methods may have been successful through the later 1800s and early 1900s, when science and technology were not as advanced as now. But in the 21st century, all the lies of evolutionists have been brought to light leaving Darwinists in a helpless position.


Today, even young children are becoming aware that there are no intermediate fossils pointing to evolution, that human beings are not descended from apes, that the highly developed and complex structures of living things cannot be accounted for in terms of the theory of evolution, and that Darwinism is the worst fraud in the history of science.


As revealed in the verse: "No indeed, it is one of their blatant lies to say" (Surat as-Saffat, 151), God tells us in the Qur'an that unbelievers turn their backs on faith by constantly coming up with falsehoods of one kind or another. Darwinists resort to various deceptions and make all kinds of unscientific claims in order to avoid having faith themselves and also to turn others away from religious moral values.


Indeed, it is emphasized in one verse: "And even though they [unbelievers] used to say..." (Surat as Saffat, 167) that those who have no faith constantly come up with excuses. Yet they will soon see and understand the truth. It is revealed in many verses that the time will come when unbelievers will realize and understand the truth. These verses tell us, in allusive terms, that Darwinists will also see the truth. Some of these verses read as follows:

もちろん、これは次の一節でも信仰心のない者は常に言い訳ばかりをすると強調されている。「また、かれら信心者はいつも言っていた」(アッ・サーファート167節) しかし、彼らはやがてはすぐに気づくだろう、そして真実を理解するだろう。信心者がやがては真実に気付き、理解する時が来るということは多くの一節で明らかにされている。これらのコーランの一節は、暗示的に、ダーウィニストもまた真実を見る日が来ることを示唆しているのだ。そういったいくつかの節をご紹介しよう。

But they have rejected it and they will soon know! (Surat as Saffat, 170)
Leave them to eat and enjoy themselves. Let false hope divert them. They will soon know. (Surat al Hijr, 3)
Let them be ungrateful for what We have given them! Let them enjoy themselves -- they will soon know! (Surat al-'Ankabut, 66)


We hope that Darwinists, too, will also abandon their illogical stubbornness and accept the facts that everyone can see so clearly. The truth revealed by science is that the theory of evolution is wrong, and that the universe and living things are the creation of God.


Fossils, some examples of which have been provided in this book, are all important proofs of God's creation. It is noted in several verses of the Qur'an that there is evidence above and beneath the ground that shows the fact of creation. For example, verse 137 of Surat as-Saffat states:
And you pass over them.


In all likelihood, this verse is referring to the fossil record that lies below the ground and reveals the true history of life. There are countless fossil specimens beneath the ground all over the world that show that living things have stayed the same since the moment they first came into existence and have not changed over the course of hundreds of millions of years -- in short, that they never underwent evolution. All these fossils show that living things came into being fully formed and flawless, with all their complex features -- in other words, that they were created by God.


Our Almighty Lord has created all living things in the finest form. All entities are manifestations of the might and greatness of God. Faced by these manifestations, a person's duty is to employ his or her reason and conscience and reflect that the universe has been created with a definite wisdom, to be grateful to our Lord, God, and to serve Him in the best possible way.


God is the Creator of everything and He is Guardian over everything. The keys of the heavens and Earth belong to Him. It is those who reject God's signs who are the losers. (Surat az Zumar, 62-63)

[Atlas of Creation Vol.1 pp.612-613]

Why, in his Origin of Species, did Darwin refer to living fossils as causing such a great difficulty? Why, faced with these fossils, did evolutionist scientists feel the need to abandon their claims regarding gradual evolution and manufacture a new theory? Why did the capture of a living coelacanth come as such a disappointment, silencing those evolutionists who had pinned all their hopes on it? What is it about living fossils that has inflicted such a collapse on Darwinists?

なぜ、ダーウィンは「種の起源」で、ダーウィンは大きな困難を伴いながら、生きた化石について述べたのか? なぜ、これらの化石に直面して、進化論者の科学者は、漸進的進化についての主張を断念して、新しい理論を捏造する必要を感じたのか? なぜ、生きているシーラカンスの捕獲は、それにすべての望みをかけた進化論者を沈黙させて、失望させたのか? そのような崩壊をダーウィニストに課した生きた化石は何を語るのか?

It is that living fossils declare the fact of Creation.


The disappointment that Darwinists feel is due to their ideological devotion to their theories. In fact, they have seen their theory demolished, but ignore this, even though they are perfectly well aware of it. That they even resort to deceptive methods to cover it up is one of the greatest proofs of this. Instead of admitting the fact of Creation in the face of living fossils, they resort to irrational, illogical theories devoid of any scientific evidence. They seek to conceal living fossil specimens and eliminate millions of examples, while giving pride of place to hand-made hoaxes -- a clear indication of their fears. The way that museums display countless fabricated fossil "reconstructions" and depict highly complex life forms like the coelacanth as examples of intermediate forms, while hiding away in the museum vaults fossils of species that still exist today is most thought-provoking.


How scientific is it to adapt evidence to a theory, when the theory cannot be proven? By what right do evolutionists suggest that their claims are proven and scientific, even though they have no evidence whatsoever? Why does the scientific evidence they come up with embarrass them instead of supporting them? What compels evolutionists to stand by their theory, despite the increasing weight of evidence against it?

理論が証明できないとき、証拠を理論に適応させるのが科学的であろうか?一体、進化論者には、何の権利があって、まったく証拠がなくても、彼らの主張が証明され、科学的だと言うのか? なぜ、彼らが見つかる科学的証拠は、彼らを支持するのではなく、惑わせるのか? 不利な証拠の増加しているにもかかわらず、何が進化論者に理論を支持することを強要するのか?

The reason is that Darwinism is a false religion and system of beliefs. Because it is a dogma that can never be denied. Because it is the basis of materialist philosophy that maintains that matter has existed for all time, and that nothing exists apart from matter. That is why, although new scientific evidence further disproves the theory with every passing day, such efforts are maintained to keep it alive. Yet these have now come to an end. The deceptive methods of Darwinism and Darwinists have failed. The evidence that demolishes evolution is mounting day by day. New proofs of Creation that dash evolutionists' hopes and force them to produce new misleading explanations are constantly emerging.


That is why living fossils leave Darwinists speechless, and are quietly hidden away in museum vaults. With these methods, Darwinists try to conceal God's sublime artistry. The fact is, however, that God is He Who creates all things, Who knows all that they do, and Who keeps them under His rule at all times. God sees Darwinists as they make their plans against Him. God watches them as they seek to conceal His sublime creative artistry. He writes down all they do as they deny His existence. And, whether they believe it or not, willingly or unwillingly, they will be brought into His presence in the Hereafter.


The existence of living fossils is a sublime proof created by God in order to eliminate all Darwinist strategies and reveal all their frauds. As they strive against the true faith, Darwinists forget that God also creates the evidence for it. They are in a state of defeat from the very outset. The teaching of the theory of evolution in schools, speculation regarding evolutionist claims by various media organizations, and the support gathered from scientists are all temporary phenomena. As revealed in the verse: "Rather We hurl the truth against falsehood and it cuts right through it and it vanishes clean away! Woe without end for you for what you portray!" (Surat al-‘Anbiya, 18), God will eradicate all false beliefs.


This is the great truth of which Darwinists are unaware: God will surely baffle and disappoint those who strive against Him. It is the law of God that will truly be victorious.


Darwinists today are in a state of panic about this. Since that is so obvious, those who imagine Darwinism to be true must quickly try to see all the evidence pointing to the fact of Creation and to avoid being taken in by such a false religion as the theory of evolution. They must realize that God, Who created the world in such a flawless form, also has the power to create the eternal life of the Hereafter, because human beings can be saved only when they see and comprehend this truth. The theory of evolution, which induces people to deny God, their one Savior, and which strives to survive through constant lies and strategies, is a terrible waste of time and a terrible disappointment. Instead of realizing this in a state of great regret in the Hereafter, seeing it in this world, where all the proofs are so evident, will lead to salvation in both this world and in the Next.


What, then, of Him Who is standing over every self seeing everything it does? Yet still they associate others with God! Say: "Name them! Or would you inform Him of something in the earth He does not know, or are they words which are simply guesswork on your part?" However, the plotting of those who disbelieve seems good to them and they bar the way. Anyone misguided by God has no guide. They will receive punishment in the life of this world and the punishment of the Hereafter is harsher still. They have no defender against God. What is the Garden promised to those who guard against evil like? It has rivers flowing under it and its foodstuffs and cool shade never fail. That is the final fate of those who guard against evil. But the final fate of the unbelievers is the Fire. (Surat ar-Ra'd, 33-35)

「かれは人間各人の行う凡てのことを,監察される御方ではないか。だがかれらはアッラーに同位の者を配する。言ってやるがいい。「かれらの名を挙げよ。あなたがたは,かれが地上で知っておられないものを,かれに告げようとするのか。それとも架空な語に過ぎないのか。」いやそうではない。不信心な者は,かれらの策謀したものが立派に見えて,道から閉め出されたのである。アッラーに迷うに任せられた者には,誰も導き手はいない。 かれらに対しては,現世の生活でも罰が科せられる。だが来世の懲罰は更に厳しい。かれらはアッラー(の御怒り)に対し,守護者もないのである。主を畏れる者に約束される楽園に就いて言えば,川が下を流れ,常に果実が実り,日陰に覆れている。これが,かれら主を畏れる者の結末である。だが不信者の結末は火獄である。」(アッ・ラアド章33-35)
[Atlas of Creation Vol.2 pp.6-68]
しつこいようだが、Harun Yahyaが主張する中間形態がないという、創造論の使い古された主張に対して、もうひとつ反論例を提示しておこう。

ということで、学校教育用のUnderstanding Evolution (Berkeley.EDU)から、クジラについて:
Fossils or organisms that show the intermediate states between an ancestral form and that of its descendants are referred to as transitional forms. There are numerous examples of transitional forms in the fossil record, providing an abundance of evidence for change over time.

Pakicetus (below left), is described as an early ancestor to modern whales. Although pakicetids were land mammals, it is clear that they are related to whales and dolphins based on a number of specializations of the ear, relating to hearing. The skull shown here displays nostrils at the front of the skull.

A skull of the beluga whale that roams the seas today (below right) has its nostrils placed at the top of its skull. It would appear from these two specimens that the position of the nostril has changed over time and thus we would expect to see intermediate forms.

Note that the nostril placement in Aetiocetus is intermediate between the ancestral form Pakicetus and the modern beluga — an excellent example of a transitional form in the fossil record!

• Aetiocetus skull image courtesy of Tom Deméré, San Diego Natural History Museum.
• Beluga Whale skull image © Valley Anatomical Preparations.

Transitional Forms (1 of 2)
on Understanding Evolution (Berkeley.EDU)]


Harun YahyaのAtlas of Creationをながめてみた (1) 「生きた化石は進化論の反証」 (2007/10/15)
Harun YahyaのAtlas of Creationをながめてみた (2)「中間化石がない+生きた化石がある」 (2007/10/16)
Harun YahyaのAtlas of Creationをながめてみた (3)「奇形化石がないのは進化論の反証」 (2007/10/17)
Harun YahyaのAtlas of Creationをながめてみた (4) 実はトンデモフリーク (2007/10/18)
Harun YahyaのAtlas of Creationをながめてみた (5) 「痕跡器官は進化論の証拠ではない」(2007/10/19)
Harun YahyaのAtlas of Creationをながめてみた (6) マルサス陰謀論 (2007/10/20)
タグ:Harun Yahya
posted by Kumicit at 2007/10/16 00:01 | Comment(5) | TrackBack(0) | Creationism | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする
Posted by 匿名希望 at 2007/10/17 12:17
Posted by 匿名希望 at 2007/10/17 12:24

Harun Yahyaは還元不可能な複雑さ((c)Behe)から、超古代文明まで何でもアリ。一方で地球の歴史の時系列を否定していない。それらは、イスラム標準ではなさそうな気はしますが、トルコ方面文化事情はよくわからないので、なんとも言えません。
Posted by Kumicit 管理者コメント at 2007/10/17 23:24
「痕跡器官は機能があるから進化論の証拠ではない」というラインで言えることがないので、クジラやニシキヘビの痕跡な足みたいについて、Harun Yahyaは何も語っていません。
Posted by Kumicit 管理者コメント at 2007/10/18 21:45
訂正 すれてないといったのは最新のID使わないという点。中身はよく見るとトンデモですね。トンデモ大賞候補でしょう。
Posted by 匿名希望 at 2007/10/19 14:59



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