米国の進化論教育を守るNational Center for Science Educationによれば:
The objections of the critics were apparently heeded, even though on the floor of the Senate, Vitter insisted that the money was not aimed at promoting creationism and described the concerns as "hysterics." According to the Congressional Record, Vitter said (PDF):
明らかに批判者の声に留意し、上院議場でVitterは、補助金が創造論を推進する意図ではなく、懸念はヒステリックだと述べた。連邦議会議事録によれば、Vitterは次のように述べた:The project, which would develop a plan to promote better science-based education in Ouachita Parish by the Louisiana Family Forum, has raised concerns among some that its intention was to mandate and push creationism within the public schools. That is clearly not and never was the intent of the project, nor would it have been its effect. However, to avoid more hysterics, I would like to move the $100,000 recommended for this project by the subcommittee when the bill goes to conference committee to another Louisiana priority project funded in this bill.
Louisiana Family ForumによるOuachita Parishにおける科学に基づくよりよい教育を推進する計画を作成するプロジェクトに対して、公立学校で創造論を義務化推進する意図を持っているとの懸念が挙げられた。そのような意図はプロジェクトには明らかに全くなく、そのような影響もない。しかし、ヒステリーが高まるのを避けるために、私はこのプロジェクトへの10万ドルのこの小委員会の推薦を、この法律によって補助される別のルイジアナのプロジェクトに移したい。
[Vitter earmark withdrawn (2007/10/18)