

ひきつづき、毎度おなじみMark Isaakの創造論者の主張から「No case of macroevolution has ever been documented.」の枝番である以下3つを紹介する:

  • CB901.1. 変化の範囲は"種類(kind)"の内側に限定される。
  • CB901.2. 新しい門や綱や目は出現していない。
  • CB901.3. ダーウィンのフィンチは、小進化だけを証明する

Claim CB901.1:
Species may undergo minor changes, but the range of variation is limited to variation within kinds.

Morris, Henry M., 1974. Scientific Creationism, Green Forest, AR: Master Books, pp. 51-52, 87-88.
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, 1985. Life--How Did It Get Here? Brooklyn, NY, 109.


  1. What is a "kind"? Creationists have identified kinds with everything from species to entire kingdoms. By the narrower definitions, variation to new kinds has occurred. By the broader definitions, we would not expect to see it in historical time.
    "種類(kind)"とは何か? 創造論者たちは、"種類(kind)"を種から広大な分類単位までを同一視した。狭義では、新しい"種類(kind)"への変化は起きている。広義では、歴史的時間内では観測できるとは期待できない。

  2. Helacyton gartleri shows one example of change that would be hard to call anything other than a change in kind. It is an amoeba-like life form that came from a human (Van Valen and Maoirana 1991; evolved from a carcinoma, it spreads by taking over other laboratory cell cultures).
    Helacyton gartleriは"種類(kind)"と呼ぶ他ないものの例である。これはアメーバのような生物であって、人間起源である[Van Valen and Maoirana 1991; ヒト子宮頸癌由来の細胞で、自己増殖能力を持ち、人間と染色体数が異なる]

  3. Creationists have never hinted at, much less shown, any mechanism that would limit variation. Without such a mechanism, we would expect to see kinds vary over time, becoming more and more different from what they were at a given time in the past.

Van Valen, Leigh M. and Virginia C. Maiorana, 1991. HeLa, a new microbial species. Evolutionary Theory 10: 71-74.

Claim CB901.2:
No new phyla, orders, or classes have been observed appearing. Macroevolution remains unobserved.


  1. Evolution works almost exclusively by gradual changes. It has taken hundreds of millions of years of evolutionary divergence to produce the existing phyla, and probably hundreds of thousands of years at least for classes to develop. For a new phylum, order, or class to arise suddenly would be creationism, not evolution.

  2. Macroevolution is evolution at or above the species level, which has been observed.

  3. Evidence is not limited to seeing something happen before our eyes. Evidence for macroevolution includes the pattern of homology between organisms, the fossil sequence (including abundant transitional fossils), biogeography, and other evidence. Furthermore, there are no plausible mechanisms that would prevent macroevolution, given the variation which we observe. Indeed, plausible mechanisms leading to diversity do exist (Lee et al. 2003).
    [科学的]証拠は、目の前で何かが起きることに限定されない。大進化の証拠には、生物間の異体同形のパターンや、大量の中間形態の化石を含む化石の系列や、生物地理学や、その他を含む。さらに、我々が観察できるような変化を与える大進化を抑止するような、もっともらしいメカニズムは存在しない。実際には、多様性につながる、もっともらしいメカニズムが存在する[Lee et al. 2003]。

Theobald, Douglas, 2004. 29+ Evidences for macroevolution: The scientific case for common descent. http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/comdesc/

Lee, P. N., P. Callaerts, H. G. de Couet and M. Q. Martindale, 2003. Cephalopod Hox genes and the origin of morphological novelties. Nature 424: 1061-1065

Claim CB901.3:
Darwin's finches show only microevolution. In a long-term study, the changes were small and oscillated back and forth. They show no evidence for macroevolution.

Yahya, Harun, 2003. Darwinism Refuted, The true origin of species. http://www.darwinismrefuted.com/origin_of_species_02.html


  1. The extensive work on Darwin's finches done by the Grants shows in some detail how microevolution works, including details of transmutation and the power of natural selection (Weiner 1994). In the years that the Grants have been studying the finches, we would not expect to see macroevolution.
    Grantsによるダーウィンフィンチの広範囲な研究は、小進化がどう働くかの詳細を、突然変異の詳細と自然選択の力を含めて明らかにするものである[Weiner 1994]。Grantsがフィンチを研究していた期間で大進化が起きるとは考えられていない。

  2. Darwin's finches show a pattern of morphological differences that indicate that they all derived from a common ancestor. The difference between the woodpecker finch and the large ground finch are about as great as those within the whole finch family. Darwin's finches do not show macroevolution occurring, but they are evidence that it has occurred.

Weiner, J., 1994. (See below.)

Further Reading:
Weiner, Jonathan, 1994. The Beak of the Finch: A story of evolution in our time. New York: Knopf.

Grant, B. Rosemary and Peter R. Grant, 2003. What Darwin's finches can teach us about the evolutionary origin and regulation of biodiversity. BioScience 53(10): 965-975.

Grant, Peter R., 2002. Selected abstracts. http://www.eeb.princeton.edu/FACULTY/Grant_P/PRG_Abstracts.pdf

Kimball, John W., 2003. Speciation. http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/S/Speciation.html

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