
DembskiとJonathan Wellsによるインテリジェントデザイン副読本の一部紹介から (1)

インテリジェントデザインの数学・哲学・神学担当Dr. William Dembskiと、生物担当その2の統一教会信者Dr. Jonathan Wellsによる、インテリジェントデザイン副読本改訂版"Design of Life"の特設ページにある、本文ちょびっと紹介な「Design of Life Excerpts」を見てみよう。


  • 主張がどれくらい昔ながらの創造論にもどっているか?(創造論者の主張リストに該当項目があるか)
  • 宗教の領域にどこまで踏み込んでいるか?

"How does evolutionary ethics make sense of people who transcend their selfish genes? Genuine human goodness, which looks to the welfare of others even at one's own (and one's genes') expense, is an unresolvable problem for evolutionary ethics. Its proponents have only one way of dealing with goodness, namely, to explain it away. Mother Teresa is a prime target in this regard. If Mother Teresa's acts of goodness on behalf of the poor and sick can be explained away in evolutionary terms, then surely so can all acts of human goodness." (Ch.1 Human Origin)
いかにして、進化倫理学は、利己的遺伝子を超越する人間たちを理解するのか? 自らの費用で他人の福祉を実現しようとする、本物の人間の長所は、進化倫理学にとって解決不可能な問題である。これら人間の長所について、進化倫理学者にできることは、説明をしないことだけである。これの主たる題材はマザーテレサである。貧しきもの、病めるものへのマザーテレサの良き行動を進化論の言葉で説明できるなら、いかなる人間の長所も説明可能だろう。(Ch.1)

Claim CB411:
Evolution cannot explain moral behavior, especially altruism. Evolutionary fitness is selfish; individuals win only by benefitting themselves and their offspring.

Dembski, William A., 2004. Reflections on human origins. http://www.designinference.com/documents/2004.06.Human_Origins.pdf
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. 1985. Life--How Did It Get Here? Brooklyn, NY, p. 177.


  1. The claim ignores what happens when organisms live socially. In fact, much about morals can be explained by evolution. Since humans are social animals and they benefit from interactions with others, natural selection should favor behavior that allows us to better get along with others.

    Fairness and cooperation have value for dealing with people repeatedly (Nowak et al. 2000). The emotions involved with such justice could have evolved when humans lived in small groups (Sigmund et al. 2002). Optional participation can foil even anonymous exploitation and make cooperation advantageous in large groups (Hauert et al. 2002).
    公正さと協力は、繰り返されることで価値を持つ[Nowak et al.2000]。そのような正義を含む感情は、人間が小さな集団で生きていれば進化可能である[Sigmund et al.2002]。オプショナルな参加は、匿名の搾取をも失敗させることができて、大きな集団における協調行動を有利にする[Hauert et al. 2002]。

    Kin selection can explain some altruistic behavior toward close relatives; because they share many of the same genes, helping them benefits the giver's genes, too. In societies, altruism benefits the giver because when others see someone acting altruistically, they are more likely to give to that person (Wedekind and Milinski 2000). In the long term, the generous person benefits from an improved reputation (Wedekind and Braithwaite 2002). Altruistic punishment (punishing another even at cost to yourself) allows cooperation to flourish even in groups of unrelated strangers; the abstract of Fehr and Gächter (2002) is worth quoting in full:

    血縁選択(Kin Selection)は、近親者への利他行動を説明できる。近親者たちとはほぼ同じ遺伝子を共有しているので、近親者を助けることは、自らの遺伝子にとっても有益である。社会では、利他行動をしているのを見た者が利他行動をとりやすくなるので、利他行動は自らにも有益となる[Wedekind and Milinsk 2000]。長期的には、気前が良い者は、評判が良くなることによる利益を得る[Wedekind and Braithwaite 2002]。無関係で互いを知らないグループにおいても、自らに損害が出ても他者を罰すること(利他的罰)は、有効である。Fehr and Gächter[2002]のアブストラクトは有益なので引用する:
    Human cooperation is an evolutionary puzzle. Unlike other creatures, people frequently cooperate with genetically unrelated strangers, often in large groups, with people they will never meet again, and when reputation gains are small or absent. These patterns of cooperation cannot be explained by the nepotistic motives associated with the evolutionary theory of kin selection and the selfish motives associated with signalling theory or the theory of reciprocal altruism. Here we show experimentally that the altruistic punishment of defectors is a key motive for the explanation of cooperation. Altruistic punishment means that individuals punish, although the punishment is costly for them and yields no material gain. We show that cooperation flourishes if altruistic punishment is possible, and breaks down if it is ruled out. The evidence indicates that negative emotions towards defectors are the proximate mechanism behind altruistic punishment. These results suggest that future study of the evolution of human cooperation should include a strong focus on explaining altruistic punishment.


    Finally, evolution does not require that all traits be adaptive 100 percent of the time. The altruism that benefits oneself most of the time may contribute to life-risking behavior in some infrequent circumstances.

  2. This claim is an argument from incredulity. Not knowing an explanation does not mean no explanation exists. And as noted above, much of the explanation is known already.
    この主張は"Argument from incredulity"(無知からの論)である。説明が知らないことは、説明が存在しないことを意味しない。上述のように、多くの説明は既知である。


  1. Fehr, Ernst and Simon Gächter, 2002. Altruistic punishment in humans. Nature 415: 137-140.
  2. Hauert, C., S. De Monte, J. Hofbauer and K. Sigmund, 2002. Volunteering as Red Queen mechanism for cooperation in public goods games. Science 296: 1129-1132.
  3. Nowak, M. A., K. M. Page and K. Sigmund, 2000. Fairness versus reason in the ultimatum game. Science 289: 1773-1775.
  4. Sigmund, Karl, E. Fehr and M. A. Nowak, 2002. (see below)
  5. Wedekind, C. and V. A. Braithwaite, 2002. The long-term benefits of human generosity in indirect reciprocity. Current Biology 12: 1012-1015.
  6. Wedekind, C. and M. Milinski, 2000. Cooperation through image scoring in humans. Science 288: 850-852. See also Nowak, M. A. and K. Sigmund, 2000. Shrewd investments. Science 288: 819-820.
  7. Wright, Robert, 1994. (see below)

Further Reading:

  1. Netting, Jessa, 2000 (20 Oct.). Model of good (and bad) behaviour. Nature Science Update, http://www.nature.com/nsu/001026/001026-2.html
  2. Sigmund, Karl, Ernst Fehr and Martin A. Nowak, 2002. The economics of fair play. Scientific American 286(1) (Jan.): 82-87.
  3. Vogel, Gretchen, 2004. The evolution of the golden rule. Science 303: 1128-1131.
  4. Wright, Robert, 1994. The Moral Animal New York: Pantheon Books.
  5. Henrich, Joseph. 2006. Cooperation, punishment, and the evolution of human institutions. Science 312: 60-61.

続いては、超有名なネタ「Methinks it is like a weasel」である:
"When Eugenie Scott calls for a technician to stand over a monkey's shoulder and correct its mistakes, she commits the fallacy of begging the question or arguing in a circle. In other words, Scott presupposes the very thing she needs to establish as the conclusion of a sound scientific argument. Indeed, scientific rigor demands that we ask who in turn is standing over the technician's shoulder and instructing the technician what is and is not a mistake in the typing of Shakespeare. If the technician's assistance to the monkey is to mirror natural selection, then the technician needs to help the monkey without knowing or giving away the answer. And yet that's exactly what the technician is doing here." (Ch.7 Specified Complexity)

これはドーキンスの"METHINKS IT IS LIKE A WEASEL"のことを指している。Eugenie Scottは米国の進化論教育を守るNational Center for Science EducationのExecutive Directorであるので、Dembskiたちにとっては仇敵。なので、ここではEugenie Scottの名前を持ち出してきたのかも。

さて、このネタは10年以上前のものなので、創造論者の主張も古く、おなじみ創造論者Carl Wielandの1998年物:
Dawkins (1996) demonstrated a program that starts with a random string of letters and, via random copying errors, evolves it into the phrase "Methinks it is like a weasel" in just a few generations, demonstrating the power of natural selection unaided by intelligence. But intelligence is involved in predetermining the target sentence.

ドーキンス[1996]はランダムな文字列から始めて、ランダムなコピーエラーによって、"Methinks is like a weasel"へと数世代で、インテリジェンスによらずに自然選択によって進化するプログラムを提示した。しかし、ターゲットとする文をあらかじめ決めることで、インテルジェンスを含みこんでいる。

Gitt, Werner, and Carl Wieland, 1998. Weasel words. Creation Ex Nihilo 20(4) (Sep/Nov): 20-21. http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs/3746.asp


  1. Dawkins's simulation was plainly stated in his book to demonstrate selection, not evolution. It was intended to show the difference between cumulative selection and single-step selection. Attempts to apply Dawkins's simulation to evolution as a whole are a misreading of his book.
  2. Other evolution simulations do demonstrate all the salient features of evolution (Lenski et al. 2003). They do include a fitness function, but simulating fitness is part of simulating evolution.
    他の進化シミュレーションでは、進化の特徴をすべて例示している[Lenski et al.2003]。彼らはフィットネス関数を含んでいるが、フィットネスのシミュレーションは、進化のシミュレーションの一部である。


  1. Dawkins, Richard, 1986. The Blind Watchmaker. New York: Norton.
  2. Lenski, R. E., C. Ofria, R. T. Pennock and C. Adami, 2003. The evolutionary origin of complex features. Nature 423: 139-144. http://myxo.css.msu.edu/papers/nature2003/ See also: National Science Foundation, 2003. Artificial Life Experiments Show How Complex Functions Can Evolve. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/05/030508075843.htm

==>Dave Thomas: "Target? TARGET? We don’t need no stinkin’ Target!" (2006/07/05) on Panda's Thumb


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