
DembskiとJonathan Wellsによるインテリジェントデザイン副読本の一部紹介から (2)

インテリジェントデザインの数学・哲学・神学担当Dr. William Dembskiと、生物担当その2の統一教会信者Dr. Jonathan Wellsによる、インテリジェントデザイン副読本改訂版"Design of Life"の特設ページにある、本文ちょびっと紹介な「Design of Life Excerpts」を見てみよう....のつづき。

化学進化まわりは統一教会信者Jonathan Wellsの担当範囲かな。このあたりは、まだまだ研究進行中の分野なので、神を見出しやすいのだが..
"Most of origin-of-life research is as relevant to the real problem of life's origin as rubber-band powered propeller model planes are to the military's most sophisticated stealth aircraft." (Ch.8 The Origin of Life)

"The origin of information is not a problem of chemistry. Chemistry can be a carrier of information, but it cannot be its source." (Ch.8)

"Chemists typically do not concern themselves with the problem of the origin of information because their work presupposes a smart chemist ready to provide it!" (Ch.8)


  • 通常科学が完成の域にあって、
  • 通常科学で説明できていないことは、おそらく超自然を呼び出さずには説明がつかない

ここがアンビバレントなところ。進化論を罵倒したいが、罵倒すると、進化論に対するNegative Argumentとして実装されているインテリジェントデザインは論拠があやしくなる。まあ、Jonathan Wellsは進化論破壊担当なので、代替理論は知ったことではないかもしれないが。

"Vestigial structures are entirely consistent with intelligent design, suggesting structures that were initially designed but then lost their function through accident or disuse. Nevertheless, vestigial structures also provide evidence for a limited form of evolution. From both a design-theoretic and an evolutionary perspective, a vestigial structure is one that started out functional but then lost its function. Yet, in the case of evolution, vestigiality explains only the loss of function and not its origination. Vestigiality at best documents a degenerative form of evolution in which preexisting functional structures change and lose their function." (Ch.5 Similar Features)


創造論者の主張では、まず1974年物のHenry Morrisの主張をネタに痕跡器官の解説をしている。重要な点は痕跡器官という用語の意味:
Claim CB360:
Practically all "vestigial" organs in man have been shown to have definite uses and not to be vestigial at all.

Morris, Henry M., 1974. Scientific Creationism, Green Forest, AR: Master Books, pp. 75-76.


  1. "Vestigial" does not mean an organ is useless. A vestige is a "trace or visible sign left by something lost or vanished" (G. & C. Merriam 1974, 769). Examples from biology include leg bones in snakes, eye remnants in blind cave fish (Yamamoto and Jeffery 2000), extra toe bones in horses, wing stubs on flightless birds and insects, and molars in vampire bats. Whether these organs have functions is irrelevant. They obviously do not have the function that we expect from such parts in other animals, for which creationists say the parts are "designed."
    "痕跡"という言葉は、その器官に用途がないことを意味しない。痕跡は「何かが喪失したことにより残された跡」である[G&C Merriam 1974]。生物の例では、ヘビの脚の骨・洞窟内の魚の眼の名残[Yamamoto and Jeffery 2000]・馬の指の骨・飛ばない鳥や昆虫の翼の付け根・吸血コウモリの臼歯など。これらの器官が機能を持つかどうかは問題ではない。これらは明らかに、創造論者がデザインされた部品だと言っている、ほかの動物の同様の部品にある機能を持っていない。

    Vestigial organs are evidence for evolution because we expect evolutionary changes to be imperfect as creatures evolve to adopt new niches. Creationism cannot explain vestigial organs. They are evidence against creationism if the creator follows a basic design principle that form follows function, as H. M. Morris himself expects (1974, 70). They are compatible with creation only if anything and everything is compatible with creation, making creationism useless and unscientific.
    生物が新たなニッチへ適応するように進化するときの進化的変化が不完全であると考えているので、痕跡器官は進化の証拠となる。Henry Morrisが考えたように、創造主が基本デザイン構想に従って、機能を構成したとするなら、痕跡器官は創造論に反する証拠となる。どんなものでも創造と矛盾しないとしない限り、痕跡器官は創造論と矛盾する。しかし、どんなものでも創造と矛盾しないとするなら、創造論は使えない非科学になる。

  2. Some vestigial organs can be determined to be useless if experiments show that organisms with them survive no better than organisms without them.

Theobald, Douglas, 2004. 29+ Evidences for macroevolution: Prediction 2.1: Anatomical vestiges. http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/comdesc/section2.html#morphological_vestiges


  1. G. & C. Merriam. 1974. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. New York: Simon & Schuster.
  2. Morris, H., 1974. (see above).
  3. Yamamoto, Y. and W. R. Jeffery., 2000. Central role for the lens in cave fish eye degeneration. Science 289: 631-633.

続いて、引き続き1985年物のHenry Morrisから。この本は1974年物の第2版:
Claim CB361:
Vestigial organs (if any really exist) are not evidence of evolution. They just show decay consistent with the second law of thermodynamics.

Morris, Henry M. 1985. Scientific Creationism. Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 75-76.


  1. Vestigial organs include more than atrophied organs. The bones of the middle ear, for example, are vestiges of jaw bones of ancestral tetrapods.

  2. Loss of organs is sometimes an advantage. For example, loss of legs is adaptive in whales. Thus, losses of organs often are evolution driven by natural selection. They are evidence of evolution when their vestigial forms show similarities to earlier nonvestigial forms.
  3. The second law of thermodynamics allows for more than decay.
    [CF901:The second law of thermodynamics says that everything tends toward disorder, making evolutionary development impossible. ]

posted by Kumicit at 2007/12/05 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Dembski | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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