殺人 0.496 / 1000人 (コロンビアについて2位, 日本の100倍)[src]そして、最近もReutersが復習記事でまとめているように、AIDSの状況は世界最悪である:
レイプ 1.195 / 1000人 (1位, 日本の100倍)[src]
暴行 12.075 / 1000人 (1位, 日本の35倍)[src]
Some 5.5 million people (or about 12 percent of a population of 47 million) have HIV. There are 500,000 new infections every year, including 100,000 children, and each year an estimated 400,000 people die from the virus, UNICEF said.12月16〜20日に、この南アフリカの政権与党の党首を選出する会議が開催される。
South African officials, including President Thabo Mbeki, have infuriated AIDS activists by questioning accepted science around the virus and arguing it is the result of poverty, chronic disease and malnutrition.
Thabo Mbeki大統領を含む南アフリカ政府は、HIVについて広く認められた科学に疑問を呈し、AIDSが貧困と慢性疾患と栄養失調の結果だと論じて、AIDS活動家たちを激怒させた。
In South Africa, death rates from natural causes for women aged 25-34 years increased five-fold between 1997 and 2004, and for males aged 30-44 it more than doubled.
In South Africa some 700,000 needy HIV patients are going without the treatment. The crisis is especially bad in rural areas where clinics are overwhelmed by a backlog of cases. Sources: Reuters/UNAIDS/www.unaids.org/ (Writing by David Cutler, London Editorial Reference Unit; editing by Sophie Walker)
==>AIDS crisis looms over ANC ahead of leadership vote (2007/12/07) on Reuters Africa
==>ANC Leadership Battle Causes Crisis in Party (2007/12/07) on NPR
以上の報道によれば、南アフリカの大統領選挙は2009年だが、事実上この与党ANC党首の選出によって次期大統領が決まるといってよい。候補者は現職Thabo Mbeki大統領と、Mbeki大統領が2005年に解任した元副大統領Jacob Zumaである。現職Thabo Mbeki大統領は大統領としては憲法により再選を阻まれているが、解任したZumaに後継大統領になってほしくないため、ここで負けるわけにはいかない。
さて、Thabo Mbeki大統領は「HIVはAIDSの原因ではない」というHIV否定論者であり、その盟友にして厚生相Tshabalala-Msimangも「レモンとガーリックでAIDSが防げる」と主張するHIV否定論者である。いい加減に退場いただきたい人々なのだが、対立候補のZumaはというと...
Zuma was also tried and acquitted of rape charges in 2006, after a court found that the sex involved was consensual. The incident caused even more controversy because Zuma was head of South Africa's national AIDS Council at the time, and acknowledged that he knew the woman involved was HIV-positive. Anti-HIV activists were outraged when he told the court that the only protective measure he took was to take a shower.こっちも、なんかろくでもない。
[ANC Leadership Battle Causes Crisis in Party (2007/12/07) on NPR]
Zuma, who once led South Africa's national AIDS council, added to the party's grief when he testified in his 2006 rape trial that he had showered to protect himself from the disease after having sex with his HIV-positive female accuser.
The Zulu politician, who leads Mbeki in local branch nominations for the ANC presidency, was acquitted of rape but, like Mbeki, thrashed in the court of public opinion for poor judgement and a lack of awareness on AIDS.
[AIDS crisis looms over ANC ahead of leadership vote (2007/12/07) on Reuters Africa]
ニセ科学「AIDS再評価運動」〜南アフリカの場合〜 (2007/08/15)
HIVはAIDSの原因ではないという南アフリカ大統領は一歩も引かない (2007/08/24)
Thabo Mbeki大統領の伝記 (2007/11/08)
ニセ科学「AIDS再評価運動」について専門家向けに語るDr. Tara C Smith (1) (2007/09/01)
ニセ科学「AIDS再評価運動」について専門家向けに語るDr. Tara C Smith (2) (2007/09/01)
ニセ科学「AIDS再評価運動」について専門家向けに語るDr. Tara C Smith (3) (2007/09/02)
ニセ科学「AIDS再評価運動」とID理論 (2007/07/05)