- 地球の年齢は6000〜12000歳・そんなの知らない/関係ない・数十億歳に分かれていること
- 「そんなの知らない/関係ない」には、創造論を信じているが、地球の年齢は関知しない・気にしないという人々がいること
The survey of approximately 800 Christians asked if the Earth was billions of years old. Forty-three percent said the Earth was less than a billion years old, and most of those said the planet was between 6,000 and 12,000 years old.地球や宇宙の年齢を気にしない人々は、6000光年よりも彼方の星が見えようが、太陽中心核からの光子がどうしようが、どうでもいいと思われる。すなわち、創造論を信じるにあたって、宇宙と地球の年齢問題は障害とはまったくならない。
The poll did find that 30 percent of Christians believed the Earth was billions of years old....
[Allie Martin: "Poll reveals wide difference of opinion on Earth's age among Christians" (2007/08/24) on OneNewsNow.com]
The remaining participants, twenty-seven percent, selected "Unsure." This group seems not to have an opinion one way or the other on this topic. Many made comments such as "I'm not sure, but I don't believe in evolution", "Don't know, don't care" or "Only God knows the age of the Earth." ...
[Christians Divided Over Earth's Age]
Does it really matter how old the earth is? God made it and that settles it. I believe that this is a devisive issue that takes away from the focus of the Bible - JESUS. ...
地球の年齢は本当に問題だっけ? 神が創った、それで解決。これは、問題を聖書すなわちイエスから、どこかへ持っていってしまう、よくない問題。...
Posted by Becky Bush | August 24, 2007 1:21 PM