かつての創造科学の本拠地である"若い地球の創造論"ミニストリInstitute for Creation Researchは orgドメイン以外にeduドメインにもアドレス[http://www.icr.edu/]を持っている。これは通信制大学院(修士課程)という事業用である。
Overview: Academic Departments and Course Descriptionsこの記述は2007年5月時点とほぼ同様:
The Institute for Creation Research Graduate School is looking for serious students who are committed to excellence in science, education, and research and who are in full agreement with the ICR Tenets. In addition, the ideal student is committed to personal spiritual maturity and desires to communicate truths about the origin and operation of the creation to the Christian community and the general public.
ICR Graduate School offers a Master of Science degree in Science Education and Science Minor degrees in Astro/Geophysics, Biology, Geology, and General Science through Online Distance Education.
ICR has a three-fold mission to research, educate and communicate Truth involving the study and promotion of scientific creationism, Biblical creationism and related fields. The ICRGS program provides graduate-level training in science education through an online environment, with minors in the natural sciences that are particularly relevant to the study of origins.
The Institute for Creation Research Graduate School is looking for serious students who are committed to excellence in science, education, and research and who are in full agreement with the ICR Tenets. In addition, the ideal student is committed to personal spiritual maturity and desires to communicate truths about the origin and operation of the creation to the Christian community and the general public.しかし、修士学位としては、実際にはこの"理科教育修士"も"理学副専攻"も価値を持たない。
ICR Graduate School offers Master of Science degrees in Astro/Geophysics, Biology, and Geology in the face-to-face program on the Santee campus. The Master of Science degree in Science Education is offered through Online Distance Education.
The immediate goal of the ICR Graduate School is to foster research and provide graduate-level training in those fields of natural science that are particularly relevant to the study of origins. The long-range goal is to prepare talented graduates in science and education for future Christian leadership.[Archive.Orgのキャッシュ]
ICR大学院の修士学位を認証した機関はTransnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schoolsである:
Welcome to the home page of the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools. TRACS is recognized by both the United States Department of Education, and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, as a national accrediting body for Christian institutions, colleges, universities, and seminaries. TRACS is also a member of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education. TRACS is a voluntary, non-profit, self-governing organization that provides accreditation to Christian postsecondary institutions offering associate, baccalaureate, and graduate degrees.認証対象の分野はキリスト教であって、理学・教育ではない。
しかも、このTransnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools(TRACS)そのものが、連邦政府に承認されているとはいえ、疑わしい:
Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools[wikipedia]承認自体も無理やりなものであり、さらにICR大学院の認証に至っては、自分で自分を認証したも同然。
TRACS's first application for federal recognition in 1987 was denied, but in 1991, Education Secretary Lamar Alexander "approved TRACS, despite his advisory panel's repeatedly recommending against recognition."[3][4]
TRACSの連邦政府への1987年の最初の申請は却下されたが、Lamar Alexander教育長官は、度重なるadvisory panelからの承認反対意見にもかかわらず、1991年にTRACSを承認した。
Another source of criticism was the 1991 granting of accreditation to the Institute for Creation Research. One of TRACS' board members was Henry M. Morris, founder of ICR. Timothy Sandefur, a fellow at the Claremont Institute, called Morris's position on the board "highly questionable".[6] Levicoff states, "Morris' influence is so strong that TRACS attaches a two page defense of the young earth position (written by Morris) to their doctrinal statement."[7]
もうひとつの批判は、1991年にInstitute for Creation Researchを認証したことである。TRACSの評議会議員のひとりが、Institute for Creation Researchの創立者Henry M Morrisだったこと。評議会におけるHenry M. Morrisの立場はかなりあやしい[6]。Levicoffは「Morrisの影響力はあまりに大きく、TRACSはMorrisの書いた"若い地球の創造論"の立場を擁護する2ページの記述を、主義声明に加えた」と言う。
[3] ^ Scott Jaschik, Rejecting Review Board’s Advice, Alexander Grants Federal Recognition to Christian Accrediting Body, Chron. of Higher Educ., Sept. 4, 1991 at A40.
[4][7]Steve Levicoff: Name It and Frame It? New Opportunities in Adult Education and How to Avoid Being Ripped Off by 'Christian' Degree Mills
[6]Timothy Sandefur: "How the ICR got its accreditation" (2004/03/29) on Panda's Thumb
そして、現在もCommission and Staffには亡きDr. Henry M. Morrisに代わって、長男Dr. Henry Morris IIIが加わっている。
Accredited Institutions
ICR Graduate School
10946 Woodside Avenue North, Santee, CA 92071
Phone (619) 448-0900 / Fax (808) 448-3469
E-mail: kcumming@icr.org
Accredited Institutions
Institute for Creation Research
10946 Woodside Avenue North
Santee, California 92071
Phone: (619) 448 - 0900
Fax: (619) 448 - 3469
E-mail: kcumming@icr.edu
Accredited Institutions
これは後退ではなく前進のようである。Dallas Newsの報道によれば、ICR大学院はテキサスで理科教師養成教育を始めようとしている:
The nonprofit Institute for Creation Research in Dallas wants to train future science teachers in Texas and elsewhere using an online curriculum. A state advisory group gave its approval Friday; now the final say rests with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, which will consider the request next month.また、米国の進化論教育を守るNational Center for Science Educationによれば:
[reation college seeks state's OK to train teachers (2007/12/15) on Dallas News (COPY)]
ICR seeks to grant degrees in Texas宗教として認証された大学院で、理科教育の修士を取り扱うというインチキを解消して、通信教育事業を拡大しようというところだろうか。
The Institute for Creation Research, a young-earth creationist organization, has cleared the first hurdle in its quest for authorization to issue master's degrees in science education in Texas. "The nonprofit Institute for Creation Research in Dallas wants to train future science teachers in Texas and elsewhere using an online curriculum. A state advisory group gave its approval Friday; now the final say rests with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, which will consider the request next month," reported the Dallas Morning News (December 15, 2007). According to a December 17, 2007, report by Steven Schafersman of Texas Citizens for Science, THECB will meet on January 24, 2008, to consider the ICR's application. If approved, the ICR will have two years to obtain accreditation for its graduate school from an independent accreditation agency.
若い地球の創造論者団体Institute for Creation Reseach(ICR)は、テキサス州で理科教育修士の学位を授与するための承認を受ける第一段階をクリアした。「ダラスにある非営利のInstitute for Creation Reseachはテキサスおよび通信制で全米で、未来の理科教師を教育したがっている。州のAdvisory gourpは金曜日に承認を与えた。最終決定権はTexas Higher Education Coordinating Boardにあり、来月に検討する」とDallas Morning Newsは2007年12月15日に報じた。Texas Citizens for ScienceのSteven Schafersmanによる2007年12月17日の報告によれば、Texas Higher Education Coordinating Boardは2008年1月24日に会合を開き、ICRの申請を検討する。もし承認されれば、第3者認証機関からの大学院の認証を受けるために2年の猶予を与えられる。
[Defending the Teaching of Evolution in the Public Schools (2007/12/21) on National Center for Science Education]