
"Blood type and personality" に手を出したことがある研究者(2) Eysenck

"Blood type and personality" に手を出したことがある研究者(2) Eysenck

Hans Jurgen Eysenck [1916〜1997]はドイツ生まれで、ナチに反対だったので1934年に英国へ移り、死亡時点で最も論文を引用された、存命中の心理学者だった。intelligenceとpersonalityを研究対象とし、その成果は共著を含めれば50冊以上の本、900本以上の論文という膨大なもの。


==>@論争する心理学者 【 ハンス・J・アイゼンク 】 ロンドン大学教授―検索で見つけにくい関連書も集めてみました (夜帆。@××マスターさんの"リストマニア"リスト)


  • フロイト&精神分析が正しい証拠は示されず、精神分析から立てられた予測は反証された。

  • Intelligenceは遺伝する。
    これについて、積極的に主張していたようで、"race and intelligence"をめぐる"Bell Curve"論争のときには、Bell Curveを擁護するMainstream Science on Intelligenceに署名。

  • データがそろっていれば超心理学も"あり"
  • extraversionとneuroticismとpsychoticismを基本因子とするPersonalityの因子論的類型論。
    Cattellと同様に、Eysenckも性格調査質問票を作っている(Eysenck Personality Questionnaire=EPQ)

"Blood Type"関連成果

Rogers and Glendon[Personality and Indivisual Differnces 34, 1099, 2003]によれば、"Blood type and Personality"に関する論文は以下の2つ。個人レベルのpersonalityではなく、国家間あるいは文化間のpersonalityの差異と、blood groupの関係を調べたものである。google scholarで調べてみても、こられ以外に該当しそうな論文は見つからない。また、公式ページにも、"blood group"や"blood type"についての記載はない。

Eysenck, H. J. (1977). National differences in personality as related to ABO blood group polymorphism. Psychological Reports, 41, 1257–1258.

Eysenck, H. J. (1982). The biological basis of cross-cultural differences in personality: blood group antigens. Psychological Reports, 51, 531–540.

Psychological Reportsの古い記事の購入手段が見当たらないので、Rogers and Glendon [2003]にたよってしまうと、

  • "emotional behaviour"はType-Aと比べてType-Bによく見られる [Eysenck 1977]
  • Type-ABはType-A,B,Oと比べてintroverted [Eysenck 1977]
  • 20か国について、anxiety levelはType-Bの人口比につれて変化する
  • 20か国について、neuroticism levelはType-Bの人口比につれて変化する
  • 20か国について、introversionはType-ABの人口比につれて変化する

これらについて、Eysennk自身は著書"Advances in Personality Assessment"(1983)の中で、以下のように述べ、結論できるレベルにないとしている:
Chap.3 Recent advances in the cross-cultural study of personality
H.J. Eysenck and S.B.G. Eysenck

Causal factors in national differences

There is a good deal of speculation about the possible causes of hypothertical national differences, but little has been done to enable a scientific analysis to be made. Of particular diffficulty in this field is the ancient question of whether such differnces as are observed are due to genetic or environment causes, or, rather, what proprotion of the total variance would be accounted for by one or other of these factors. Eysenck (1977) has attempted to make a contribution to this field by showing the among European nations intoroversion is associated with the AB blood group (Angst & Maurer-Groeli 1974) and that the introverted Japanese have a somewhat higher propotion of AB among the population than the British (approximately three times as many Japanese are AB as comared with British). These data are suggestive, but of couse a great deal of work would have to be done before we can accept the Angst et al. data as presenting us with a replicable correlation, and before we can extend their findings to the international level of cross-cultural comparison. An attempt to do so on the basis of published data has been made by Eysenck (in press); the data for faily large numbers of nations agree with prediction for E and N, and for P there are unpredicted but quite large differences in blood group antigens. Specific investigations involving identical samples tested for both blood group antigens and personality are needed before we can come to any conclusion. (p.58)

There is some suggenstion of black-white differences; the negro nations of Ghana (42.29), Uganda(44.72) and Nigeria (50.17) on extraversion, which emarge from Lynn's summary of the Eysenck scale data (Table 3.4) are low compared with Caucasians (56.56), although in South Africa there is virtually no difference on E between blacks and whites. Obviously these data are at best suggestive, and cannot be take in any sense as indicative of genetic causes. Here too blood group comparisons, and use of other genetic markers, might be invaluable (p.59)

Summary and Conclusion

The question of causation, as far as national differences in personality are concerned, is an exceptionally difficult one. The use of genetic markers, such as blood groups, has been suggested, but there is too little work done on this topic to justify any kind of conclusions. (p.65)


Angst, J., & Maurer-Groeli, Y. (1974). Blood groups and personality. Archiv fur Psychiatric and Nervenkrankbeiten, 218, 291-300.

Eysenck, H. J. (1977). National differences in personality as related to ABO blood group polymorphism. Psychological Reports, 41, 1257-1258.

Eysenck, H. J. (1982). The biological basis of cross-cultural differences in personality: blood group antigens. Psychological Reports, 51, 531-540.

[google books -- "Advances in Personality Assessment", ed. Charles Donald Spielberger, James Neal Butcher, published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1983. ISBN 089859216X]


これら以外でEysenckが"blood group"あるいは"blood type"に言及した例は、Introvesion-Extraversionの定義について述べたときの脚注にあるのみ:

... while Furukawa (1927) claimed to have distinguished "active"(extraverted) from "passive" (introverted) subjects on the basis of their blood group.
[google books -- Hans J. Eysenck: "Dimensions of Personality", published by Transaction Publishers, 1997. ISBN 1560009853]

従って、"blood group"について、personalityやintelligenceとの関係を確定できるような結果を得ることはなかったようである。
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