

インテリジェントデザインは、「地球も宇宙も6000歳で、世界は字義どおり6日間で創造された」と主張する"若い地球の創造論"(YEC=Young Earth Creationism)と「宇宙と地球について通常科学どおりだが、生物は常に創造され続けてきて人類創造を以って創造終了」と主張する"古い地球の創造論"(OEC=Old Earth Creationism)の両方と互換になるような主張によって構成される。

これは"Big Tent"と呼ばれる方針であり、インテリジェントデザイン支持者で"若い地球の創造論者"であるPaul Nelsonは次のように述べている:
Until recently, the majority of active dissenters from neo-Darwinian (naturalistic) evolution could be classified as “young-earth” (or what I call “traditional”) creationists. Their dissent could be dismissed as motivated by biblical literalism, not scientific evidence. While this criticism of traditional creationists is unfair to the actual content of their views — many prominent creationists are outstanding scientists — the absence of a wider community of dissent from Darwinism hindered the growth of scientific alternatives to the naturalistic theory. Such a wider community now exists in the “intelligent design” (ID) movement.


Within the past decade, the ID community has matured around the insights of UC Berkeley professor Phillip Johnson, whose central insight is that science must be free to seek the truth, wherever it lies. The possibility of design, therefore, cannot be excluded from science. This outlook has deep roots in the history of Western science and is essential to the health of science as a truth-seeking enterprise. Under the canopy of design as an empirical possibility, however, any number of particular theories may also be possible, including traditional creationism, progressive (or “old-earth”) creationism, and theistic evolution. Both scientific and scriptural evidence will have to decide the competition between these theories. The “big tent” of ID provides a setting in which that struggle after truth can occur, and from which the secular culture may be influenced.

過去の10年にわたり、UC BerkeleyのPhillip Johnson教授の洞察のまわりでインテリジェントデザインコミュニティは成熟してきた。彼の洞察の中心は、科学は、いかなる真理をも探索する自由があらねばならないというものである。したがって、デザインの可能性は科学から排除できない。この見方は、西欧の科学史に深く根ざしたものであり、真理を探索する科学界の健全性のために不可欠のものである。経験的可能性としてのデザインのテントのしたで、伝統的創造論や進歩的創造論(あるいは"古い地球の創造論")や有神論的進化論を含む、複数の理論が許容される。これらの理論のどれが正しいかは、科学的証拠と聖書の証拠に基づいて判断される。インテリジェントデザインの"Big tent"は真理を見出すことが可能になった後での論争の場を提供する。そして、それは世俗文化に影響を及ぼせるだろう。

[Paul A. Nelson: "Life in the big tent: Traditional creationism and the intelligent design community" (2004/11/04) on Christian Research Journal]
基本的には"若い地球の創造論"を"科学"とするための手段だが、"古い地球の創造論"も許容するというPaul Nelsonのポジションが現れた記述である。特に「ネオダーウィニズム(自然主義)進化論」という記述で、「科学に超自然を持ち込むこと」を目的としていることを明らかにしている。ただし、本来の"big tent"は有神論的進化論を含んでいない

さて、"若い地球の創造論"と"古い地球の創造論"の両互換をとった結果、インテリジェントデザインの主張はつまるところ、Paul Nelson自身が記述したように「自然主義に反対」だけになる。"若い地球の創造論"ミニストリCMIを率いるDr. Carl Wielandはまさのその点を指摘している:
Since the only thing in their platform which comes close to being a commonly - shared presupposition is a negative (naturalism is wrong), they can provide no coherent philosophical framework on which to base the axioms necessary to interpret evidence relevant to the historical sciences (paleontology, historical geology, etc). So they can never offer a "story of the past", which is one more reason why they must continually limit the debate to one of mechanism - and then only in broad, general terms (designed vs undesigned).


[Carl Wieland: "AiG’s views on the Intelligent Design Movement" (2002/08/30)]

時系列を持たないことの問題を"古い地球の創造論"ミニストリReasons to Believeを主宰するDr. Hugh Rossは次のように指摘している:
They emphatically request that the story be cast in the form of a testable model. In a two-hour prime-time national television debate in 1997 between evolutionists and ID leaders, the evolutionists repeatedly asked, "Where is your model?" and never received a reply. Nine years later, evolutionists still ask the same question and still receive no response. Without a model, the ID paradigm cannot be tested or falsified, nor can it generate significant predictions of future scientific discoveries.


[Hugh Ross: "Creation as Science" (pp.31-33), 2006]

What is especially cool about Tiktaalik is that the researchers, Edward B. Daeschler, Neil H. Shubin and Farish A. Jenkins, predicted that they would discover something like Tiktaalik. These paleontologists made the prediction that such a transitional form must exist in order to bridge the gap between fish and amphibians. Even more, they predicted that such a species should exist in the late Devonian period, about 375 million years ago.

So they spent several years digging through the earth on Ellesmere Island in Northern Canada, because geological and paleontological evidence suggested that exposed strata there was from the late Devonian. They predicted that, according to evolutionary theory, at this time in history a creature should have existed that was morphologically transitional between fish and amphibians. They found Tiktaalik - a “fishopod,” beautifully transitional between fish and amphibians.

Tiktaalikで特にクールなことは、Edward B. Daeschler, Neil H. Shubin and Farish A. Jenkinsらの研究者たちが、Tiktaalikのようなものを見つかると予測していたことだ。これらの古生物学者たちは、魚類と両生類の隙間を埋めるのに、そのような移行形態が存在するはずだと予測した。さらに、そのような種はデボン紀後期の3億7500万年前頃に存在していたはずだと予測した。


[Steven Novella: "The Judgement of Tiktaalik" (2007/11/14) on NeuroLogica Blog]

posted by Kumicit at 2008/01/22 00:33 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | ID: General | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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