これについて、Panda's ThumbのPvMがツッコミを入れている:
Dembski, somewhat ironically, quotes from January 13th 2008 - Sheldrake exposes Dawkins as a fundamentalist pseudoskeptic which references a blog article by Rupert Sheldrakeみごとなブーメランな記述を引用するDembskiである。
Dembskiが、Rupert Sheldrakeのブログ記事を参照した記事を皮肉にも引用している。Dawkins has of course every right to promote his religious views- in this case, the religious views of atheistic materialism, which considers evidence for presumably transcendental phenomena a mortal threat to its belief system. However, when Dawkins and people like him promote their views in the name of science, they commit labeling fraud. Dawkins may be a scientist by trade, but when he acts and argues as a fundamentalist believer in materialism, ignoring evidence that challenges his belief system, then he commands no more credibility and scientific authority than any other kind of religious believer.
I doubt if Dembski appreciated the double edge sword.
[PvM:"The double edge sword" (2008/02/06) on Panda's Thumb]