==>ふたたび数学者Sewellがポエムな反進化を語る (2007/09/23) on 忘却からの帰還
==>Granville Sewell: "My Failed Simulation" on Granville Sewell' Page on University of Texas El Paso
で、これはUncommon Descentに転載されている。
==>Granville Sewell: "My Failed Simulation" (2007/09/22) on Uncommon Descent
あれから半年近くが経過した2008年2月15日に、Granville Sewell先生は、こんどは保守系な雑誌Human Eventsに転載した[via Uncommon Descent]。
==>Granville Sewell: "Failed Simulation on Creation (2008/02/15) on Human Events
Granville Sewell先生自らUncommon Descentに書いた転載お知らせによれば、ちょと変更あり:
- タイトルに"on Creation"追加。ただし、これは編集部によるもので、先生のお好みではない
- "friend"の前に"imaginary"をつけて、架空の話であることを明記
Human Eventsには幾つかコメントが付いていた。Uncommon Descentと違って、敵対コメントは削除されないので、こんなのも:
This is an incredibly weak, verging on pedantic, assault on natural selection. To start with, there is *no way* a computer, unless it was powerful enough to draw the scrutiny of the Pentagon, the CIA, and the Secret Army of Microsoft, could handle all the variables involved in a simulation as hugely ambitious as this one.
The premise of this article is laughable. Try some real science and get back to us.
Donovan, Washington, DCFeb 15, 2008 @ 03:16 AM
My deepest apologies. In my previous post I referred to the methodology of this article as "pedantic". I retract that statement. The word I meant to use was "pedomorphic".
Donovan, Washington, DCFeb 15, 2008 @ 03:36 AM