
"デザイン論"を擁護するために戦うDr. Stephen Meyer

インテリジェントデザインの本山たるCenter for Science and Culture, Discovery Instituteセンター長であるStephen C. Meyerが、"Darwisim"と戦う理由を次のように書いた:
For two millennia, the design argument provided an intellectual foundation for much of Western thought. From classical antiquity through the rise of modern science, leading philosophers, theologians, and scientists--from Plato to Aquinas to Newton--maintained that nature manifests the design of a preexistent mind or intelligence. Moreover, for many Western thinkers, the idea that the physical universe reflected the purpose or design of a preexistent mind--a Creator--served to guarantee humanity’s own sense of purpose and meaning. Yet today in nearly every academic discipline from law to literary theory, from behavioral science to biology, a thoroughly materialistic understanding of humanity and its place in the universe has come to dominate. Free will, meaning, purpose, and God have become pejorative terms in the academy. Matter has subsumed mind; cosmos replaced Creator.


The reasons for this intellectual shift are no doubt complex. Yet clearly the demise of the design argument itself has played an important role in the loss of this traditional Western belief. Beginning in the Enlightenment, philosophers such as David Hume raised seemingly powerful objections against the design argument. Hume claimed that classical design arguments depended on a weak and flawed analogy between biological organisms and human artifacts. Yet for most, it was not the arguments of the philosophers that disposed of design, but the theories of scientists, particularly that of Charles Darwin. If the origin of biological organisms could be explained naturalistically, as Darwin claimed, then explanations invoking an intelligent designer were unnecessary and even vacuous. Indeed, as Richard Dawkins has put it, it was "Darwin [who] made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist."

この知的なシフトの理由は、確かに複雑である。それでも、明らかに"デザイン論"そのものの終焉は、この伝統的な西洋思想の損失において、重要な役割を演じた。啓蒙主義に始まり、David Humeのような哲学者はデザイン論に対して、一見強力な異議を唱えた。Humeは古典的なデザイン論が、生物と人間によって作られたものの間の、弱くて間違った類似に依存していると主張した。しかし、それはデザイン論の放棄させた哲学の論ではなかった。それは、科学理論、特にCharles Darwinの理論だった。Darwinの言うように生物の起源が自然主義的[超自然を含まない]に説明できるなら、説明にインテリジェントデザイナーを召還するのは、不必要かつ無意味である。実際、Richard Dawkinsが言うように、「知的に無神論者たりえるようにしたのはDarwinである」
[Stephen C. Meyer: "DNA and Other Designs", First Things 102 (2000/04/01)]

  1. X is too complex, orderly, adaptive, apparently purposeful, or beautiful to have occurred randomly or accidentally.
  2. Therefore, X must have been created by a sentient, intelligent, wise, or purposeful being.
  3. God is that sentient, intelligent, wise, or purposeful being.
  4. Therefore, God exists.
[wikipedia;Teleological argument]
これの(1.)が、Charles Darwinによって破壊されたことをStephen Meyer(科学哲学担当)は攻撃している。すなわち、(1.)は壊れていないことにしようとしている


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