TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- The teaching standards for Florida schools include the word "evolution" for the first time, under a decision Tuesday by the state school board.これまで「進化」がない理科教育標準だった方が異常だが、やっとなんとかなったというところ。
The board approved the use of the term "scientific theory of evolution" in public schools science standards.
Adding the term "scientific theory" before the term "evolution" was a modified proposal at least one board member called a compromise, not standards proposed originally to the committee. The option to include "scientific theory" was made late last week. The amendment, which supporters refer to as the "academic freedom proposal," was unveiled late Friday.
The state Board of Education agreed to adopt the new curriculum standards Tuesday by a narrow 4 to 3 vote.
[State Approves Evolution As 'Scientific Theory' -- New School Curriculum Standards Pass By Narrow Vote (2008/02/19) on local10]
これについて、米国の進化論教育を守るNational Center for Science Educationは次のように評している:
The Florida state board of education voted 4-3 at its February 19, 2008, meeting to adopt a new set of state science standards in which evolution is presented as a "fundamental concept underlying all of biology." The adopted standards differ from those developed by the writing committee in adding the phrase "the scientific theory of" before mentions of plate tectonics, cell theory, atomic theory, electromagnetism, and evolution. According to the standards, "a scientific theory represents the most powerful explanation scientists have to offer."と歓迎している。
The e-word arrives in Florida (2008/02/19) on NCSE]
しかし、やはり「a scientific theory」と付け加えたのが、インテリジェントデザイン運動用語「Academic freedom proposal」としてということのなので、意図は明らか。これについて、まいどおなじみ、PZ Myers準教授は次のように評している:
The Florida board of education kept the lunacy to a minimum and actually approved science standards that use the word "evolution". They still had to do a goofy song-and-dance compromise to include the phrase "scientific theory of" before the dreaded "E" word, just so the creationists can go back to their churches and triumphantly crow that it is still just a theory.
It is one small step forward, at least. I'll take it. It's still ludicrous that the creationists think they achieved something by attaching the "theory" dog-whistle to the agreement.
[Hiaasen will be disappointed (2008/02/19) on Pharyngula]
「just a theory」は古くから使われているので、「創造論者の主張リスト」にもあがっているし:
If "only a theory" were a real objection, creationists would also be issuing disclaimers complaining about the theory of gravity, atomic theory, the germ theory of disease, and the theory of limits (on which calculus is based). The theory of evolution is no less valid than any of these. Even the theory of gravity still receives serious challenges (Milgrom 2002). Yet the phenomenon of gravity, like evolution, is still a fact."若い地球の創造論"ミニストリAnswers in Genesisも捨てているのだが:
[Claim CA201:Evolution is only a theory. on Index to Creationist Claims]
The problem with using the word “theory” in this case is that scientists use it to mean a well-substantiated explanation of data. This includes well-known theories such as Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and Newton’s Theory of Gravity, as well as lesser-known ones such as the Debye–Hückel Theory of electrolyte solutions.まだまだ、流通している用法らしい。
[Arguments we think creationists should NOT use on Answers in Genesis]