
Science For All American -- Chap. 8 -- Energy sources and use

[8-1 .. 23]に続いて、[Science For All Americans翻訳プロジェクト --Chapter 8: THE DESIGNED WORLD ... 8-24〜8-34]


AGRICULTURE ............................ 農業
COMMUNICATION ............ コミュニケーション
HEALTH TECHNOLOGY .................. 医療技術


Energy Sources エネルギー供給

Industry, transportation, urban development, agriculture, and most other human activities are closely tied to the amount and kind of energy available. Energy is required for technological processes: taking apart, putting together, moving around, communicating, and getting raw materials, and then working them and recycling them.


Different sources of energy and ways of using them have different costs, implications, and risks. Some of the resources -- direct sunlight, wind, and water -- will continue to be available indefinitely. Plant fuels -- wood and grasses -- are self renewing, but only at a limited rate and only if we plant as much as we harvest. Fuels already accumulated in the earth -- coal, oil and natural gas, and uranium -- will become more difficult to obtain as the most readily available sources run out. When scarcity threatens, new technology may make it possible to use the remaining sources better by digging deeper, processing lower concentration ores, or mining the ocean bed. Just when they will run out completely, however, is difficult to predict. The ultimate limit may be prohibitive cost rather than complete disappearance -- a question of when the energy required to obtain the resources becomes greater than the energy those resources will provide.


Sunlight is the ultimate source of most of the energy we use. It becomes available to us in several ways: The energy of sunlight is captured directly in plants, and it heats the air, land, and water to cause wind and rain. But the flux of energy is fairly weak, and large collection systems are necessary to concentrate energy for most technological uses: Hydroelectric energy technology uses rainwater concentrated in rivers by runoff from vast land areas; windmills use the flow of air produced by the heating of large land and ocean surfaces; and electricity generated from wind power and directly from sunlight falling on light-sensitive surfaces requires very large collection systems. Small-scale energy production for household use can be achieved in part by using windmills and direct solar heating, but cost-efficient technology for the large-scale use of windmills and solar heating has not yet been developed.


For much of history, burning wood was the most common source of intense energy for cooking, for heating dwellings, and for running machines. Most of the energy used today is derived from burning fossil fuels, which have stored sunlight energy that plants collected over millions of years. Coal was the most widely used fossil fuel until recently. But in the last century, oil and its associated natural gas have become preferred because of their ease of collection, multiple uses in industry, and ability to be concentrated into a readily portable source of energy for vehicles such as cars, trucks, trains, and airplanes. All burning of fossil fuels, unfortunately, dumps into the atmosphere waste products that may threaten health and life; the mining of coal underground is extremely hazardous to the health and safety of miners, and can leave the earth scarred; and oil spills can endanger marine life. Returning to the burning of wood is not a satisfactory alternative, for that too adds so-called greenhouse gases to the atmosphere; and overcutting trees for fuel depletes the forests needed to maintain healthy ecosystems both locally and worldwide.


But there are other sources of energy. One is the fission of the nuclei of heavy elements, which—compared to the burning of fossil fuels—releases an immense quantity of energy in relation to the mass of material used. In nuclear reactors, the energy generated is used mostly to boil water into steam, which drives electric generators. The required uranium is in large, although ultimately limited, supply. The waste products of fission, however, are highly radioactive and remain so for thousands of years. The technical problem of reasonably safe disposal of these fission products is compounded by public fear of radioactivity and worry about the sabotage of nuclear power plants and the theft of nuclear materials to make weapons. Controlled nuclear fusion reactions are a potentially much greater source of energy, but the technology has not yet proved feasible. Fusion reactions would use fuel materials that are safer in themselves, although there would still be a problem of disposing of worn-out construction materials made radioactive by the process. And as always with new technology, there may be some unanticipated risks.


Energy Use エネルギー利用

Energy must be distributed from its source to where it is to be used. For much of human history, energy had to be used on site - at the windmill or water mill, or close to the forest. In time, improvement in transportation made it possible for fossil fuels to be burned far from where they were mined, and intensive manufacturing could spread much more widely. In this century, it has been common to use energy sources to generate electricity, which can deliver energy almost instantly along wires far from the source. Electricity, moreover, can conveniently be transformed into and from other kinds of energy.


As important as the amount of energy available is its quality: the extent to which it can be concentrated and the convenience with which it can be used. A central factor in technological change has been how hot a fire could be made. The discovery of new fuels, the design of better ovens and furnaces, and the forced delivery of air or pure oxygen have progressively increased the temperature available for firing clay and glass, smelting metal ores, and purifying and working metals. Lasers are a new tool for focusing radiation energy with great intensity and control, and they are being developed for a growing number of applications—from making computer chips and performing eye surgery to communicating by satellite.


During any useful transformation of energy from one form to another, there is inevitably some dissipation of energy into the environment. Except for the energy bound in the structure of manufactured materials, most of our uses of energy result in all of it eventually dissipating away, slightly warming the environment and ultimately radiating into space. In this practical sense, energy gets "used up," even though it is still around somewhere.


People have invented ingenious ways of deliberately bringing about energy transformations that are useful to them. These ways range from the simple acts of throwing rocks (which transforms biochemical energy into motion) and starting fires (chemical energy into heat and light), to using such complex devices as steam engines (heat energy into motion), electric generators (motion into electrical energy), nuclear fission reactors (nuclear energy into heat), and solar converters (radiation energy into electrical energy). In the operation of these devices, as in all phenomena, the useful energy output—that is, what is available for further change—is always less than the energy input, with the difference usually appearing as heat. One goal in the design of such devices is to make them as efficient as possible—that is, to maximize the useful output for a given input.


Consistent with the general differences in the global distribution of wealth and development, energy is used at highly unequal rates in different parts of the world. Industrialized nations use tremendous amounts of energy for chemical and mechanical processes in factories, creating synthetic materials, producing fertilizer for agriculture, powering industrial and personal transportation, heating and cooling buildings, lighting, and communications. The demand for energy at a still greater rate is likely as the world's population grows and more nations industrialize. Along with large-scale use, there is large-scale waste (for example, vehicles with more power than their function warrants and buildings insufficiently insulated against heat transfer). But other factors, especially an increase in the efficiency of energy use, can help reduce the demand for additional energy.


Depletion of energy sources can be slowed by both technical and social means. Technical means include maximizing the usefulness that we realize from a given input of energy by means of good design of the transformation device, by means of insulation where we want to restrict heat flow (for example, insulating hot-water tanks), or by doing something with the heat as it leaks out. Social means include government, which may restrict low-priority uses of energy or may establish requirements for efficiency (such as in automobile engines) or for insulation (as in house construction). Individuals also may make energy efficiency a consideration in their own choice and use of technology (for example, turning out lights and driving high-efficiency cars)—either to conserve energy as a matter of principle or to reduce their personal long-term expenses. As always, there are trade-offs. For example, better-insulated houses stay warmer in winter and cooler in summer, but restrict ventilation and thus may increase the indoor accumulation of pollutants.


posted by Kumicit at 2008/03/04 05:34 | Comment(2) | TrackBack(0) | Public Documents | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする
Posted by 黒影 at 2008/03/05 21:40

Posted by Kumicit 管理者コメント at 2008/03/06 08:43



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