
Science For All American -- Chap. 15 [15-18 .. 21]

Science For All Americans翻訳プロジェクト --Chapter 15: NEXT STEPSを後ろから行きます。今日は[15-18 .. 21]


Educational Leadership

Reform also depends on the readiness of teachers, school administrators, and education policymakers to support it and to provide leadership. They will do so only if they become convinced that scientific literacy should be a basic requirement for all children and that the goals defining scientific literacy make good educational sense. This report is well suited to serve as the vehicle for getting educators behind a national effort to reform science, mathematics, and technology education. Accordingly, Project 2061 recommends that

改革は、教師・学校管理者・教育政策担当たちが改革を支持し、リーダーシップを発揮する準備が整っているかどうかに依存する。彼らが、科学リテラシーがすべての子どもたちにとって基本的必要なことであるべきであり、科学リテラシーの目標が教育的に良い意味を持つことを納得すれば、そうするだろう。このレポートは、教育者たちが科学・数学・テクノロジー教育を改革する国家的努力を支持する手段として役立つ。従って、Project 2061は以下を推奨する:


  • The secretary of education encourage all state and local education agencies to assign a high priority to the universal attainment of scientific literacy; require the appropriate assistant secretaries in the Department of Education to find ways in which their programs can contribute to that goal; and initiate mechanisms to help states and inner-city districts develop and carry out plans to bring minorities and other educationally disadvantaged youth up to the standards recommended in this report.


  • Each state board of education set up a blue-ribbon panel to examine Science for All Americans and to report on its educational implications to the chief state school officer, the state legislature, local school boards, and to the state's school superintendents, principals, and teachers.


  • All national education associations -- including those of teachers, school administrators, school boards and parents -- report to their members on the recommendations of this report, promote debate on them, and establish mechanisms for fostering the recommendations that they support.


  • The National Science Teachers Association, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the National Council for the Social Studies, the International Technology Education Association, and allied teaching societies take the lead in fostering the goals of Science for All Americans among teachers of all subjects and levels, administrators, and education policymakers.




Educational reform must be collaborative to succeed. In the case of science, mathematics, and technology education, the scientific community must enter into partnership with the education community. Although several hundred scientists, engineers, and mathematicians participated in framing the recommendations of this report, it will take the involvement of many more as the reform movement gains momentum. To that end, Project 2061 recommends that

教育改革を成功するために協同しなければならない。科学・数学・テクノロジー教育では、科学界が教育界と協力しなければならない。数百人の科学者・技術者・数学者がこのレポートの推奨事項作成に参加しているが、改革運動に勢いをつけるには、さらに多くの参加が必要である。そのために、Project 2061は以下を推奨する:


  • The heads of the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the National Bureau of Standards, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Department of Energy, the Department of Agriculture, and other science-related federal agencies and departments impress on their constituencies the need to help educators improve education in science, mathematics, and technology; and require their staffs to develop appropriate ways in which their agencies can contribute to that effort.


  • All national scientific, engineering, mathematical, and medical societies and state academies of science use this report to stimulate discussion among their members on what constitutes scientific literacy; ask their members to work with educators toward shared goals; and use this report in formulating plans for helping educators.


  • The Triangle Coalition, the Coalition for Education in the Sciences, the state alliances for science, and other groups -- which already bring together leaders from the scientific, educational, and business communities -- determine ways in which this report can be used to further the participation of scientists in their own reform efforts.


  • The National Science Teachers Association, the National Council for the Social Studies, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and the International Technology Education Association form a joint commission to consider what collaborative actions teachers of those subjects might take to support the recommendations of this report that cut across fields.


posted by Kumicit at 2008/03/17 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Public Documents | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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