
Russell Blackfordの"expelled from Expelled"

オーストラリアの弁護士・SF作家ほかであるRussell Blackfordが、インテリジェントデザイン宣伝映画Expelledについて論評している[via Panda's Thumb]。

==>Russell Blackford: "Intelligent Design Movie Is Not for Heathens" (2008/03/22) on IEET

映画本体についてはさておき、PZ Myers準教授が試写会からExpelledされた件についても触れている。面白いところだけ抜き出すと、ほとんどa href="http://pandasthumb.org/archives/2008/03/intelligent-des-47.html">Panda's Thumbによる引用と同じになってしまったけど...
But the whole sorry Expelled saga took an extra plot twist this week, with the ID-ists (or IDiots as they are sometimes known) shooting themselves in the feet with every available barrel - think of them carrying one of those Vietnam-era mini-guns used to great effect by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character in Terminator 2. With all barrels firmly pointed at the ground. Sorry, I mean at their vulnerable toes.


Once expelled from the screening of Expelled, he immediately blogged about it. There is of course a degree of irony, even hypocrisy, about the Expelled folks’ expelling Myers from a screening of Expelled. It’s all the nastier when you think that this is a movie in which he actually appears, and with which he cooperated. The greater irony, however, is that his family and guest were allowed in ... the overseas academic being, of course, none other than Richard Dawkins! Dawkins is in the US on a promotional lecture tour, and was attending a conference of atheists in Minneapolis.

[PZ Myersは]はExpelled試写会からExpelledされるや、ただちにブログ記事をポスト。もちろん、PZ Myersが、Expelled試写会からExpelled関係者によりexpelledされるという、きわめつき冗談。映画に出演し協力したPZ Myersに対する仕打ちであることを思えば、これはすげえ汚い。さらにでかい皮肉は、彼の家族と客人を、そう海外からやってきた学者、もちろん、リチャード・ドーキンス本人を招きいれたこと。ドーキンスは米国で講演旅行中で、ミネアポリスの無神論者の大会に参加中だった。
ついでに書くと、上映が"screening"なので、「PZ Myersをスクリーニングした」というジョークになっている。
Those of who us who are committed to the cause of reason can have a laugh about this, but we mustn’t just sit on the sidelines laughing. The ongoing struggle against evolutionary science has had its political successes, and it comes complete with a superficially attractive message: that both sides of the “controversy” should be taught. Forget for a moment that there is no scientific controversy, any more than there is scientific controversy about the heliocentric structure of the Solar System, the claim that certain micro-organisms cause disease, or the basic ideas of any other field of contemporary science.

Of course, there are genuine controversies at the cutting edge of evolutionary biology, as in all scientific disciplines, but they have nothing to do with the non-scientific conjecture of Intelligent Design.


それにしても、"expelled from Expelled screening"という極めつけのバカネタを供給するインテリジェントデザイン運動。アホすぐる...


posted by Kumicit at 2008/03/27 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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