

「ユニホームの色がスポーツの試合結果に影響」というJapan Journalの記事があった:
[3/12 「赤」は勝者の色!――ユニホームの色がスポーツの試合結果に影響 (2008/03/12) on Japan Journal]



これの原文はおそらく、英国University of Plymouthのニュースリリース:
[Come on you reds! (2008/03/11) ]


Professor Martin Attrill said: “This follows what we would expect if wearing red has an effect. One possible reason could be that red teams happened to develop in large cities, so over time they have had access to more supporters and resources. But we can dismiss this because we compared the results from all cities in England where there is a team playing in red and a rival team of another colour – for example, Liverpool, Bristol, Manchester and Nottingham. Over time, the red teams have performed significantly better in the league, despite sharing the same potential resource base.”

Martin Attrill教授は「これは、赤を着る効果として期待されるものに従っている。考えられる理由のひとつは、たまたま赤色チームが大都市で発展し、従って、より多くのサポータとリソース[選手供給源?]にアクセスできたというもの。しかし、これは棄却できる。、というのは、赤を着てプレイするチームと別の色のライバルチームのいるLiverpoolやBristolやManchesterやNottinghamなど全英の結果を比べると、同じリソースにアクセスできる他のチームに対して、赤を着るチームがリーグで有意に良い成績を残しているからだ。」

So why might wearing red shirts enhance performance? Professor Robert Barton said: “We see a couple of possible explanations. Firstly, over time supporters may have been subconsciously more attracted to a club wearing red, so the club has developed an increasing resource base within its community. Secondly, there may be a positive psychological boost from wearing red, or being associated with a red team, that is reflected on the field of play. Competing against a team in red could also impair performance.”

では赤いシャツは成績を向上させるのだろうか?Robert Barton教授は言う「幾つか考えられる説明がある。第1は、サポーターが赤を着るクラブに無意識に引き付けられ、従って、クラブはコミュニティの中で、より多くのリソースを成長させることができたというもの。第2は、フィールドのプレイに反映する、赤を着ることあるいは、赤のチームにまつわるにポジティブな心理的影響があるかもしれないこと。あるいは赤のチームと戦うとパフォーマンスを低下させるというもの」

But is this still apparent in the modern game? Dr Russell Hill said: "It is certainly true that the influx of wealthy foreign owners has changed the resources available to some teams and this should result in increased success, regardless of their shirt colour. Nevertheless, in close matches where teams are evenly balanced, we still predict that wearing red could tip the balance between success and failure and the red advantage will still persist.”

現代においても、それは見られるのだろうか? Dr. Russell Hillは言う「裕福な外国のオーナーの流入により、チームのリソースを帰ることができて、これは勝利を増加させる結果につながるはずであり、これはシャツの色によらない。しかし、接近したゲームでチームの実力さが拮抗している場合、赤を着ていることが勝敗バランスを変えることがありえて、赤の有利はそれでも残る。

[Abstractを見る限り、「...confirm that wearing red enhances performance in a variety of competitive contexts, and provide further impetus for studies of the mechanisms underlying these effects. 」とあって、メカニズムには手が回っていない:
[ATTRILL, M.J., GRESTY, K.A., HILL, R.A., BARTON, R.A. (2008). Red shirt colour is associated with long-term team success in English football. J. Sports Sci. 26: 577-582]

The colour of sportswear has been shown to influence the outcome of bouts for several different combat sports. The generality of these effects, and whether they extend to collaborative forms of contests (team sports), is uncertain. Since 1947, English football teams wearing red shirts have been champions more often than expected on the basis of the proportion of clubs playing in red. To investigate whether this indicates an enhancement of long-term performance in red-wearing teams, we analysed the relative league positions of teams wearing different hues. Across all league divisions, red teams had the best home record, with significant differences in both percentage of maximum points achieved and mean position in the home league table. The effects were not due simply to a difference between teams playing in a colour and those playing in a predominantly white uniform, as the latter performed better than teams in yellow hues. No significant differences were found for performance in matches away from home, when teams commonly do not wear their "home" colours. A matched-pairs analysis of red and non-red wearing teams in eight English cities shows significantly better performance of red teams over a 55-year period. These effects on long-term success have consequences for colour selection in team sports, confirm that wearing red enhances performance in a variety of competitive contexts, and provide further impetus for studies of the mechanisms underlying these effects.
ということで、Japan Journalの記事は踏み込みすぎのようだ。
posted by Kumicit at 2008/03/31 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Others | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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