National Center for Science Educationによればフロリダ州上下院の反進化論州法案がさらに前進した:
The antievolution bills -- the so-called Academic Freedom Acts -- in Florida are progressing, despite protests from teachers, scientists, and the Florida ACLU, and despite the criticisms of the legislature's own staff. On March 26, 2008, the Senate version of the bill, SB 2692, was passed by a 4-1 vote by the Senate Education Pre-K-12 Committee; on April 8, 2008, it was passed by a 7-3 vote by the Senate Judiciary Committee, and placed on the calendar for a second reading in the Senate. The House of Representatives version of the bill, HB 1483, was amended and passed by a 7-4 vote in the the House's School and Learning Council; so far, it is not on the calendar for a second reading in the House.
教師たちや科学者たちやフロリダACLUからの抗議にもかかわらず、そして議会の自身のスタッフの批判にもかかわらず、フロリダ州の反進化論州法案、いはゆるAcademic Freedom Actsは前進している。2008年3月26日に州上院バージョンSB2692が、州上院Education Pre-K-12委員会を4:1で通過し、州上院司法委員会を7:3で通過し、州上院の審議日程に載せられた。下院バージョンHB1483は修正され、州下院School and Learning Counciを7:4で通過したが、州下院審議日程には載せられていない。
[Antievolution bills in Florida progress (2008/04/11)]
According to the Department of Education, there has never been a case in Florida where a public school teacher or public school student has claimed that they have been discriminated against based on their science teaching or science course work.
Permissible laws: 許容な州法
Teaching or using books referring to evolution does not violate the free exercise rights of persons believing in the literal truth of the biblical story of creation, since the mere exposure to objectionable ideas, without governmental compulsion to affirm or deny a religious belief, is insufficient to support a free exercise complaint.8
Impermissible laws: 許容できない州法
A school district's policy on the teaching of intelligent design in high school biology classes, which required students to hear a statement mentioning intelligent design as an alternative to Darwin's Theory of Evolution, amounted to an endorsement of religion in violation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment, since the policy imposed a religious view of biological origins into the biology course.9
8 Mozert v. Hawkins County Bd. of Educ., 827 F.2d 1058 (6th Cir. 1987).
9 Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School Dist., 400 F. Supp. 2d 707 (M.D. Pa. 2005).
posted by Kumicit at 2008/04/13 00:01
