
Science For All American -- Chap. 10 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES [42..48]

Science For All American -- Chapter 10: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES





The intellectual revolution initiated by Darwin sparked great debates. At issue scientifically was how to explain the great diversity of living organisms and of previous organisms evident in the fossil record. The earth was known to be populated with many thousands of different kinds of organisms, and there was abundant evidence that there had once existed many kinds that had become extinct. How did they all get here? Prior to Darwin's time, the prevailing view was that species did not change, that since the beginning of time all known species had been exactly as they were in the present. Perhaps, on rare occasions, an entire species might disappear owing to some catastrophe or by losing out to other species in the competition for food; but no new species could appear.



Nevertheless, in the early nineteenth century, the idea of evolution of species was starting to appear. One line of thought was that organisms would change slightly during their lifetimes in response to environmental conditions, and that those changes could be passed on to their offspring. (One view, for example, was that by stretching to reach leaves high on trees, giraffes—over successive generations—had developed long necks.) Darwin offered a very different mechanism of evolution. He theorized that inherited variations among individuals within a species made some of them more likely than others to survive and have offspring, and that their offspring would inherit those advantages. (Giraffes who had inherited longer necks, therefore, would be more likely to survive and have offspring.) Over successive generations, advantageous characteristics would crowd out others, under some circumstances, and thereby give rise to new species.

しかし、19世紀初頭には、種の進化についての考えが出現していた。ひとつの考え方は、環境条件によって生物は生きている間に少しずつ変化し、その変化は子孫への引き継がれるというもの。(たとえば、高い樹木の葉を食べようとして伸ばしたキリンの首が、子孫に引き継がれて、長い首を発展させた。)ダーウィンは進化について、これとはまったく異なる考え方を提唱した。ダーウィンは種内における子孫へ継承される形質の違いが、他の個体よりも生存しやすく、子孫を残しやすくすることを理論化した。(長い首を継承したキリンは、したがって、より生存しやすく、子孫を残しやすかった。) 世代を重ねて、有利な形質は、ある環境のもとでは、他を圧倒し、それよって新しい種を出現させる。


Darwin presented his theory, together with a great amount of supporting evidence collected over many years, in a book entitled Origin of Species, published in the mid-nineteenth century. Its dramatic effect on biology can be traced to several factors: The argument Darwin presented was sweeping, yet clear and understandable; his line of argument was supported at every point with a wealth of biological and fossil evidence; his comparison of natural selection to the "artificial selection" used in animal breeding was persuasive; and the argument provided a unifying framework for guiding future research.



The scientists who opposed the Darwinian model did so because they disputed some of the mechanisms he proposed for natural selection, or because they believed that it was not predictive in the way Newtonian science was. By the beginning of the twentieth century, however, most biologists had accepted the basic premise that species gradually change, even though the mechanism for biological inheritance was still not altogether understood. Today the debate is no longer about whether evolution occurs but about the details of the mechanisms by which it takes place.



In the general public, there are some people who altogether reject the concept of evolution—not on scientific grounds but on the basis of what they take to be its unacceptable implications: that human beings and other species have common ancestors and are therefore related; that humans and other organisms might have resulted from a process that lacks direction and purpose; and that human beings, like the lower animals, are engaged in a struggle for survival and reproduction. And for some people, the concept of evolution violates the biblical account of the special (and separate) creation of humans and all other species.



At the beginning of the twentieth century, the work of Austrian experimenter Gregor Mendel on inherited characteristics was rediscovered after having passed unnoticed for many years. It held that the traits an organism inherits do not result from a blending of the fluids of the parents but from the transmission of discrete particles—now called genes—from each parent. If organisms have a large number of such particles and some process of random sorting occurs during reproduction, then the variation of individuals within a species—essential for Darwinian evolution—would follow naturally.



Within a quarter of a century of the rediscovery of Mendel's work, discoveries with the microscope showed that genes are organized in strands that split and recombine in ways that furnish each egg or sperm cell with a different combination of genes. By the middle of the twentieth century, genes had been found to be part of DNA molecules, which control the manufacture of the essential materials out of which organisms are made. Study of the chemistry of DNA has brought a dramatic chemical support for biological evolution: The genetic code found in DNA is the same for almost all species of organisms, from bacteria to humans.


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Posted by 黒影 at 2008/04/28 00:25
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