


National Center for Science Educationによれば、フロリダ州の反進化論州法案の成立はぎりぎりの日程になっている:
With drastically different House and Senate versions of what was once the same antievolution bill in the Florida state legislature, it remains uncertain whether antievolution forces will be able to devise a compromise bill to be sent to the governor before the legislature adjourns on May 2, 2008 -- especially with a host of other issues crowding the legislative calendar. At issue is Senate Bill 2692, which the Florida Senate passed and sent to the House on April 23, 2008. On April 28, 2008, the House pulled a switcheroo, substituting the language of its own, quite different and now tabled, bill, HB 1483, and sending the result back to the Senate.



Noting the apparent intransigence in both chambers of the legislature to compromise, the St. Petersburg Times (April 28, 2008) observed, "The Florida Legislature may not weigh in on the state's new standards for teaching evolution after all. Chalk it up to a difference of words between two lawmakers' bills, and the reality that there might not be enough time left this session to negotiate a compromise." Similarly, the Tampa Tribune (April 29, 2008) commented, "Prospects grew dim on Monday for legislation allowing public school teachers to criticize evolution theory in class when the House approved bill language that the Senate had already rejected."

St. Petersburg Times紙は2008年4月28日に「フロリダ州議会は、進化を教える州の新しい教育基準に結局関与しないかもしれない。2人の議員の州法案記述の違いを見れば、調整を協議するために十分な審議時間が残されていない」と報道した。同様にTampa Tribune紙は2008年4月29日に「州上院が既に否定した記述を可決したことにより、公立学校で教師が進化論を批判することを認めた州法が月曜に成立す見込みは小さくなった」とコメントした。

[Antievolution bills continue to advance through Florida legislature (2008/04/29) on NCSE]

妥協が成立しても、共和党のCharlie Crist知事は署名するとは明言していない:
Even if a compromise is reached, it is still unclear whether Governor Charlie Crist would sign a bill into law. The Fort Meyers News-Press (April 29, 2008) reported that Crist "ducked a question about whether he would sign the measure if it reaches his desk," but in an impromptu press conference in the press gallery during the House debate, the Palm Beach Post's blog (April 28, 2008) reported, Crist "showed little enthusiasm for the bill." "Asked if he believe in evolution, Crist said, 'I believe in a lot of things. We should have the freedom to have a good exchange of ideas.' But is legislation needed to guarantee that exchange? 'I'm not so sure,' Crist said."

たとえ州上下院の妥協が成立したとしても州法案にCharlie Crist知事が署名するかどうかは不明である。Fort Meyers News-Press紙は2008年4月29日に、「Crist知事が州法案が知事に送られてきたら署名するかどうかについての質問には答えない」と報道した。しかし、Palm Beach Post紙のブログによれば、「州下院での審議中の記者会見で、Crist知事は州法案に熱意を示さなかった。進化論を信じるかと問われて、Crist知事は『多くのものを信じている。我々は意見交換の自由を持つべきだ。』と答えたが、その意見交換を保証するために、その州法案が必要かと問われると『わからない』と答えた」と報じた。

[Antievolution bills continue to advance through Florida legislature (2008/04/29) on NCSE]

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