


Fort Mill TimesAssociated Pressの報道によれば、フロリダ州の反進化論州法は廃案になった:
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Hotly debated evolution bills that critics said would inject religious doctrine into public schools in the guise of science died a quiet death Friday on the final day of the legislative session.


House and Senate supporters, mostly Republicans, were unable to resolve their dispute over two versions of the legislation before the close of the session.


The Senate favored a bill (SB 2692) that would have prohibited school officials from punishing teachers who used "scientific information" to challenge evolution.


A House bill (HB 1483) would have gone farther, not just allowing such challenges but requiring that schools teach "critical analysis" of evolution.


The Senate version was based on model legislation advocated by the Discovery Institute, a Seattle think tank that supports research on intelligent design. That theory holds that some features of the universe and living things can be explained by an "intelligent cause."

州上院版はインテリジェントデザイン研究を支援するSeattleのシンクタンク、Discovery Insituteによるモデル州法案に基づいたものだった。その理論は、宇宙と生物のいくつかの特徴はインテリジェントな原因で説明できると主張する。

[BILL KACZOR: "Evolution bills die in Legislature as session ends" (2008/05/02) on Fort Mill Times]

Discovery InstituteのシニアフェローであるJohn G Westがフロリダ州上下院の反進化論州法案廃案についてエントリをポストした:
... Supposedly, the Florida House refused to pass the Senate bill because it favored a stronger measure to require the critical analysis of evolution. As a former political science professor, I can tell you that this explanation doesn't hold water. If the Republican House leadership in Florida really supported academic freedom on evolution, they would have passed the Senate bill. Instead, they shamefully passed a bill earlier this week with language that the Senate had previously rejected, knowing full well this would likely mean the death of any legislation on the topic. What has just happened in Florida smacks of classic back-room politics by politicians who are trying to play both sides of an issue. Maybe I'm wrong and something else was going on, but I've yet to hear any credible explanation for why the House did what it did. ...


[Jon G West: "Florida House Republicans Kill Evolution Academic Freedom Measure" (2008/05/02) on Discovery Institute公式ブログ]
内容は昨日紹介したエントリとほぼ同じ。「academic freedom on evolution(進化論についての学問の自由)」という笑える「反進化論の言い換え」をさらりと使っているのはご愛嬌。



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