==>これは確かにクールだ (2007/12/17)
同様にクールかつ、インテリジェントデザインとの見事な対比の例が、Panda's Thumbにポストされていたので、そのまま、訳してみた:
Intelligent Design advocates regularly claim that Intelligent Design is science. However, a recent paper on the lamprey genome demonstrates the sharp gulf between science and ID. One of the key icons of ID is Michael Behe’s ”irreducibly complex” clotting system. In 1996 he claimed that the clotting system was unevolvable, and no simpler clotting system could exist. In contrast, in 1987 evolutionary biologist Russell Doolittle hypothesised that the clotting system had been built up by co-option of duplicated genes. Doolittle specifically predicted that fish would lack key elements of the Mammalian clotting system (elements of the intrinsic or contact clotting system). Let’s see how those predictions fared.
インテリジェントデザイン支持者はいつもインテリジェントデザインは科学だと主張する。しかし、ヤツメウナギのゲノムについての最近の論文は、科学とインテリジェントデザインのシャープな違いを見せ付ける。インテリジェントデザインのひとつの特徴はMichael Beheの"還元不可能な複雑さ"である。1996年にBeheは血液凝固系が進化不可能であり、より単純な血液凝固系は存在し得ないと主張した。これと対照的に、1987年に進化生物学者Russell Doolittleは、血液凝固系が遺伝子重複によるコオプションによってできあがったと仮説をたてた。Doolittleは特に、魚類が哺乳類の血液凝固系のキーとなる要素(intrinsic or contact clotting system)を欠いていると予測した。その予測がどうなっていたかを見てみよう。
Since he first made his prediction, Russell Doolittle has been extensively examining the clotting systems of different organisms. By 2003, after over a decade of hard work, it was apparent that bony fish did lack the intrinsic clotting system, ironically the system that Behe describes in some detail in ”Darwins Black Box”. By 2003 it also seemed that jawless fish also lacked key elements of the intrinsic clotting system, in line with Doolittle’s prediction and the opposite of Behe’s claim.
Russell Doolittleは最初に予測をしてから、異なる生物の血液凝固系を広範囲に調べていた。10年以上の時間をかけて、2003年までに、硬骨魚がintrinsic cltting systemを欠いていることが明らかになった。皮肉にもBeheは血液凝固系について"Darwin's Black Box"で詳細に書いていた。そして、2003年までに、Doolittleの予測に沿って、そしてBeheの主張に反して、円口類[ヤツメウナギなど]はintrinsic clotting systemのキー要素を欠いていることが明らかになった。
Now, it would have been easy for Doolittle to rest there, with favourable evidence for his prediction. But no, he and his colleagues put it to a more stringent test, searching for clotting factor genes in the trace archive of the lamprey genome (a representative jawless fish). This is a massive bit of work, the trace archive is all the gene fragments generated before assembly of the genome, so they had to laboriously assemble and test each putative gene. What did they find?
That jawless fish lack factors IX and V. Now, this is a pretty important chunk of the clotting system to be without. When it was revealed that whales and bony fish lacked the intrinsic clotting system, Behe effectively replied ”So much the worse for them”. But in humans, lack of factor IX produces a bleeding disorder called haemophilia B, lack of factor V also produces haemophilia, and lack of both should result in a very severe bleeding disorder.
円口類はファクターIXとファクターVを欠いていた。今や、これは、それらのファクターのない血液凝固系の重要な例となった。そして、クジラと硬骨魚がintrinsic clotting systemを欠いていることが明らかになって、Beheは「それらにとって、それなりに悪いことだ」と効果的に応じた。しかし、人間ではファクターIXの欠落は、血友病Bという出血性障害をもたらし、ファクターVの欠落は血友病をもたらし、その両方の欠落は深刻な出血性障害をもたらす。
The reducible clotting system: Bony fish and jawless fish have a reduced complement of clotting factors compared to mammals. Jawless fish lack factors IX and V. Tissue factor and factor VII directly activate thrombin, but the explosive coagulation cascade is initiated by factors IX and V acting together. The older name for Factor V was proaccelerin, the activated from of factor V was known as accelerin, indicating its role in the explosive acceleration of clotting.
還元可能な血液凝固系: 硬骨魚と円口類は、哺乳類に比べて凝固ファクターが少ない分を補うものを持っている。円口類はファクターIXとVを欠いている。そして、TissueファクターとファクターVIIが直接にトロンビンを活性化させる。爆発的血液凝固カスケードはファクターIXとVがいっしょに働くことによって起動されるにもかかわらず。ファクターVの旧称はProaccelerinであり、活性化されたファクターVはAccelerinとして知られ、凝固系の爆発的加速の役割を担っていることを示している。
Factors IX and V are not peripheral pieces of the clotting system, but are the key section that produces the massive amount of thrombin needed for clotting in vertebrates. According to Behe, the severe bleeding disorder from loss of factors IX and V shows that the clotting system could not be built up from simpler systems, as the system can only function with all its parts.
To put it in Behe’s imagery, the clotting system of the Lamprey is a mousetrap without a spring.
Yet jawless fish are doing quite well without factor IX and V. The implications of this for ”irreducible complexity” are profound. An ID advocate might concede that ”yes, the clotting system isn’t really irreducibly complex, what about other systems?”. But this example not only falsifies the claim that the clotting system is ”irreducibly complex”, but the logic of entire argument Behe uses. Behe has claimed that it is not possible to directly evolve a system such as the clotting system directly, because a smaller system will not work. Yet the jawless fish system shows just that, a system that lacks key component(s) of the mammalian system is completely viable and functioning. Behe’s central argument is broken, knocking out parts of a system and showing that the system breaks does not mean it cannot evolve directly from a simpler system. The work on lampreys provides strong evidence for Doolittle’s model of generating complex systems by rounds of duplication and divergence.
Doolittle RF, Jiang Y, Nand J. Genomic evidence for a simpler clotting scheme in jawless vertebrates. J Mol Evol. 2008 Feb;66(2):185-96.
Jiang Y, Doolittle RF. The evolution of vertebrate blood coagulation as viewed from a comparison of puffer fish and sea squirt genomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Jun 24;100(13):7527-32 (full article free access)
Doolittle RF.The evolution of vertebrate blood coagulation: a case of Yin and Yang. Thromb Haemost. 1993 Jul 1;70(1):24-8
Doolittle RF, Feng DF.Reconstructing the evolution of vertebrate blood coagulation from a consideration of the amino acid sequences of clotting proteins.Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1987;52:869-74.
Davidson CJ, Hirt RP, Lal K, Snell P, Elgar G, Tuddenham EG, McVey JH. (2003). Molecular evolution of the vertebrate blood coagulation network. Thromb Haemost. 89(3):420-8.
Davidson CJ, Tuddenham EG, McVey JH. 450 million years of hemostasis. J Thromb Haemost. 2003 Jul;1(7):1487-94.
[Ian Musgrave : "Behe vs Lampreys: A modest proposal." (2008/05/10) on Panda's Thumb]