

2008年5月13日付のCatholic News AgencyAsscoiated Pressなどの報道によれば、バチカン観測所長José Gabriel Funes神父が「地球外生命の存在を信じることは、カトリックの教義に反しない」と述べた:
Vatican City, May 13, 2008 / 01:59 pm (CNA).- The Director of the Vatican's Observatory, Fr. José Gabriel Funes, said in an interview with the Vatican daily, L'Osservatore Romano, that believing in the possible existence of extraterrestrial life is not opposed to Catholic doctrine.

バチカン観測所長José Gabriel Funes神父は、バチカン日刊紙L'Osservatore Romanoとのインタビューで、地球外生命の存在を信じることは、カトリックの教義に反しないと述べた。


Regarding the beginning of the universe, Fr. Funes says that he personally believes that the "big bang" theory seems to him the most plausible, and that it does not contradict the Bible. "We cannot ask the Bible for a scientific answer here. At the same time, we don't know if in a near future the 'Big Bang' theory will be superseded by a more complete and precise explanation of the origin of the universe."

José Gabriel Funes神父は、「宇宙の始まりについて、個人的にはビッグバン理論がもっとも尤もらしいと思われる。そして、それは聖書に反しない。聖書に科学的な答えは求められない。同時に、近い未来に、ビッグバン理論や宇宙の起源について、より複雑かつ正確な説明に取って代わられるかどうか、わからない。」と述べた。


Asked is he sees a contradiction between the Catholic faith and believing in aliens, he said, "I think there isn't (a contradiction). Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures over the earth, so there could be other beings, even intelligent (beings), created by God. This is not in contradiction with our faith, because we cannot establish limits to God's creative freedom. To say it with St. Francis, if we can consider some earthly creatures as 'brothers' or 'sisters', why could we not speak of a 'brother alien'? He would also belong to the creation."


[Believing in aliens not opposed to Christianity, Vatican’s top astronomer says (2008/05/13) Catholic News Agency]

==> 忘却からの帰還:火星に生命がいるかどうかが信仰の問題になるのかな? (2007/08/28)

インテリジェントデザインを批判する前所長Dr. George Coyneの退任を喜んだインテリジェントデザインの本山たるDiscovery InstituteのBruce Chapman所長だったが...

==>忘却からの帰還:バチカン観測所長の交替を喜ぶDiscovery Institute所長 (2006/08/24)

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