==>Josh Timonen: "Expelled Overview" (2008/03/25) on RichardDawkins.Net
==>忘却からの帰還:"Imagine"を無断使用したインテリジェントデザイン宣伝映画Expelled (2008/04/18)
ReutersやThe Associated Pressなどの報道によれば、インテリジェントデザイン宣伝映画Expelledにおける、"Imagine"無断使用について、Yoko Onoらが使用差し止めを求めてManhattan地方裁判所に、映画製作者および配給者を訴えた
==>Yoko Ono sues "Expelled" filmmakers over Imagine (2008/04/23) on Reuters
==>忘却からの帰還: Yoko Onoがインテリジェントデザイン宣伝映画Expelledの製作者・配給者を訴える (2008/04/24)
The canadian Pressによれば、この裁判で、Expelled製作側弁護士Falzone氏は次のような対抗議論を行った
Falzone said the portion of the song - "nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too" - was central to the movie.なんと、インテリジェントデザインは「宗教の欠落はファシズム・全体主義・ナチズムへの道である」という主張らしい。
「歌の一部分"nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too"は映画の核心である。」
"What they are criticizing here, your honour, is they're saying that happy, naive feeling you get when you hear the song and think about peace and children and play is dangerous, dangerously naive."
Falzone said the movie suggests "that this absence of religion paves the way for fascism, totalitarianism, Nazism."
"Really, what the film is doing is, it's asking if John Lennon was right and it's concluding he was wrong," the lawyer said.
「まさに、この映画がやっていることは、John Lennonは正しいのかと問い、John Lennonが間違っているのだと結論することだ」
He said the movie makers did not believe they needed to ask Ono's permission to use a portion of the song because it was not the entire song or enough of it to infringe on the copyright.
「歌全体ではなく、著作権の侵害には当たらないので、歌の一部の使用について、Yoko Onoの許諾は必要ないと、Expelled製作者は考えている」
"Why would you ask somebody for permission to criticize their work?" he asked. "It's not likely it's going to be granted."
[Judge to rule on Yoko Ono lawsuit over use of 'Imagine' in movie (2008/05/20) on The canadian Press]
==忘却からの帰還: Reductio ad HitlerumなExpelled (2008/05/05)