- "Imagine"を無断使用したインテリジェントデザイン宣伝映画Expelled (2008/04/18)
- Yoko Onoがインテリジェントデザイン宣伝映画Expelledの製作者・配給者を訴える (2008/04/25)
- インテリジェントデザインとは「宗教の欠落がナチズムにつながる」という主張 (2008/05/27)
The Wall Street Journal - Law blogなどによれば、Yoko Onoらによる無断使用差し止め訴訟において、 Sidney Stein裁判官は"Fair use"であるとの判決を下した。
ただし、ExpelledのDVD作製および新た映画館での上映は、EMI Musicによる裁判が継続中のため、差し止められたままである:
Still pending is a parallel suit, filed in New York State court, by EMI Music, which says it owns the song recording — i.e. Lennon’s recorded performance, as distinct from the musical composition. Among other things, EMI claims that by using the song, Premise is harming EMI’s ability to license “Imagine,” which has only been licensed in one film, “The Killing Fields.”また、この判決は、"インテリジェントデザイン宣伝映画"であるはずの"Expelled"の核心が「Imagineの歌詞の一部"nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too"」であって、"Imagine"批判映画だと認定したようなものになっている。もちろん、それ自体はExpelled制作側の主張だったわけだが:
[Dan Slater: "Yoko Ono’s Injunction Request Denied in Federal ‘Expelled’ Case" (2008/06/02) on The Wall Street Journal - Law blog]
Falzone said the portion of the song - "nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too" - was central to the movie.
[Expelled製作側弁護士]Falzone氏は「歌の一部分"nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too"は映画の核心である。」と述べた。
"Really, what the film is doing is, it's asking if John Lennon was right and it's concluding he was wrong," the lawyer said.
「まさに、この映画がやっていることは、John Lennonは正しいのかと問い、John Lennonが間違っているのだと結論することだ」
[Judge to rule on Yoko Ono lawsuit over use of 'Imagine' in movie (2008/05/20) on The canadian Press]
使用された部分近くには、インテリジェントデザイン宣伝映画用だと知らせずにBen SteinがPZ Myers準教授をインタビューした会話がある:
Immediately preceding the excerpt in the movie are short segments in which several speakers express negative views of religion and the hope that science will eventually diminish religion’s role in society. (Id.) The last of these interviews, with Dr. P.Z. Myers, proceeds as follows:確かに、これとImagineの組み合わせから、"Expelled"が宗教と科学の戦いにおける宗教側のポジションからの主張であることはわかりやすい。P.Z. Myers: Religion is an, is an idea that gives some people comfort, and we don’t want to take it away from them. It’s like, it’s like knitting. People like to knit. You know, we’re not going to take their knitting needles away, we’re not going to take away their churches. Uh, but what we have to do is, is get it to a place where religion is treated at the level it should be treated, that is, something fun that people get together and do on the weekend and really doesn’t affect their life as much as it has been so far.
Ben Stein: So what would the world look like if Dr. Myers got his wish?
P.Z. Myers: Greater science literacy, which is going to lead to the erosion of religion, and then we’ll get this positive feedback mechanism going where, as religion slowly fades away we’ll get more and more science to replace it, and that will displace more and more religion, which will allow more and more science in, and we’ll eventually get to that point where religion has taken that appropriate place as, as, as side dish rather than the main course.
[Yoko Ono Lennon ... v. Premise Media ... / US District court Southern District of New York]