Yet a little over a century ago, this cardinal idea came under wholesale attack by intellectuals drawing on the discoveries of modern science. Debunking the traditional conceptions of both God and man, thinkers such as Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, and Sigmund Freud portrayed humans not as moral and spiritual beings, but as animals or machines who inhabited a universe ruled by purely impersonal forces and whose behavior and very thoughts were dictated by the unbending forces of biology, chemistry, and environment. This materialistic conception of reality eventually infected virtually every area of our culture, from politics and economics to literature and art
[The Wedge Document (全訳)]
しかし、インテリジェントデザイン理論家Dr. William Dembskiと仲間たちのブログ
Uncommon DescentのSteve Fullerは、DarwinとFreudの違いを正しくわかっているようだ:
Although Freud had top-notch academic credentials, his career was always that of an outsider, whose main constituency was in the larger public intellectual culture and well-educated middle class people who were his client base. (Freud’s books won literary prizes, not scientific ones.) One way you can see Freud’s outsider status is that he was never granted a professorship even though he tried several times. While his theories were somewhat embraced by medical schools (peaking in the US in the 1950s), experimental psychologists, while of course familiar with his claims, generally kept their distance. In fact, Freud’s fall from grace has been really from psychiatry, which is the only field within striking distance of natural science in which he was ever held in grace.
However, it’s only been since the 1970s that Freud has been shunned specifically because his theories and treatments don’t work. Before that time, he was shunned because of what we would now regard as the interdisciplinary character of his work: He borrowed things from a lot of disciplines, and so it was always hard to test anything he said. For example, already in the 1920s Karl Popper was talking about psychoanalysis as ‘unfalsifiable’ rather than simply false. Nowadays people are more comfortable saying Freud is false.
しかし、特に彼の理論と治療法が役に立たないことから、Freudが避けられるようになったのは1970年代からである。それまでFreudが避けられていたのは今では学際的とみなされる彼の研究の特性からだった。彼は多くの学術分野から色々と借りてきたので、彼の言ったことはどれも検証が困難だった。たとえば、1920年代には既に、Karl Popperが精神分析について、間違う前に、反証不可能だと語っている。そして、今では、人々は、あっさりFreudは間違っていたと言う。
[Steve Fuller: "Freud and Darwin II" (2009/10/16) on Uncommon Descent]
==>Hans Jürgen Eysenck: "Decline and fall of the Freudian empire"(1985) [
もちろん、このあとはインテリジェントデザイン支持者らしい話で「反進化論の高まりは、社会生物学と"selfish gene"」からだと主張する:..
The people originally behind the Neo-Darwinian synthesis in the 1930s, whatever their (typically pro-) views about eugenics, downplayed, if not outright denied, Darwinism’s significance for explaining human behaviour. In fact, this strategy worked well for about 40 years – until E.O. Wilson published Sociobiology and Richard Dawkins published The Selfish Gene. Not surprisingly, Darwinism has come to attract an increasing amount suspicion and scepticism, once its implications for the human condition have become clearer. In contrast, Freud could never hide that his theory was about the human condition, and so accordingly it has always been under a cloud.
当初1930年代のネオダーウィニズ総合説を支持する人々は、一般に優生支持だが、その見方がどうであれ、人間の行動の説明についてのダーウィニズムの重要性を否定しないにせよ、重視しなかった。実際、この戦略は約40年間うまくいあった。そして、EO Wilsonが社会生物学を発表した。そして、Richard DawkinsがSelfish Geneを出版した。もっともなことだが、ダーウィニズムの人間に対する意味が明らかになると、ダーウィニズムへの疑いと懐疑が増大した。これに対してFreudは、その理論が人間の状態についてのものだったために隠れるところがなかく、常に疑いを持たれていた。
[Steve Fuller: "Freud and Darwin II" (2009/10/16) on Uncommon Descent]
それはさておき、"selfish gene"については、よくある誤解にはまっているようだ:
Similarly the term 'selfish' in Dawkins's concept selfish gene is not meant to be taken literally. Quite oviously gene cannot behave selfishly because selfishness is a moral property and it is likely that only humans can possess it. Dawkins is as well aware of this as anybody else. His point is an analogical one: gene behave (in the mathematician's sens, of course) as if they were selfish,as if they only looked after their own interests. In fact, of course, they do nothing at all: they are simply inert bit of DNA whose only functional capacity is to produce copies of themselves. But the processes of Darwinian natural selection act on genes in such a way that the effective with which they are able to replicate themselves in the next generation looks like active choice. Dawksin is simply pointing out that when we ask about the evolution of behaviour (or anything else), we have to adopt a gene's eye view. His point is a purely cautionary one, a reminder that in evolutionary studies the accounting has to be done in terms of the number of copies of a given gene that appear in the next generation.
[Robin Dumber:「科学がきらわれる理由」p213 鏡の国の科学 メタファーの問題]
それに順序としても変。"Selfish Gene"の初版は1976年だが、創造論の盛り上がりは1961年の
The Genesis Flood出版あたりから。
なお、Steve Fullerの主張のうち、社会生物学をめぐる戦いがあったこと自体は事実である。ただし、Religious RightではなくAcademic Leftが主たる敵だったが。
posted by Kumicit at 2009/10/30 02:27