

1992年頃、インテリジェントデザイン理論家(数学・神学)Dr. William Dembskiはこんなことを言っていた。
William Dembski on the Origin of Life

Dawkins, to explain LIFE apart from a designer, not only gives himself all the time Darwin ever wanted, but also helps himself to all the conceivable planets there might be in the observable universe (note that these are planets he must posit, since no planets outside our solar system have been observed, nor is there currently any compelling theory of planetary formation which guarantees that the observable universe is populated with planets).

Certainly, when Dawkins published “the Blind Watchmaker” in 1986, there was a compelling theory of planetary formation, along with astromomical observations which guaranteed that there would be planets around other suns. When Dembski wrote his words in 1992, astronomers were busy designing the very instruments that would reap a harvest of extrasolar planets just a few years later. ...

Based on the Kepler data of 2010, we can say that around 50% of Sun-like stars have planets, and there may be at least one million Earth-like planets in habitable zones in the Milky-Way alone. And that is probably an underestimate. Some good resources are the Exoplanet encyclopaedia, Exoplanet.org (with the exoplanet data plotter) and the Habitable Zone as well as my posts on exoplanets.

確かに、Dawkinsが1986年に"盲目の時計職人"を出版したとき、惑星形成の有力な理論がり、他の太陽の周りの惑星が存在することを保証する天文学の観察があった。Dembskiが1992年に書いたとき、天文学者はわずか数年後に太陽系外惑星を観測開始する観測装置の設計に追われていた。 ...

2010年のKeplerのデータに基づいて、我々は太陽のような恒星の約50%が惑星を持っていると言える。そして、我々の銀河系だけでも居住可能ゾーンに地球のような惑星が少なくとも100万個存在するかもいれない。そして、おそらく、これは過小評価である。これらについての良い情報は、Exoplanet encyclopaediaやExoplanet.org (exoplanet data plotter)やHabitable Zoneや私の太陽系外惑星についてのエントリにある。

Ian Musgrave: "The Discovery Institute Fails at Exoplanets" (2011/09/14) on Panda's Thumb (also on Astroblog by Ian Mugrave]
タグ:Dembki id理論
posted by Kumicit at 2011/09/15 06:52 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Dembski | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


YECイベントの宣伝をしたUncommon DescentのMario A. Lopez

インテリジェントデザイン理論家Dr. William Dembskiと仲間たちのブログUncommon DescnetのMario A. Lopezが、うれしそうに、反進化論イベントへのリンクを貼り付けた:
[Mario A. Lopez: "The Scientific Impossibility of Evolution" (2009/10/29) on Uncommon Descnet]

November 9, 2009 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. St. Pius V University (Rome)
In Response to Pope Benedict XVI’s Call for Both Sides to be Heard
[Scientific Conference Refuting Evolution Theory on RemnantNewsPaper.Com]

Scientific Conference Refuting Evolution Theory to be held in Rome, Italy
November 9, 2009 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. St. Pius V University (Rome)


“The Scientific Impossibility of Evolution”
November 9, 2009
Libera Università degli Studi San Pio V
Via Cristoforo Colombo, No. 200

1 “The Scientific Impossibility of Evolution”
2 Experiments in Stratification Do Not Support the Theory of Evolution
3 The Second Law of Thermodynamics Excludes Evolution
4 Are Radio-dating Methods Reliable?
5 Did Megafauna and Dinosaurs Live at the Same Time?
6 Impact of Race Formation and Mutations on the Theory of Evolution


Uncommon Descentのコメンタたちは、Mario A. Lopezを攻撃し始める。そもそも開催場所からあやしいと...
[1 DiEb 10/29/2009 11:01 am]

The three faculties of the Libera Università degli Studi “San Pio V” are:

Libera Università degli Studiには3つ学部がある:

1. Faculty of Economics
2. Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature
3. Faculty of Political Sciences


I assume that this institute rented out its rooms to a group of individuals (including Maciej Giertych) who are trying to answer a rhetorical question…


[2 Nakashima 10/29/2009 11:49 am]

Mr Lopez,

Do you have any information about the venue? I can’t find any information through Google about a Pope/St Pius V University in Rome. Google just finds this press release. Any help appreciated, thanks.

現地について何か知らないか? "Pope/St Pius V University"についての情報をGoogleでは見つけられない。Googleで引っかかるのは、このプレスリリースだけ。
6 tyke 10/29/2009 3:58 pm

So ID is endorsing YEC now?


Seriously, what benefit does the ID community gain from accommodating young-Earth creationist theories? It can only serve to confirm suspicions that ID is tied irrevocably to religious tenets and beliefs.

若地球の創造論と組んで、インテリジェントデザインのコミュニティが得られる利益は何だ? インテリジェントデザインが取り返しのつかぬほどに宗教的な信条に拘束されるという疑いを確かめるのに役立つだけだ。
そして、Mario A. Lopezは仕方なく...
8 Mario A. Lopez 10/29/2009 4:53 pm

Come on tyke. This is not YEC propaganda, this is simply a news worthy event. For the record, I am not a YEC,

たぶん、Mario A. Lopezは中味を読まずに、リンクしたのだろう。

posted by Kumicit at 2009/10/31 01:39 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Dembski | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


フロイトをめぐるUncommon DescentのSteve Fullerの主張

Yet a little over a century ago, this cardinal idea came under wholesale attack by intellectuals drawing on the discoveries of modern science. Debunking the traditional conceptions of both God and man, thinkers such as Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, and Sigmund Freud portrayed humans not as moral and spiritual beings, but as animals or machines who inhabited a universe ruled by purely impersonal forces and whose behavior and very thoughts were dictated by the unbending forces of biology, chemistry, and environment. This materialistic conception of reality eventually infected virtually every area of our culture, from politics and economics to literature and art


[The Wedge Document (全訳)]

しかし、インテリジェントデザイン理論家Dr. William Dembskiと仲間たちのブログUncommon DescentのSteve Fullerは、DarwinとFreudの違いを正しくわかっているようだ:
Although Freud had top-notch academic credentials, his career was always that of an outsider, whose main constituency was in the larger public intellectual culture and well-educated middle class people who were his client base. (Freud’s books won literary prizes, not scientific ones.) One way you can see Freud’s outsider status is that he was never granted a professorship even though he tried several times. While his theories were somewhat embraced by medical schools (peaking in the US in the 1950s), experimental psychologists, while of course familiar with his claims, generally kept their distance. In fact, Freud’s fall from grace has been really from psychiatry, which is the only field within striking distance of natural science in which he was ever held in grace.


However, it’s only been since the 1970s that Freud has been shunned specifically because his theories and treatments don’t work. Before that time, he was shunned because of what we would now regard as the interdisciplinary character of his work: He borrowed things from a lot of disciplines, and so it was always hard to test anything he said. For example, already in the 1920s Karl Popper was talking about psychoanalysis as ‘unfalsifiable’ rather than simply false. Nowadays people are more comfortable saying Freud is false.

しかし、特に彼の理論と治療法が役に立たないことから、Freudが避けられるようになったのは1970年代からである。それまでFreudが避けられていたのは今では学際的とみなされる彼の研究の特性からだった。彼は多くの学術分野から色々と借りてきたので、彼の言ったことはどれも検証が困難だった。たとえば、1920年代には既に、Karl Popperが精神分析について、間違う前に、反証不可能だと語っている。そして、今では、人々は、あっさりFreudは間違っていたと言う。

[Steve Fuller: "Freud and Darwin II" (2009/10/16) on Uncommon Descent]

==>Hans Jürgen Eysenck: "Decline and fall of the Freudian empire"(1985) [訳本]

もちろん、このあとはインテリジェントデザイン支持者らしい話で「反進化論の高まりは、社会生物学と"selfish gene"」からだと主張する:..
The people originally behind the Neo-Darwinian synthesis in the 1930s, whatever their (typically pro-) views about eugenics, downplayed, if not outright denied, Darwinism’s significance for explaining human behaviour. In fact, this strategy worked well for about 40 years – until E.O. Wilson published Sociobiology and Richard Dawkins published The Selfish Gene. Not surprisingly, Darwinism has come to attract an increasing amount suspicion and scepticism, once its implications for the human condition have become clearer. In contrast, Freud could never hide that his theory was about the human condition, and so accordingly it has always been under a cloud.

当初1930年代のネオダーウィニズ総合説を支持する人々は、一般に優生支持だが、その見方がどうであれ、人間の行動の説明についてのダーウィニズムの重要性を否定しないにせよ、重視しなかった。実際、この戦略は約40年間うまくいあった。そして、EO Wilsonが社会生物学を発表した。そして、Richard DawkinsがSelfish Geneを出版した。もっともなことだが、ダーウィニズムの人間に対する意味が明らかになると、ダーウィニズムへの疑いと懐疑が増大した。これに対してFreudは、その理論が人間の状態についてのものだったために隠れるところがなかく、常に疑いを持たれていた。

[Steve Fuller: "Freud and Darwin II" (2009/10/16) on Uncommon Descent]

それはさておき、"selfish gene"については、よくある誤解にはまっているようだ:
Similarly the term 'selfish' in Dawkins's concept selfish gene is not meant to be taken literally. Quite oviously gene cannot behave selfishly because selfishness is a moral property and it is likely that only humans can possess it. Dawkins is as well aware of this as anybody else. His point is an analogical one: gene behave (in the mathematician's sens, of course) as if they were selfish,as if they only looked after their own interests. In fact, of course, they do nothing at all: they are simply inert bit of DNA whose only functional capacity is to produce copies of themselves. But the processes of Darwinian natural selection act on genes in such a way that the effective with which they are able to replicate themselves in the next generation looks like active choice. Dawksin is simply pointing out that when we ask about the evolution of behaviour (or anything else), we have to adopt a gene's eye view. His point is a purely cautionary one, a reminder that in evolutionary studies the accounting has to be done in terms of the number of copies of a given gene that appear in the next generation.


[Robin Dumber:「科学がきらわれる理由」p213 鏡の国の科学 メタファーの問題]
それに順序としても変。"Selfish Gene"の初版は1976年だが、創造論の盛り上がりは1961年のThe Genesis Flood出版あたりから。

なお、Steve Fullerの主張のうち、社会生物学をめぐる戦いがあったこと自体は事実である。ただし、Religious RightではなくAcademic Leftが主たる敵だったが。

タグ:UCD id理論
posted by Kumicit at 2009/10/30 02:27 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Dembski | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Dembskiの情報保存則 Revisited


インテリジェントデザイン理論家Dr. William Dembskiは、その後に忘れ去ってしまうのだが、旧世紀末には情報量保存則を提唱していた。それは...
To see that natural causes cannot account for CSI is straightforward. Natural causes comprise chance and necessity (cf. Jacques Monod's book by that title). Because information presupposes contingency, necessity is by definition incapable of producing information, much less complex specified information. For there to be information there must be a multiplicity of live possibilities, one of which is actualized, and the rest of which are excluded. This is contingency. But if some outcome B is necessary given antecedent conditions A, then the probability of B given A is one, and the information in B given A is zero. If B is necessary given A, Formula (*) reduces to I(A&B) = I(A), which is to say that B contributes no new information to A. It follows that necessity is incapable of generating new information. Observe that what Eigen calls "algorithms" and "natural laws" fall under necessity.

CSI を自然の原因で説明できないことをわかるのは簡単だ。自然の原因は(Jacque Monodの本の表題である)偶然と必然から構成される。情報は偶発性を前提とするので、必然は情報の、言うまでもなく"複雑な指定された情報"の、生産を定義上できない。そこに情報があるためには、複数の有効な可能性のうち、一方が現実化され、それ以外が除外されなければならない。これは偶発性だ。しかし、もしある結果Bが前提条件Aによって必然的に与えられるなら、Aが与えられたときのBの確率は1であり、Aが与えられたときのBの情報量はゼロである。もしBがAから必然的に与えられるなら、公式はI(A&B)=I(A)に還元される。すなわちBは新しい情報をAに与えない。Manfred Eigenが"アルゴリズム"と"自然法則"と呼ぶものは"必然"に帰着することがわかる。

[William A Dembski: "Intelligent Design as a Theory of Information" (1997)]

  • Aが起きたら、必ずBが起きるなら、Bは新しい情報ではない。
  • 自然法則による必然とは「Aが起きたら、必ずBが起きる」というものである
  • よって、自然法則による必然からは、新しい情報は生み出されない
  • 従って、情報は"偶発性"(contingency)からしか生み出されない




このあと、Dembskiは「情報」をDembski用語「CSI = Complex Specified Information」として定義する。

Since information presupposes contingency, let us take a closer look at contingency. Contingency can assume only one of two forms. Either the contingency is a blind, purposeless contingency--which is chance; or it is a guided, purposeful contingency--which is intelligent causation. Since we already know that intelligent causation is capable of generating CSI (cf. section 4), let us next consider whether chance might also be capable of generating CSI. First notice that pure chance, entirely unsupplemented and left to its own devices, is incapable of generating CSI. Chance can generate complex unspecified information, and chance can generate non-complex specified information. What chance cannot generate is information that is jointly complex and specified.


  • 宇宙が決定論的であれば、初期値から同じ結果が再現可能
  • 量子力学レベルの乱数を使っていたところで、Dembski定義ではそれは情報量ゼロ

Natural causes are therefore incapable of generating CSI. This broad conclusion I call the Law of Conservation of Information, or LCI for short. LCI has profound implications for science. Among its corollaries are the following: (1) The CSI in a closed system of natural causes remains constant or decreases. (2) CSI cannot be generated spontaneously, originate endogenously, or organize itself (as these terms are used in origins-of-life research). (3) The CSI in a closed system of natural causes either has been in the system eternally or was at some point added exogenously (implying that the system though now closed was not always closed). (4) In particular, any closed system of natural causes that is also of finite duration received whatever CSI it contains before it became a closed system.


  1. 自然に起因する閉鎖系では、CSIは、一定のままであるか、減少する
  2. CSIは自発的に発生することができないか、内生的に起因しないか、(生命の起源の研究で使われる用語である)自己組織化できない。
  3. 自然に起因する閉鎖系のCSIは、永続して系にあるか、ある時点で外因的に加えられたか(系は現在は閉じているが、常に閉じていたわけではない)である
  4. 特に、有限の期間存在する、自然に起因する閉鎖系は、その系が閉鎖系になる前に受け取ったCSIを含む

CSI demands an intelligent cause. Natural causes will not do.
  • 自然法則でも偶然でも説明できないもの





最近も、Jeffrey Shallitによれば、統一教会信者Dr. Jonathan Wellsが"インテリジェントデザイン情報理論"な主張をしている:
Intelligent design creationists love to talk about information theory, but unfortunately they rarely understand it. Jonathan Wells is the latest ID creationist to demonstrate this.

In a recent post at “Evolution News & Views” describing an event at the University of Oklahoma, Wells said,

インテリジェントデザイン創造論者は情報理論について話すのが好きだが、残念ながら、それをほとんど理解していない。それを示した最新のインテリジェントデザイン創造論者は、Jonathan Wellである。

University of Oklahomaでのイベントを書いた、"Evolution News & Views"(Discovery Institute公式ブログ)での最近のエントリで、Jonathan Wellsはこう言っている:
I replied that duplicating a gene doesn’t increase information content any more than photocopying a paper increases its information content.


[Jonathan Wells: "Storming the Beaches of Norman" (2009/10/03)]

Wells is wrong. I frequently give this as an exercise in my classes at the University of Waterloo: Prove that if x is a string of symbols, then the Kolmogorov information in xx is greater than that in x for infinitely many strings x. Most of my students can do this one, but it looks like information expert Jonathan Wells can’t.

Jonathan Wellsは間違っている。これを私はよく、University of Waterlooの授業の演習に使っている。「xが文字列であれば、無限長文字列xに対して、xxのKolmogorov情報量は、xの情報量よりも多いことを証明せよ」 私が教えている学生たちの大半はこれに正解を出せる。しかし、情報理論の専門家Jonathan Wellsには無理なようだ。

[Jeffrey Shallit: "Jonathan Wells: Another ID Creationist Who Doesn’t Understand Information Theory" (2009/10/04) on Panda's Thumb]


posted by Kumicit at 2009/10/13 08:46 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Dembski | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


イミフなアナロジーを持ち出すUncommon DescentのGilDodgen

インテリジェントデザイン理論家Dr. William Dembskiと仲間たちのブログUncommon DescentのGilDodgenがアナロジーで反進化論を語った:
I’m still trying to figure out how the circulatory avian lung evolved in a step-by-tiny-step fashion from the reptilian bellows lung, without encountering DLL hell, and how the hypothesized intermediates did not die of asphyxia at the moment of birth (or hatching), without the chance to reproduce.

爬虫類の肺が、小さなステップバイステップの方法で、鳥類の気嚢と肺管の肺へ、DLL hellに遭遇することなく、進化できたか、そして出生時点で死亡して子孫が残せなくなることがないような仮説的中間形態を考えている。

Of course, we all know that this kind of challenge — no matter how obvious or compelling — presents no problem for the D-Fundies (Darwinian Fundamentalists), who are true believers in the clearly impossible, based on materialistic assumptions in which design could not possibly have played a role.


[GilDodgen: "DLL Hell, Software Interdependencies, and Darwinian Evolution" (2009/06/06) onUncommon Descent]
S. F. Perry and H. -R. Duncker:"Interrelationship of static mechanical factors and anatomical structure in lung evolution ", Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology, 138(4), 321-334, 1980
James W. Hicks, and Colleen G. Farmer: "Gas exchange potential in reptilian lungs: implications for the dinosaur–avian connection", Respiration Physiology, 117(2-3), 73-83, 1999.

なので、"若い地球の創造論"ミニストリCreation Ministries International(旧Answers in Genesis, Australia)のJonathan Sarfatiなどがネタにしている。

それはさておき、DLL hellを持ち出したGilDodgenだけど、このアナロジーは何の意味も持たない。

DLL hellはユーザから見れば、同じDLLの別バージョンに依存した複数のアプリケーションを1台のPCにインストールしたときに起きる問題。あえていうなら、鳥類の肺の出現によって、強制的に恐竜の肺が鳥類の肺に置き換えられて、恐竜がバッタリ絶滅したという状況だろうか。
posted by Kumicit at 2009/06/11 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Dembski | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする