

[AURORA MUÑOZ LARA: "Abortion a bigger problem than joblessness, says Catholic Church" (2012/01/01) on ELPAIS]

The Spanish Catholic Church is also concerned about homosexuality. During his Boxing Day sermon, the Bishop of Córdoba, Demetrio Fernández, said there was a conspiracy by the United Nations. "The Minister for Family of the Papal Government, Cardinal Antonelli, told me a few days ago in Zaragoza that UNESCO has a program for the next 20 years to make half the world population homosexual. To do this they have distinct programs, and will continue to implant the ideology that is already present in our schools."

スペインのカトリック教会は、同性愛を懸念している。コルドバ司教Demetrio Fernándezは、ボクイングデイ[クリスマスの翌日]の説教で国連の陰謀があると述べた。「教皇庁のAntonelli枢機卿が数日前Zaragozaで私に、今後20年で世界人口の半数をホモセクシュアルにする計画がUNESCOにあると言った。これを実現するために、彼らは別個の計画を持っており、既に我々の学校にあるイデオロギーを注入し続ける。」

[ALFONSO ALBA CÓRDOBA: "El obispo de Córdoba dice que "algunas escuelas de Secundaria" incitan a sus alumnos "a la fornicación"" (2012/01/12) on ABCes]

El prelado cordobés insiste en su misiva dirigida a los fieles cordobeses en que “la incitación a la fornicación es continua en los medios de comunicación, en el cine, en la televisión, incluso en algunas escuelas de Secundaria”. Eso sí, se sobreentiende que los colegios católicos están al margen, por eso usa el término “algunas”.

posted by Kumicit at 2012/01/16 06:27 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Vatican | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Guy ConsolmagnoとDr. Jason Rosenhouse

米国アリゾナ州にあるヴァチカン観測所の Guy Consolmagnoを取り上げ、キリスト教が進化論について少々よろめきつつも科学の擁護者であるという記事がカナダの雑誌に掲載された。

==>Dan Falk: "The Glad Scientist -- A Vatican astronomer explains why science and religion are a match made in heaven" (2009/10) on The Walrus

Guy Consolmagnoは、カトリックの中でも、強くインテリジェントデザインに対抗し、むしろDr. Kenneth Millerよりも理神論よりの有神論的進化論のポジションをとっている...

しかし、このThe Walrusの記事に注目した、James Madison Universityで数学の準教授をつとめるDr. Jason Rosenhouseは、あっさり斬っている:
[Jason Rosenhouse: "Do ID Folks Suffer From Weak Faith?" (2009/10/05) on Evolution Blog]

Via Andrew Sullivan I came across this article, from the Canadian magazine The Walrus, on the subject of science and religion. The article's focus is on Guy Consolmagno, a Jesuit astronomer. It was the article's conclusion that really caught my eye:

Andrew Sullivan経由で、カナダの雑誌The Walrusに掲載された科学と宗教についての記事を読んだ。この記事はイエズス会の天文学者Guy Consolmagnoを取り上げたものだ。この記事の結論で注目したのはこれ:
Consolmagno has little patience for intelligent design. “Science cannot prove God, or disprove Him. He has to be assumed. If people have no other reason to believe in God than that they can't imagine how the human eye could have evolved by itself, then their faith is very weak.” Rather than seeking affirmation of his own faith in the heavens, he explains that religion is what gives him the courage and desire to be a scientist. “Seeing the universe as God's creation means that getting to play in the universe - which is really what a scientist does -- is a way of playing with the Creator,” he says. “It's a religious act. And it's a very joyous act.”

Consolmagnoにはインテリジェントデザインに対する寛容さはほとんどない。「科学は神を証明も否定もできない。神は仮定されなければならないものだ。人々が、人間の眼が進化した方法を思いつかない以外に神を信じる理由を持たないのであれば、彼らの信仰は非常に弱いものだ。」 彼自身の信仰を天上で確認を求めるよりも、彼は宗教が科学者であること勇気づけ、科学者でありたいと思わせるものだと説明した。「宇宙を神の被造物として見ることは、宇宙で遊ぶことを意味する。それはまさに科学者のしていることで、創造主と遊ぶ方法だ。それは宗教行為だ。そしてとても楽しい」と彼は言う。
And if people have no other reason for doing science than the dubious belief that they are playing with God then their commitment to rational inquiry is very weak.


Consolmagno is welcome to assume whatever he wishes, of course. Why, though, this admiration for a strong faith, based on an evidence-free assumption that God exists, as contrasted with a weak faith, based on a rational contemplation of the world? Does that not seem backward to you?

もちろん、Consolmagnoは望むものを仮定してよい。しかし、神が存在するという証拠なき仮定に基づく、強い信仰への賞賛と、世界への合理的な観察に基づく弱い信仰を対比するのか? それは自分にもどっているようだが。

I do not think most ID folks believe in God solely because of the complexity of the eye. Rather, it is that a contemplation of nature reinforces a belief in God already held for other reasons. They are taking seriously Romans 1:20:

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. (NIV)

It is all well and good to say that science can not prove God, but Romans is telling us that contemplating nature makes His existence so obvious that men are without excuse for non-belief.


The reality, though, is that nature puts up one roadblack after another to faith. Christianity tells us that humans are the primary reason for the Creation, but evolution tells us we are just an afterthought of an evolutionary process that did not have us in mind. Christianity tells us that God's nature is one of love and justice, but science tells us that we are the result of billions of years of savage and wasteful evolution by bloodsport.


A lot of clever people with advanced degrees in philosophy and theology, writing at book length, have devised ingenious arguments for why these seeming contradictions may not be fatal to Christianity. The fact remains that having to work so hard just to establish that Christianity is still possible is a far cry from leaving men without excuse.


[Jason Rosenhouse: "Do ID Folks Suffer From Weak Faith?" (2009/10/05) on Evolution Blog]
インテリジェントデザイン支持者の立場はDr. Jason Rosenhouseの指摘するとおりで、眼の複雑さや細菌の鞭毛は信仰強化のネタであっても、中核ではない。また、確かにインテリジェントデザインの父たる法学者Phillip E. Johnsonはローマ人への手紙1章20節をまじめに語っている:
Because in our universal experience unintelligent material processes do not create life, Christian theists know that Romans 1:20 is also true: “Ever since the creation of the world [God’s] eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things that are made.” In other words, there is absolutely no mystery about why living organisms appear to be the products of intelligent creation, and why scientific naturalists have to work so hard to keep themselves from perceiving the obvious. The reason living things give that appearance is that they actually are what they appear to be, and this fact is evident to all who do not cloud their minds with naturalistic philosophy or some comparable drug. The rest of the passage (Romans 1:20-23) is also true: “So they are without excuse; for though they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools; and they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling a mortal human being or birds or four-footed animals or reptiles.” What these words plainly mean is that those who turn away from God and toward naturalistic philosophy give up their minds in the process and end up endorsing sophisticated nonsense and nature worship. (p.108)


[Phillip E. Johnson: "Reason in the Balance"]
インテリジェントデザインがキリスト教信仰であることを、ことあるごとに述べているインテリジェントデザインの父としては普通の記述である。そしてGuy Consolmagnoは、このようなインテリジェントデザインや創造論を「自然現象の原因たる"自然神"」という異教だというポジションをとっている。

しかし、その後、キリスト教信仰と科学を調停しようとするGuy Consolmagnoの主張は「哲学と信仰の上級の学位を持つ賢明な多くの人々が、長い本を書いて、矛盾に見えるこれらがキリスト教にとって致命的ではない理由について独創的な論」というDr. Jason Rosenhouseの指摘するものに該当することも、また正しいだろう。

posted by Kumicit at 2009/10/09 08:24 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Vatican | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




==>忘却からの帰還: "ワクチン否定論メモ: 予防接種と麻酔に抵抗したキリスト教" (2009/02/06)
But in 1885 a record was made by their theology. In that year the smallpox broke out with great virulence in Montreal. The Protestant population escaped almost entirely by vaccination; but multitudes of their Catholic fellow-citizens, under some vague survival of the old orthodox ideas, refused vaccination; and suffered fearfully. When at last the plague became so serious that travel and trade fell off greatly and quarantine began to be established in neighbouring cities, an effort was made to enforce compulsory vaccination. The result was, that large numbers of the Catholic working population resisted and even threatened bloodshed. The clergy at first tolerated and even encouraged this conduct: the Abbe Filiatrault, priest of St. James's Church, declared in a sermon that, "if we are afflicted with smallpox, it is because we had a carnival last winter, feasting the flesh, which has offended the Lord; it is to punish our pride that God has sent us smallpox." The clerical press went further: the _Etendard_ exhorted the faithful to take up arms rather than submit to vaccination, and at least one of the secular papers was forced to pander to the same sentiment. The Board of Health struggled against this superstition, and addressed a circular to the Catholic clergy, imploring them to recommend vaccination; but, though two or three complied with this request, the great majority were either silent or openly hostile. The Oblate Fathers, whose church was situated in the very heart of the infected district, continued to denounce vaccination; the faithful were exhorted to rely on devotional exercises of various sorts; under the sanction of the hierarchy a great procession was ordered with a solemn appeal to the Virgin, and the use of the rosary was carefully specified.

Meantime, the disease, which had nearly died out among the Protestants, raged with ever-increasing virulence among the Catholics; and, the truth becoming more and more clear, even to the most devout, proper measures were at last enforced and the plague was stayed, though not until there had been a fearful waste of life among these simple-hearted believers, and germs of scepticism planted in the hearts of their children which will bear fruit for generations to come.[[61]]

しかし、1885年には神学が勝った。その年、モントリオールで天然痘が大流行した。プロテスタントの人々はほぼ全員が予防接種をして、難を逃れた。しかし、カトリックに従う人々は古い漠然とした正統的な考えが残っていて、予防接種を拒否した。そして恐れ苦しんだ。遂には旅行と交易が激減するところまで疫病が重大な状況となり、近隣都市で隔離が確立され始め、強制的な予防接種が実行されようとした。これに対して、多数のカトリックの人々が抵抗し、流血沙汰で脅かした。この行いを、聖職者たちは大目に見ていて、奨励さえした。St. James's Churchの聖職者bbe Filiatraultは説教で「我々が天然痘に罹るのは、昨冬に我々がカーニバルをして、肉をふるまって、我らが主を怒らせたからだ。我々の奢りを罰するために、神は天然痘を送ったのだ」と述べた。聖職者の出版物はもっとすごかった。"Etendard"は忠実な信者たちに、予防接種よりも武器をとることを奨めた。そして、少なくとも一つの世俗新聞がこれに同調するように強要された。医療委員会はこの迷信と戦い、予防接種を推奨することを要請する回覧をカトリックの聖職者に送った。数名が要請に応じたが、大多数は沈黙するか、公然と敵対した。感染地域の中心部に教会があった修道神父たちは、予防接種を非難し続けた。忠実な信者たちは様々な信仰療法を奨められた。権威者から聖母マリアに訴える行列祈祷が命じられ、ロザリオの使用方法が慎重に指示された。


[Andrew Dickson White [1832-1928]: "A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom"(1896) -- Chapter XIII From Miracles to Medicine -- X Theological Opposition to Inoculation, Vaccination, and the use of Anaesthetics (予防接種と麻酔の使用に対する神学上の反対論)]


In the speech, the pope made a diagnosis: condoms increase sexual immorality, and sexual immorality increases the spread of AIDS. The logical treatment for sexual immorality is Christian marriage, fidelity and chastity. Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan, president of the Vatican’s Council for Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers, had reached a similar conclusion in his Message for World AIDS Day (Dec. 1, 2003): “We have to present this [lifestyles emphasizing marriage, fidelity, and chastity] as the main way for the effective prevention of infection and spread of HIV/AIDS, since the phenomenon of AIDS is a pathology of the spirit.”

その演説で、教皇は次のような判断を示した。すなわち、コンドームは性的不道徳を増やし、性的不道徳はAIDSの拡大を加速する。そして、性的不道徳に対する論理的な治療法はキリスト教の結婚と貞節である、と。Vaticanの Council for Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workersの議長であるJavier Lozano Barragan枢機卿は、2003年12月1日のWorld AIDS Dayのメッセージで、「AIDSは精神の病理なので、HIV/AIDSの感染拡大の有効な防止策はこれ[結婚と貞節を強調したライフスタイル]であることを示さなければならない」という結論に到達している。

[Marcella Alsan: Catholic Church condom prohibition comes face to face with reality of AIDS in Africa" (2006/04/24) on Commonweal Magazine: A Review of Religion, Politics and Culture]
The typical patient is a young woman between 18 and 30 years of age. She is wheeled into the examining room in a hospital chair or dragged in, supported by her sister, aunt, or brother. She is frequently delirious; her face is gaunt; her limbs look like desiccated twigs. Surprisingly, the young woman is already a mother many times over, yet she will not live to see her children grow up. More shocking still, she is married; her husband infected her with the deadly virus.


[Marcella Alsan: Catholic Church condom prohibition comes face to face with reality of AIDS in Africa" (2006/04/24) on Commonweal Magazine: A Review of Religion, Politics and Culture]

"Condoms are not sure because I know that there are two countries in Europe, they are making condoms with the virus on purpose," he alleged, refusing to name the countries.


"They want to finish with the African people. This is the programme. They want to colonise until up to now. If we are not careful we will finish in one century's time."

[Shock at archbishop condom claim (2007/09/26) on BBC]

posted by Kumicit at 2009/05/20 00:55 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(1) | Vatican | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



Catholic News ServiceがヴァチカンのRaniero Cantalamessa神父の発言として、あらためて教皇庁がインテリジェントデザインを科学ではないとみなしていることを報道した:
Capuchin Father Raniero Cantalamessa, offering a Lenten meditation to Pope Benedict XVI and top Vatican officials March 13, said the controversy that has arisen between scientists supporting evolution and religious believers promoting creationism or intelligent design is due mainly to a confusion between scientific theory and the truths of faith.


The arguments, Father Cantalamessa said, are due to the fact that, "in my opinion, there is not a clear enough distinction between intelligent design as a scientific theory and intelligent design as a truth of faith."

While science and evolution can explain part of the history of creation and how life exists, they cannot explain why, he said.

"Even those who eliminate the idea of God from the horizon don't eliminate the mystery," the preacher said.

"We know everything about the world, except how it started. The believer is convinced that the Bible furnishes precisely this missing first page. There, as on the title page of every book, is the name of the author and the title of the work," he said.

2009年3月13日に教皇ベネディクト16世とヴァチカン上層部に対して、四旬節の黙想会を行う、カプチン修道会士Raniero Cantalamessa神父は次のように述べた。「科学者が支持する進化論と、宗教信者が推進する創造論やインテリジェントデザインの論争は、主として科学理論と信仰の真理を混同することによって起きている。私の意見では、科学理論としてのインテリジェントデザインと信仰の真理としてのインテリジェントデザインを明確に区別できていないことによる論争である。


[Cindy Wooden: "Papal preacher says intelligent design is truth of faith, not science" (2009/03/13) on Catholic News Service]
Father Cantalamessa's Lenten reflection focused on a verse from St. Paul's Letter to the Romans: "All creation is groaning in labor pains even until now."

The text, he said, is an indication that St. Paul believes that the entire cosmos -- not just humanity -- is waiting to be saved and restored to its original beauty by Christ.

The suffering of the cosmos "is not closed and definitive. There is hope for creation, not because creation is able to hope subjectively, but because God has a redemption in mind for it."



Christians contribute to keeping hope alive by respecting and defending nature, he said.

"For the Christian believer, environmentalism is not only a practical necessity for survival or a problem that is only political or economic; it has a theological foundation. Creation is the work of the Holy Spirit," he said.

Christians have an obligation to recognize that the moans of creation described by St. Paul "today are mixed with the cry of agony and death" because of "human sin and selfishness," he said.


[Cindy Wooden: "Papal preacher says intelligent design is truth of faith, not science" (2009/03/13) on Catholic News Service]

posted by Kumicit at 2009/03/19 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Vatican | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


William Levada枢機卿曰く「ヴァチカンは科学の障害物ではない」

The Associated Press配信ニュースによれば、インテリジェトデザイン支持者と無神論者を呼ばない、ヴァチカン主催のチャールズ・ダーウィン生誕200年と"種の起源"出版150周年を記念する会議が2009年3月3日から5日間の予定で開かれた。
ROME (AP) — The Vatican sought Tuesday to show that it isn't opposed to science and evolutionary theory, hosting a conference on Charles Darwin and trying to debunk the idea that it embraces creationism or intelligent design.

Some of the world's top biologists, paleontologists and molecular geneticists joined theologians and philosophers for the five-day seminar marking the 150th anniversary of Darwin's "The Origin of Species."


[NICOLE WINFIELD: "Cardinal says atheist's theories absurd" (2009/03/03) by The Associated Press hosted on Google]
そこで、進化論に関して、ヴァチカン教理省の長であるWilliam Levada枢機卿は次のように述べた:
Cardinal William Levada, head of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said the Catholic Church doesn't stand in the way of scientific realities like evolution, saying there was a "wide spectrum of room" for belief in both the scientific basis for evolution and faith in God the creator.

"We believe that however creation has come about and evolved, ultimately God is the creator of all things," he said on the sidelines of the conference.

ヴァチカン教理省の長であるWilliam Levada枢機卿は「カトリック教会は進化論のような科学的リアリティの妨害をしない。進化論の科学的基礎と創造主たる神への信仰の両方に広い範囲の余地がある・我々は創造が起きて、進化したが、神は究極的にはすべての創造主であると考えている」と述べた。

But while the Vatican did not exclude any area of science, it did reject as "absurd" the atheist notion of biologist and author Richard Dawkins and others that evolution proves there is no God, he said.

"Of course we think that's absurd and not at all proven," he said. "But other than that ... the Vatican has recognized that it doesn't stand in the way of scientific realities."

「ヴァチカンはいかなる科学分野も除外しないが、生物学者で著述家であるRichard Dawkinsなどの進化論が神の不在を証明するという無神論者の主張を不合理として拒否する。もちろん、我々はそれを不合理であり、まったく証明されていないと考えている。しかし、それ以外については、ヴァチカンは科学的リアリティの妨害していないと考えている。」とWilliam Levada枢機卿は述べた。

[NICOLE WINFIELD: "Cardinal says atheist's theories absurd" (2009/03/03) by The Associated Press hosted on Google]

posted by Kumicit at 2009/03/05 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Vatican | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする