しかし、このメッセージを、英国の大衆紙DailyMailが2007年12月13日最終更新の「The Pope condemns the climate change prophets of doom(教皇は気候変動運命予言者を批判する)」という記事で取り上げ、教皇が温暖化否定論サイドについたように報道した。
Pope Benedict XVI has launched a surprise attack on climate change prophets of doom, warning them that any solutions to global warming must be based on firm evidence and not on dubious ideology.これに対して、ブログ「No More Mister」がこれの報道が嘘つきであることを指摘した。この指摘してがって見ていくと、まずメッセージ本文。
The leader of more than a billion Roman Catholics suggested that fears over man-made emissions melting the ice caps and causing a wave of unprecedented disasters were nothing more than scare-mongering.
The German-born Pontiff said that while some concerns may be valid it was vital that the international community based its policies on science rather than the dogma of the environmentalist movement.
His remarks will be made in his annual message for World Peace Day on January 1, but they were released as delegates from all over the world convened on the Indonesian holiday island of Bali for UN climate change talks.
His remarks reveal that while the Pope acknowledges that problems may be associated with unbridled development and climate change, he believes the case against global warming to be over-hyped.
この教皇のメッセージのVaticanによる英訳版の該当部分にそのような記述はない。そもそもインドネシアでの国連が主催する気候変動会議にも触れていないと指摘。実際に該当部分を見ると(DailyMailによる引用部分を強調表示 by Kuicit):
MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESSここには、DailyMailが報道したような内容は見られない。「環境への配慮は、物質や動物が人間より重要だとは意味しません。」だけを引いて「自然からの利益を得て、我々が自らに対して主張するのと同じ責任ある自由を自然に対して示す権利を将来の世代が持っていることに対して、自然を我々自身の都合でなんとでもできると利己的に考えることを意味しません」を落とすことで、温暖化否定論的な言いまわして見せている。さらに「すべての人々が受け取るべき創造の産物から除外された貧しき者たちを見過ごしてはなりません」という貧困者・貧困国への配慮という主張も落とされている。
1 JANUARY 2008
The family, the human community and the environment
7. The family needs a home, a fit environment in which to develop its proper relationships. For the human family, this home is the earth, the environment that God the Creator has given us to inhabit with creativity and responsibility. We need to care for the environment: it has been entrusted to men and women to be protected and cultivated with responsible freedom, with the good of all as a constant guiding criterion. Human beings, obviously, are of supreme worth vis-à-vis creation as a whole. Respecting the environment does not mean considering material or animal nature more important than man. Rather, it means not selfishly considering nature to be at the complete disposal of our own interests, for future generations also have the right to reap its benefits and to exhibit towards nature the same responsible freedom that we claim for ourselves. Nor must we overlook the poor, who are excluded in many cases from the goods of creation destined for all. Humanity today is rightly concerned about the ecological balance of tomorrow. It is important for assessments in this regard to be carried out prudently, in dialogue with experts and people of wisdom, uninhibited by ideological pressure to draw hasty conclusions, and above all with the aim of reaching agreement on a model of sustainable development capable of ensuring the well-being of all while respecting environmental balances. If the protection of the environment involves costs, they should be justly distributed, taking due account of the different levels of development of various countries and the need for solidarity with future generations. Prudence does not mean failing to accept responsibilities and postponing decisions; it means being committed to making joint decisions after pondering responsibly the road to be taken, decisions aimed at strengthening that covenant between human beings and the environment, which should mirror the creative love of God, from whom we come and towards whom we are journeying.
8. In this regard, it is essential to “sense” that the earth is “our common home” and, in our stewardship and service to all, to choose the path of dialogue rather than the path of unilateral decisions. Further international agencies may need to be established in order to confront together the stewardship of this “home” of ours; more important, however, is the need for ever greater conviction about the need for responsible cooperation. The problems looming on the horizon are complex and time is short. In order to face this situation effectively, there is a need to act in harmony. One area where there is a particular need to intensify dialogue between nations is that of the stewardship of the earth's energy resources. The technologically advanced countries are facing two pressing needs in this regard: on the one hand, to reassess the high levels of consumption due to the present model of development, and on the other hand to invest sufficient resources in the search for alternative sources of energy and for greater energy efficiency. The emerging counties are hungry for energy, but at times this hunger is met in a way harmful to poor countries which, due to their insufficient infrastructures, including their technological infrastructures, are forced to undersell the energy resources they do possess. At times, their very political freedom is compromised by forms of protectorate or, in any case, by forms of conditioning which appear clearly humiliating.
To all my best wishes for a joyful New Year!
From the Vatican, 8 December 2007
The Pope is expected to use his first address to the United Nations to deliver a powerful warning over climate change in a move to adopt protection of the environment as a "moral" cause for the Catholic Church and its billion-strong followingソースが"senior diplomatic sources"と弱いIndependent紙の報道だが、公表された教皇の2008年新年のメッセージと合致している。
The New York speech is likely to contain an appeal for sustainable development, and it will follow an unprecedented Encyclical (a message to the wider church) on the subject, senior diplomatic sources have told The Independent.
It will act as the centrepiece of a US visit scheduled for next April -- the first by Benedict XVI, and the first Papal visit since 1999 -- and round off an environmental blitz at the Vatican, in which the Pope has personally led moves to emphasise green issues based on the belief that climate change is affecting the poorest people on the planet, and the principle that believers have a duty to "protect creation".
[Pope to make climate action a moral obligation
(2007/09/22) on Independent
Pope urges prudence in environmental decisionsまたAFPの報道でも同様に:
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - International decisions on the impact of environmental change should be made prudently, avoiding hasty conclusions, ideological pressures and unilateral stands, Pope Benedict said in a peace message on Tuesday.
The environment took up much of the message and although its release coincided with the U.N. climate talks in Bali, aimed at launching talks on a global pact to succeed the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, the Pope did not mention them.
"Humanity today is rightly concerned about the ecological balance of tomorrow," he said. But environmental assessments must be "carried out prudently" and "uninhibited by ideological pressure to draw hasty conclusions."
Efforts to protect the environment should seek "agreement on a model of sustainable development capable of ensuring the well-being of all while respecting environmental balances."
"Prudence does not mean failing to accept responsibilities and postponing decisions," but a commitment to making joint rather than unilateral decisions, he added.
[Philip Pullella: "Pope urges prudence in environmental decisions" (2007/12/11) on Reuters]
Environmental policies must respect needs of the poor: pope
VATICAN CITY (AFP) — Pope Benedict XVI on Tuesday called for environmental policies to take account of the needs of poorer countries, as the UN-sponsored global climate change conference continued in Indonesia.
"Respecting the environment does not mean considering material or animal nature more important than man," said the pope in his message.
"Rather, it means not selfishly considering nature to be at the complete disposal of our own interests, for future generations also have the right to reap its benefits and to exhibit towards nature the same responsible freedom that we claim for ourselves.
"If the protection of the environment involves costs, they should be justly distributed, taking due account of the different levels of development of various countries and the need for solidarity with future generations," he added.
[Environmental policies must respect needs of the poor: pope]
Pope Benedict XVI has sacked his chief astronomer after a series of public clashes over the theory of evolution.バチカン観測所長Coyne神父の退任について、「進化論関連発言に起因する解任」をバチカンは否定している:
He has removed Father George Coyne from his position as director of the Vatican Observatory after the American Jesuit priest repeatedly contradicted the Holy See's endorsement of "intelligent design" theory, which essentially backs the "Adam and Eve" theory of creation.
教皇は、アダムとイブの創造理論を背景とするインテリジェントデザイン理論をバチカン使徒座が推奨することに対立していたGeorge Coyne神父をバチカン観測所長から解任した。
Benedict favours intelligent design, which says God directs the process of evolution, over Charles Darwin’s original theory which holds that species evolve through the random, unplanned processes of genetic mutation and the survival of the fittest.
[Pope sacks astronomer over evolution debate (2006/08/23) on DailyMail]
- アリゾナ州のローカル新聞はCoyne解任説を否定する記事を掲載 (2006/08/31)
- Observatory exit not about evolution (2006/08/29) on arizona daily star
- バチカン観測所新所長Funes神父の発言は.. (2006/08/28)
- Pope appoints Argentine Jesuit to head Vatican Observatory (2006/08/21) on Catholic News Service
- 教皇ベネディクト16世は進化論についてのポジションを変更せず (2007/07/28)
- Pope: Creation vs. evolution clash an ‘absurdity’ (2007/07/25) on MSNBC